Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1215 Thoughts of Luntai

Chapter 1215 Thoughts of Luntai ([-])
The emperor knew that Liu Yu could understand what he was saying.

In fact, it can be regarded as the emperor's response to the sorrow of the universe and the sigh of reincarnation that Liu Yu cried back then.

Or maybe it's just a lament that people can't rejuvenate their youth after old age.

Even if these things are to be done, it will have to wait for the Indian affairs to be resolved, and the two key railways will be repaired.

And at that time, how many years do you have left?
In addition, it is more like wanting to tell Liu Yu that I am actually a good emperor and want to do some big things.Although when the emperor is lonely, sometimes he is emotional and hopes to get some recognition and understanding for a while, but just listen to it.

Liu Yu answered very lightly, only talking about the difference between the world and China.But for traditional dynasties, it should be understood that without China, there would be no concept of Tianxia.

Besides, Liu Yu can be very sure that the emperor will not be so "romantic" soon.

Because Liu Yu has already relied on smuggling and the upcoming war against Britain, which has pushed Britain to a desperate situation.

A "rebellion" war in North America will break out soon. At that time, I am afraid that the emperor will have to re-examine those immigration areas that have almost no economic connection with the Central Plains and rely entirely on their own countries to squeeze their finances.

From the emperor's point of view, it can be regarded as a kind of wedding clothes for others.

Of course, from the perspective of the emperor in the cultural circle, it is another matter.But as an emperor, can he really consider issues from the perspective of the emperor in the cultural circle, or the blood-related nation instead of the nation?

Seeing that Liu Yu didn't clearly support or oppose it, the emperor who was a little old, also completely lost the enthusiasm that he believed he was right when he was young and insisted on not moving. For a while, the emperor felt a little indescribable.

After a long time, he said: "In the past, I thought that after conquest of Rakshasa, restoration of the Western Regions, abolition of the canal, reform of the salt administration, reform of Songsu, going to Nanyang, and opening up trade, the world will be peaceful now."

"However, what I didn't expect is that there are more and more new things. Railways, iron cattle, and saltpeter can turn the fields into high-quality fertilizers, the development of Kanto, the wealth of India, and domestic mergers..."

"One by one, one by one, more and more, how can it be so easy to achieve peace in the world, and the prosperity will last forever?"

"I'm old, and Ai Qing is no longer young. I always feel that these things can be solved, but things have to be done step by step. If you do it quickly, it will inevitably be the end of Emperor Sui Yang; but if you do it Slow down, one thing is solved, but three or four new things are added."

"Which one is unprecedented; and which one is related to the country. It's just that time is not waiting for me."

"Now I really want to have a mountain of gold and silver. I can't use it up or dig it out. It's not that I haven't thought about the Yellow River issue."

"Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the simplest thing. Even if I want to emigrate and cultivate, who will pay the rent and debts owed by the tenants?"

"Aiqing is in Songsu. It's okay to go to the factory to repay the debts; or to contract long-term workers to repay the debts."

"But if you want to immigrate now, you have to emigrate to a place where you can't make a profit. If it is like Fusang, tens of thousands of miles away, even if I say that they will pay the grain and pay off the debt in the future, do we have to pull the grain back from there and return it to the landlord?"

"If the imperial court is asked to repay the debts of those tenants, or to buy the land - Ruoyan Xizhai and Li Gangzhu's idea, how can the imperial court redeem a place where the Yellow River may flood?"

"If such a huge project is to be done, I'm afraid it will cost [-] billion taels. Moreover, the relocation of the people who migrate will cost a lot of money. If there are millions of people, the court must use some means if it is to be done. Otherwise, how will it be done? to make?"

Liu Yu heard this, the more he heard it, the more it felt wrong.

My heart skipped a beat, and I thought you were thinking, after the railway in the Central Plains is repaired... You can't fucking worry that the prince can't handle the chaos, decide to settle this matter before he dies, and ask someone to blow up the Yellow River embankment secretly, right?

The word means may be similar to the means of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.It is also possible that they are some means that are completely useless.

I am afraid that such a thing as blowing up the Yellow River embankment is really possible.

In particular, the canal has been abandoned, and the foundation for all rice to be transported by sea has been laid.The emperor also felt that the crown prince was not capable enough, and was worried that the crown prince would encounter this kind of thing just after he succeeded to the throne, and he would not understand how to deal with it. Before he died, he decided to solve the matter by himself, which is not impossible.

Otherwise, if the meaning is another method...not to mention whether it can be done, but anyone who dares to do it, Liu Yu will really look at it differently.

Thinking of this, Liu Yu hurriedly said: "I think that at this time, there is an urgent solution, and there is a slow solution. As long as we continue to expand externally, increase fiscal revenue, build more our best and obey the destiny, then things may not be impossible. "

"Only talking about the Yellow River, you can emigrate outside the customs. As long as you continue to expand externally and obtain income, based on the income, develop the railway. It will take 20 years to do it slowly, and the court will not be unable to bear it."

"If there is a railway that starts from the capital, passes through Shenyang, and leads to the Songliao watershed. In 20 years, the Yellow River problem will be solved slowly. First, it will stick to the blockage, second, it will migrate in batches, and third, it will migrate to the north of Songliao. Still taxable and profitable.”

