Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1131 A New World

Chapter 1131 A New World

Dashun's Privy Council, or Dashun's real decision-making circle, after these years of adaptation, has a basically correct understanding of the war that Dashun is about to face.

This kind of cognition is that the whole world is rubbish, the mobilization ability of all countries in the world is very limited, and the delivery ability of each country is also very limited, and they can only rely on a small number of elite standing troops to conduct overseas games—including Dashun himself .

If you use Liu Yu to evaluate it, it means that there is still a long period of time before modern times.The fully mobilized world war in modern times is different from the world war at this time. Instead, it is a seven-year war model, which is more similar to the situation under the balance of nuclear weapons.

For the rulers of Dashun, domestic rule is one thing, and overseas wars are another.

This model of overseas war also includes the border area issue in Dashun.

Dashun's delivery capabilities at sea are limited, and in fact, delivery capabilities in border areas such as the Western Regions and Snow Mountains are also very limited.

But in the same way, the enemies in these directions either have limited projection capabilities, or have poor combat capabilities.

This also made the rulers of Dashun see overseas wars and frontier issues as similar war situations.

Go to war with a small, limited number of elite troops.

Even Dashun's great main competitors will basically adopt similar warfare methods.

With a limited force, three thousand or five thousand is impossible.

Fight across India, North America, South America, East Asia, Africa and more.

Maybe, 3000 people can decide who belongs to North America; maybe, 5000 people can decide who belongs to India.

The same is true for the domestic border areas. A small-scale elite standing army of three to five thousand can basically solve many problems in the border areas through long-distance mobilization and rapid attack.

As for overseas, Dashun naturally has no way to carry out extensive mobilization, and the concept of mobilization does not even exist at all.

But the opponents are not much different: British sailors catch strong men and thieves to join the army; Prussia has to find human traffickers to buy soldiers. Some soldiers have the same status as in the late Ming Dynasty. The disaster victims are slightly stronger than the thieves and the army.

The concept of mobilization after industrialization is completely different from what it is now.The only difference is the training method, whether you can eat enough, and the training time-although you laugh at the British sailors who may have to pick up drunks and strong men from the tavern, and the salary is pitiful-but the salary is pitiful, but there is no food at all. Not being paid in arrears, reluctant to spend gunpowder training, or even being too hungry to keep training every ten days is not the same thing at all.

From the perspective of future generations, the military status of the world at this time is rubbish, bandits and strong men.

But the bandit army is also divided into grades. There is a big difference between the bandit army who can train every two days when they are full, and the bandit army who has no calories for training when they have nothing to eat.

Fortunately, Dashun has a clear understanding of the form of war that is about to break out, or it may be because of issues such as the Western Regions and snowy mountains that need to always maintain an elite fast field force, and the inertia left by Liu Yu's own training, Dashun It also maintains a well-trained marine infantry.

Not many.

The training is strict.

In order to adapt to the upcoming "World War I", a war mode in which inefficient delivery and three to 5000 people are fought everywhere at sea.

In fact, the idea of ​​building an army had already been planted in Liu Yu's military training.

Dashun's new army has always emphasized battalion-level cooperation, rapid formation changes, rapid maneuvering, switching formations, and transitions between columns and horizontals.

It is not based on the pattern of arranging lines and engaging in a big battle of 20 people.There is no chance at all, and there is no one around who can fight.

The seeds planted at the beginning were not only for the future, but also subtly influenced the staff members of the Privy Council.

Finally, after analyzing the actual situation, I came to the judgment of "I have the advantage" and "the advantage is great".Because from the very beginning, Dashun's new army was built for a large-scale war with 5000 people and the ultimate ability to project.

This was the case in the subsequent wars.

Facing Japan and going to Southeast Asia, the scale is also 5000 people.

Dashun's calculation strategy is also very clear, which is to wait for the fight to start, and do it all over the place until the British national debt explodes.

Dashun had neither interest nor ability in the decisive battle in the English Channel.

However, the ability to rob a ship today, build a fort tomorrow, and harass the escort fleet the day after tomorrow is not only available, but also sufficient, especially after the popularization of nautical and astronomical methods.

