Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1297 Death and Vengeance

Chapter 1297 Death and Revenge ([-])
William Pitt was not a prophet, so it is impossible for him to know things like the Industrial Revolution, nor did he know the fundamental force behind Britain's explosive growth around 1790, which widened the gap between countries in the world.

But after all, he is a man with a strategic vision, has a keen sense of strategy, and believes that the future of Britain is in commerce and trade, and understands the logic of the colonial economy very well.

Although in fact he made a wrong bet, or because of reality and traditional cognition, he still bet the future on sugar, tobacco, and cod in Newfoundland-taking history as a mirror to the extent of seeking swords, he naturally knows that cod, sugar, tobacco , is the engine of European economic and trade in the past hundred years.

The purpose of taking history as a mirror is to know the ups and downs and the ups and downs of Ming Dynasty.

Pitt and the Whigs are different from the Tories. Britain is a country that pays a lot of attention to tradition, but the tradition itself can be faked and claimed to be traditional.

Both the Whigs and the Tories, with their definition of "tradition", are busy arguing whether tradition is a monarchy or a parliamentary system.

Form such an endless loop:

Because of our traditions - we are strong now - and if we want to stay strong - we must continue to strengthen our traditions.

In the end, this issue can only evolve into a dispute over what "tradition" is.

Because of this endless cycle, whoever is the winner can define the tradition; rather than whoever really follows the tradition wins.

The Tories say that tradition is the monarchy, and give examples of A, B, C, D; the Whigs say that tradition is the Cabinet and Liberty, and give examples.

Pete does not respect this self-defining tradition. If he respected the tradition, he would not be able to gain prestige by engaging in the opposition under the banner of a "big commoner".

From history, Pete saw clearly the real reason why Britain has developed in recent years, and broke down the common anxiety in the UK that they don't know why they have developed.

It’s just that he was not a prophet, so he couldn’t predict the industrial revolution, but he proposed a global colonial strategy based on his understanding and summary of history books and a keen talent, which provided the basis for the outbreak of the British textile industry revolution in the future.

What is the development of the British textile industry based on?
Is it traditional?
Is it national?
Is it free trade?

These things, which are loudest in London at this time, are only an answer to explain the status quo.

In fact, the context is very clear.

In 1647, the Eighty Years' War ended and Spain lifted the trade embargo against the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is located at the mouth of the Rhine River, with the Baltic Sea in the north, France in the south, and the canal waterway along the Rhine River inward.

What kind of geographical location can rival such a geographical advantage as the mouth of a big river?

In 1651, Cromwell, the sole proprietor, found that Britain could not bear this kind of free trade, so he issued the "Navigation Regulations".

In 1654, the Lord Protector, who was frantically building ships, beat the Netherlands violently. If free trade could not be fought, then it would be resolved by force, and the Netherlands was defeated.

In 1666, the Burial Act was introduced.After death, they must be buried in woolen cloth. Anyone who is not buried in woolen cloth will be fined 15 taels of silver, and the woolen cloth must be produced in the country.This act lasted until 1814, and became an important part of the study of British families and genealogy from 1666 to 1814, because everyone must be registered with the sheriff after death, and later generations forged genealogy. Take a look at the original register, He can't even afford a woolen "shroud" and is registered as "NAKED". Obviously, he is not a gentleman.

There is one thing to say, the previous feudal dynasties in Dashun are indeed not fun, but they are not so outrageous that they have to rigidly stipulate where they must buy coffin boards after they die.

Except for the idealized "Guanzi" which has this kind of thinking and clear methods, the rest are rare, and indeed they are rarely practiced.

In 1699, the "Irish Wool Act" was promulgated, and Ireland banned the export of woolen cloth, and all woolen products were provided by England, which led to the "non-violent non-cooperation" movement with Irish characteristics. The Irish refused to wear woolen cloth and chose to wear linen.

In 1701, Oriental cotton cloth was dumped by the East India Company to the United Kingdom. The textile industry, wool merchants, and enclosure aristocrats who raised sheep in enclosures were very dissatisfied. A resistance movement broke out and a movement to burn Oriental cotton cloth. The first cotton cloth prohibition order introduced.

In 1721, it was issued for the second time.

In 1725, the cotton textile industry in Lancashire began to develop, but due to insufficient technology, the cotton yarn spun could only be used as warp, not weft.

This is the beginning of the cotton textile industry in Western Europe. Why did it appear in Lancashire?Because...the climate in Lancashire is relatively humid, so the cotton yarn woven is not easy to break. France, who wants to learn this, can't do it anyway, because the climate in France is drier than that in Lancashire.

In 1733, the cotton textile industry in Lancashire and other places developed to a certain extent, but it was still unable to compete with oriental cotton cloth.Therefore, the "Manchester Act" was introduced: the particularity of English vocabulary, pure cotton cloth is calicoes, which is non-traditional; the cloth of Manchester and Lancashire is fustian, which is traditional.This is also the reason why Liu Yu can smuggle low-end blended fabrics for export. The regular Songjiang fabrics are calicoes, and the export fabrics he kneads with wool, linen, etc. are fustian.