"In this way, counting the money for the construction of the railway, if the period is 20 years or 25 years, it will be about 1000 million taels a year."

"If we can continue to expand abroad and collect an extra 1000 million taels a year, I think it will be no difficulty."

"And for the 1000 million taels, the price can be regarded as unchanged in places where the sea and railways are smooth."

"In the Yellow River area, the policy of redemption is feasible-the money owed by the migrating people, after the imperial court strictly investigates, according to the "Da Shun Law" The highest interest rate is twice the income, and the imperial court guarantees that they will be in the new Cultivate and redeem land..."

As long as Dashun is still a dynasty, it is unlikely to go through too radical methods.Since overly radical means cannot be used, we can only hope and expand abroad, relying on excess profits and using enough money to solve this problem.

After Liu Yu talked about human affairs and obeyed the destiny, the emperor asked: "How long will it take to meet with the Privy Council, India and Europe?"

"If I want to earn another 2000 million taels a year, how long will it take? How long will it take for the additional 1000 million taels you mentioned?"

"As you said, there is a way to slow things down. Then this slow way will require the court to generate at least 2000 million more income every year. This also has to remove the cost of raising troops and the navy."

"For things outside the territory, I trust you the most."

Liu Yu gave a very positive answer to this question.

"Five years!"

"I think that within five years, the first 2000 million taels will definitely be available. The Indian and European affairs will also be resolved."

"In addition to tax collection, there is also customs export duties. Once the European affairs are settled and the Indian affairs are settled...the monopoly power of the Western Trading Company can be removed and export duties will be collected instead. In this way, 3000 million Two, it's not a problem."

"The existence of Western trading companies stems from the fact that Europeans are in groups, there are tariffs, and navigation regulations, etc. If there is no monopoly company system, it will be difficult to open up the market."

"Secondly, at that time there was no access to Nanyang or India, and Western merchants also had colonies in Nanyang and other places. If there is no monopoly company, private trade and smuggling are serious, and they must be compradors of Westerners."

"And if the India matter is over and the Europa matter is resolved, the monopoly of the Western Trading Company can be abolished and free trade can be enjoyed."

"These are all methods of monopolizing salt and iron to make profits, but the difference lies in the form. As long as the customs is mastered, all exports will be handled by the customs, and the customs will not do it; or the output of the goods must be taxed before they can be sold."

"At that time, all Western forces will open customs, which will benefit us in Italy."

"I'll try to use Rakshasa as an example."

"If the British navigation regulations are broken, the countries of Europe will be heavily in debt if they sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight."

"At such a time, by imposing tariffs and free trade, wouldn't all Western countries wish to gain the 'salt and iron monopoly'?"

"Even if Luocha, he already specializes in tea, rhubarb, silk, etc. At that time, there will be no British blockade, and the goods from the dynasty will flood in. Wouldn't the Luocha court want to monopolize the tea and silk profits of the country?"

"He may impose tariffs. If he imposes tariffs, he must manage them strictly in order to benefit from the tariffs and enrich the treasury."

"He may specialize in monopoly. If he specializes in monopoly, it must be controlled by nobles such as Moscow and Petersburg. How can the rest of the retail merchants get involved?"

"The more it imports, the more it benefits its finances, and the richer its treasury."

"War in Europe, all countries will be heavily in debt at that time. How to repay the debt, they always have to think about it. After tariffs are set, the more imports, the faster the debt will be repaid."

"Rakshasa is just an example, and the same principle applies to other countries."

"Yes, my minister said, within five years, it is not a problem for the imperial court to collect an extra 3000 million taels. In India and Bangladesh, according to Niu Er's method of 'the tax collector directly becomes the owner', it can also be collected in one year. 1500 million taels each."

"In addition to the export tax on goods sold and the import tax on raw silk and cotton from Bangladesh, it is not difficult to add another three to five million taels."

"Britain and France are both at a loss. The British navigation regulations have been broken. It is not difficult to sell tea, silk, cotton cloth, porcelain, etc. to North America for an additional tens of millions of taels."

"Alternatively, the imperial court contributed funds to allow Western countries to use tariffs as collateral to help them repay the interest on their national debts. It is expected that the national debts of various countries will surge at that time, so they have to accept it."

"I think that since the Ming Dynasty, the imperial government's finances have only been 3000 to 3000 million taels. Under such circumstances, everyone feels that adding [-] to [-] million taels is like a dream come true."

"Actually, it's not difficult. If you get the essence of it, I think it's not difficult for the imperial court to get 30 million taels of silver a year if the amount of agricultural tax and salt tax remains unchanged."

"Yes, if it comes slowly at this time, it may not be impossible to solve it."

Liu Yu thought to himself, you'd better not have the idea of ​​blowing up the Yellow River embankment, if something happens, you have to move.

Within five years, the income you can control can definitely be doubled.As long as the money is enough, take your time, it is really not impossible to solve.After making up our minds, spending more than 1000 million taels a year, more than ten years, or even 20 years, is enough to clear out the uninhabited land and the basic embankment.

If the destiny does not grant it, and you broke up before the resolution, then you have a clear conscience, and you have tried your best.

(End of this chapter)

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