From a financial point of view, if Dashun does not end, France will definitely lose.

After all, France is known as the Little Ming Dynasty, and the 40 nobles in the country have preferential treatment. The gentry don’t pay food and errands as a whole. Although they pay blood tax, it’s the same thing. There are more than 200 fifth-level nobles in the United Kingdom. The window tax, which is an obvious tax for the middle class and noble assets, can be collected. It is similar to the Song Dynasty's monopoly salt, tea, and sugar taxes. It also has the ability to raise money efficiently. , much stronger than France.

Dashun also has a lot of stinky problems. After cutting off Jiangsu and making great efforts, the financial revenue has been surpassed by the United Kingdom.

But this kind of taxation in the UK is really betting on the country's luck at this time.

The current annual income, interest expense has reached 51%, and this is still the case that the UK can borrow 3.8% interest - before Dashun got involved in European affairs, the UK could borrow 3%, but Dashun's blended borrowing , After the Dutch East India Company was renamed and rebuilt, it has been pulled to 3.8%. After all, the money is not printed at this time, but the total amount of real gold and silver is so much.

Of course, it is much better than asking grandparents and grandmothers in France to borrow 6%; Dashun basically even if everyone "bursts with patriotic enthusiasm", they can only borrow 8% locally.

However, after all, Dashun’s previous model of “government bonds” was “zero deposits and lump sum withdrawals” from salt merchants. It is different now, and it is already qualified to issue national bonds in theory.

In the Songsu area, which has undergone more than 20 years of changes, the emperor's grand tour of the fleet was not promoting "the imperial court has the ability to repay the debt and you have no choice but to cry", but to promote "the imperial court has the ability to repay the debt".

Of course, this is actually the same thing.

But merchants look at the problem from a completely different angle than in the past.

The first World War that is about to break out is also what Emperor Dashun envisioned for himself, "separate rule from inside and outside, centralize imperial power, send people from the Central Plains, send money from overseas, and Confucian scholars enter the prime minister, and the Kyushu Chengming system strives for stability. A comprehensive test of the new form of imperial government that will fight outside the domain.

It doesn't matter if you win or lose.

This is not the Western Regions, nor is it Liaodong. If you lose, the opponent may raise a flag and enter the customs.

If you lose the fight, you will retreat to Malacca at most. Malacca, Sunda and other straits will close the door.

The money does not need the treasury, the money from the treasury follows the normal cabinet process, and should be used for water control and disaster relief.

The basis of this judgment is that the Dashun decision-making circle and the Privy Council believe that Dashun has the ability to send 5000 people to the African region at most.

So, even if we lose, even if the opponent's talents overcome the problem of harassing Luzon so quickly, they have to ask Dashun to open the port to replenish supplies and sailors, even if the opponent can send 5000 people over, is there any use?
I can only send five thousand, how can you send more than five thousand?
Since there are no major consequences if you lose, and you will not be severely punished for defeat, why not give it a go?
Once successful, this will be of great benefit to the imperial power.

That is to say, divide and conquer, grasp the balance, create confrontation, jump left and right, scare the inside from the outside, and scare the outside from the inside.

And once it succeeds, there are at least three paths for future imperial power.

The first way is to be the emperor who supports the pillars of self-cultivating farmers and small producers.Owner farmers and small producers love the emperor the most, because they are bullied by their superiors and threatened by their subordinates.

The second way is to be the backbone of the chaebol, because no one is in charge, the old forces can beat out the shit of the emerging class and eat it up, and the emerging class can only rely on the imperial power.

The third way is to share the world with the scholar-bureaucrats and continue the old way.

Liu Yu's "children" heart and the sorrow of the universe at the beginning, the emperor read the history books and understood that there is no 400-year dynasty in the world.The old way of sharing the world with the scholar-bureaucrats, that is, Guozuo for 300 years, is as good as the sky.

The end of the third road, the emperor can already see.

Therefore, in fact, the emperor is very similar to Cheng Tingzuo, Quan Zheshen and others, they are all "trying to find a way".

However, who's way is very different.

Some people are looking for the road to national prosperity.