So far, relying on the "Navigation Regulations", "Cotton Cloth Ban", "Shroud Cloth Act", etc., a set of laws from birth to death have developed the country's textile industry.

And relying on the colonies-mainly North America, North America can be regarded as a piece of sail can not go to sea, can not buy fabrics from the Netherlands and France, but can only buy low-quality fabrics produced in the UK, thus ensuring the development of the British textile industry.

Here I have to explain again: the Jenny Machine Dashun can’t be used, it can only be used as a warp thread, and the cloth made of yarn spun by this thing can’t be sold in Dashun, and Songjiang cloth is not used, only Caozhou The farmhouse cloth in Qufu and other places can beat this thing out of shit, no matter it is price or quality.

In 1773, after the Boston Tea Party, North America was also a "non-violent non-cooperation" movement at the beginning, refusing to wear cloth shipped from England, and encouraging women to spin and weave cloth by themselves with spinning wheels.

In 1779, the mule machine, or mule machine, appeared. For the first time, the "quality" of British cloth was equal to that of India, but not as good as that of China.

In terms of production efficiency, it has already surpassed China and India.However, because of the price problem, the price is still not competitive.

Subsequently, Britain and the United States went to war, and Britain could not obtain cotton and indigo from the Americas, so it invested heavily in India to grow cotton and indigo.At the same time, the military and tariff control will be used to destroy India's handicraft industry.

By 1826, some British people had understood what a colonial market was.

[Without the rule of force of the East India Company, the factories in Manchester would have stopped in the first place, and would have been impossible to start again, even with the power of steam. 】

[All this was created at the expense of Indian manufacturing.Had India become independent, she could have retaliated by imposing high tariffs on British goods, thereby protecting her own productive industries from destruction. 】

[However, in reality, this kind of self-defense behavior is not allowed. 】

Therefore, at this time, within Dashun, such as Liu Yu and others, the evaluation of William Pitt is not very high.

Because William Pitt's policy, judging from the results of later generations, has indeed created the prosperity of Britain.But this is "inadvertently inserting willows and willows into shades". Pete himself does not attach importance to India, but still bets the future on the "cod, sugar, and tobacco" of past experience.

His unintentional move enabled the British textile industry to have a vast India controlled by the East India Company in pursuit of "land tax" when the British textile industry was developing rapidly; Get raw materials.

And William Pitt himself still believed at this time that the Caribbean is the pearl, and North America is the pearl.

In fact, the real opportunity lies in India.

In other words, the real reason for the rise of Britain is the Industrial Revolution.

But William Pitt did not have any awareness of the trend of the Industrial Revolution.However, some of his strategic ideas objectively provided a good condition for the outbreak of the industrial revolution, which he himself did not realize.

In addition, Liu Yu did not think highly of William Pitt for one reason, but the other was not so good.

Another reason is that Liu Yu believes that William Pitt is not much different from those Showa staff officers of later generations, or in other words, this is just a Showa staff officer who temporarily won a tactical bet.

There is no real strategic pattern in my mind at all, and I am unaware of the fundamental fact that "warning is actually an economic issue".It's a bit like the kind of drawing on a world map without thinking about how much the lines will cost, where the money will come from, who collects taxes, and so on.

Moreover, when thinking about problems, it is too wishful thinking. The way of thinking always thinks what the other party should do, but does not consider what will happen if the other party does not accept or do not do so.

If Pete is not at the strategic level of the Showa staff, it may be that he started from the opposition, so that he habitually opposes for the sake of opposition.

Even in Liu Yu's view, if it weren't for the unintentional India, Pete would really be a Showa staff officer whose temporary tactical victory eventually led to the disintegration of the empire, but the unintentional India and the subsequent British Industrial Revolution added too much to him. Just too many points.

Similar to the group of staff who went crazy after July [-]th and continued to expand their aggression, they found a cross-age black technology in the green gauze tent in the rural areas of North China, which directly opened up the generation gap with the rest of the world.How to evaluate afterwards, could it be said that those brainless loners are masters of strategy?

Therefore, in Liu Yu's view, Pete's level is really average.

However, it is precisely because Peter understands colonization and aggression, and understands the wealth of Britain through the history of Britain over the past hundred years.

He broke the anxiety of being rich without knowing why.

He also dismantled the sacred superstition of tradition and the trust in bullshit.

That's why he formulated the "global strategy" to use the fleet to destroy the trade between France and Spain, so that the United Kingdom can expand the scope of the "Navigation Regulations", which can only allow the United Kingdom to earn profits from trade and second-hand dealers.

It was also because he vaguely knew the essential reasons for the development of Britain, so he was terrified and uneasy about what Dashun wanted in this war.

If Dashun really wants to trade.

Then, the British textile industry is over; the British financial industry is also over. The geographical location of the UK is not as good as that of the Netherlands, which is at the mouth of the Rhine River...

In other words, what he is familiar with and has found the essence of, the magic weapon of trade protectionism and colonialism, the two primitive accumulations that Britain has relied on for more than a hundred years of development, is over.And these two magic weapons are the source of the strength of Britain that he knows after getting rid of those anxieties.

(End of this chapter)

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