Someone is looking for a way to save the nation.

Some people are looking for a way to teach the world.

Some people are looking for a way to continue the imperial power.

Some of these paths overlap, some diverge, some contradict, and some run parallel.

During the last emperor's southern tour, Dashun was still a pool of stagnant water, and the logic of the southern tour was a continuation of everything in the past. The logic of building the Huaihe River was basically the same as building the Grand Canal.

This time, the emperor's southern tour can be regarded as a stagnant pool of water in Dashun, and finally there are huge ripples and fluctuations.

The emperor no longer traveled the canal by dragon boat, nor did he mainly stop in Yangzhou and Huai'an.

Instead, they will arrive at Songsu in June, the hot season when Western merchant ships gather.

During the last southern tour, Li Gan's main identity was the Emperor of Dashun.

On this southern tour, Li Gan's main identity was the emperor of the Dashun Empire.

The two seem to be the same, but in fact, at the moment when he did not stop Jiangsu's reform and the reform was finally completed, there was already a difference.

There is only one Son of Heaven.

There are a lot of emperors and kings all over the world.

Cheng Tingzuo thought that the emperor's southern tour was still the emperor's status, which was determined by his vision.

But vaguely, he actually understood the meaning of Liu Yu's letter.

It’s pointless to laugh at what they do in Huainan. If you really want to try to improve, go to Henan, Shaanxi and other places to find out what the countryside is like, what is the relationship between farmers and tenants and gentry, what is your fantasy Whether the most benevolent government in the world can be played through reform.

This is the traditional meaning of the world.

Encourage them to send people to Honolulu, make it a vassal there, and spread the holy religion.

This is the mixed meaning of the old view of the world and the new view of the world.

What Meng Songlu said was correct. Going to Honolulu was not to do something far away, but to go with the mentality of Zhou Xing feudalism and expanding Zhuxia.It is an active attempt by North Korea and Japan to take Confucianism as the orthodoxy.

It is expanding the scope of the old world, because the previous world actually only included Dashun, Korea, Japan, Ryukyu, and Vietnam.

Are the Sulu pirates who robbed ships in Southeast Asia under the banner of "jihad" and the group of "tributary states" known as Algiers in the East really within the scope of the world that Confucian scholars believe?

At the very beginning, it was said that they would provide loans to help the transformation of rural communities.

It is the content of the new view of the world.

That is, the new world of world trade, new markets and commercial connections, a world of great competition between countries in the form of monopoly companies, wars, ship hijackings, massacres, occupations, shelling, tariffs, trade, business, etc.

Cotton cloth produced after the transformation of the village society may appear in Kanto for soybeans and sorghum; it may appear in North Korea for paper and ginseng; it may appear in Japan for silver and gold; it may appear in Nanyang for spices and sugar; it may appear in Africa for ivory and exotic beasts; may appear in South America as a bribe to the Spanish governor; may appear in Europe to enter the smuggling market.

The old world has little influence on the village community.

On the contrary, it is a place outside the old world, a naval battle, a land battle, a siege, a technological advancement, a spinning wheel accidentally kicked over by a weaver, a young gambler betting all wars, A gold mine accidentally discovered, or a great famine in Bengal, will have a great impact on the transformed village society, far surpassing the turmoil of the old world.

The catastrophic disasters in Shaanxi, and even closer to Henan and Anhui, may have little or no impact on the transformed rural communities.

On the other hand, if the British Parliament on the other side of the world announces the abolition of the "Cotton Cloth Prohibition Order", the frequency of eating meat in the transformed rural communities may increase significantly.Of course, this is on the premise that the village commune transforms into a textile cooperative instead of accepting the outsourcing system.

It should be said that at this time, the emerging class in Jiangsu engaged in the textile industry can understand Defoe's jubilant editorial on the "1721 New Cotton Cloth Prohibition Order" and his great hatred for China [-] miles away; In the future foreign expansion wars, three shouts are long live the emperor; the opening of Incheon to North Korea and the increase in military revenue are elated.

However, I am afraid that it is difficult to understand etiquette and enlightenment.

(End of this chapter)

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