Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1102 The Industrial Revolution

Chapter 1102 Industrial Revolution ([-])
Quan Zhe himself found it increasingly difficult to understand what Meng Songlu said.

I thought to myself that 10,000+, or even hundreds of thousands of people have no land, and they have to work as hired labor and pick cotton wharves for a living.How could such a world exist?

10,000+ people have no land and live as hired labor. Isn't it inevitable that the White Lotus and Yellow Turban Rebellion will happen?
Such a situation should not exist in the real world at all.

Now that he was thinking about education again, his mind became more and more confused, and he asked many questions that sounded weird to Meng Songlu.

Meng Songlu felt that asking some questions... It was like asking why salt was added to cooking, which didn't need to be answered at all, and he was a little incoherent for a while.

Quan Zhe then said: "Brother Meng, I really have little talent and learning, and maybe the situation in Jiangsu province is very different from other places. I really can't understand it. Brother Meng, do you have any books to sort out these problems, and recommend one or two?"

Meng Songlu actually felt a little strange in his heart, and vaguely felt that something was wrong with the scholar surnamed Zhao opposite.

When I saw a dead body before, I blurted out a sentimental poem, regardless of my talent or mood, I am not an ordinary person.

Indeed, there is a shortage of officials in Dashun, and the number of "admission" places in Jiangsu Province is indeed relatively small compared to the number of students.

However, that is aimed at the level of Jinshi and Juren.

Examination for talent... Judging from the short exchange before, no matter which province they are in, this cultural foundation must be easy.

Scholars do not necessarily have a high level, and many of them are at the level of doggerel.There are more than 2 students in Jiangsu, how many of them are really famous and able to show their hands?
But it's a surprise that the other side doesn't even have the status of a scholar.

As for the second, this person speaks Jiaoliao Mandarin with a strong Weihai accent.Dengzhou Prefecture is the place where Liu Yu made his fortune, and a large number of practical scholars are running around the world. Meng Songlu has been dealing with people who speak Jiaoliao Mandarin all day long here, and he is so familiar with this accent that he can't be more familiar with it.

With the trade with Japan and North Korea, Terengganu, which is close to the water, can feel the changes in the world more than other places.

Dashun doesn’t mean that there are no scholars who can’t feel this kind of change. The situation is different in different places.

Just like a scholar in Gansu, it is really difficult for him to understand the meaning of import and export trade and tariffs.

But the problem is that the person on the opposite side has the foundation of being a student who is sure to be a scholar, but he doesn't even have a reputation; he speaks a very familiar Jiaoliao Mandarin, but he seems to be a scholar who just came from Gansu and other places. Change knows nothing and is incomprehensible.

Feeling weird in his heart, he vaguely guessed the identity of the other party.In the past few years, several similar incidents have been dealt with, including the incident of Japanese Confucian scholars climbing into Dashun's boat and quietly sailing out to sea.

But for these people, the official attitude is to turn a blind eye and close one eye, and don't care too much.

In addition, he was going to Huainan Township to have a look at the Xian Village Community in Yue Township, and he was considered a fellow man, and Meng Songlu didn't expose it, or asked more questions after making sidelines.

Listening to Quan Zheshen asking him to recommend a book or two, it is easier to understand what changes have taken place in Dashun's Confucianism over the years.

In the past few years, piles of new thoughts, new books, books criticizing Song studies, and even Han classics have been published, and there are even many "ancient books" that are obviously forged.

But it is difficult to recommend one or two books that can explain the changes.If you really want to understand it, you have to work hard for the next two or three decades.

While thinking about it, he lowered his head and saw some snacks and snacks on the table. Meng Songlu slapped his head and said, "That's right! Some things can be seen from the small to the big. If Brother Zhao really wants to find out the changes, I have the opportunity This booklet can be recommended to you."

"Brother Zhao, can you hear the names of Yuan Zicai in Jinling and Dai Dongyuan in Huizhou?"

Quan Zhe shook his head, and Meng Songlu knew better when he shook his head.

Yuan Mei and Dai Zhen have been in the limelight and become more and more famous in recent years.

It's no wonder that Quan Zhe didn't know the fame of the two. It's because his teacher Li Xuan, the "prohibited books" he can see are all written by famous people.

They themselves belong to the school of practical learning, so I read many articles by Yan Yuan, Li Wei and others, and they all belong to the "previous generation".

Cheng Tingzuo, including Meng Songlu's teacher, actually belonged to the previous generation.

Their writings were less, if not almost none, influenced by the New Age.Therefore, both the way of thinking and the method of inquiry are easily accepted by Li Xinghu and others.

On the contrary, the up-and-comers in the past few years have all grown up in the new era, and have been unconsciously involved in Dashun's reforms that have lasted for more than [-] years since they learned to read.

Originally young.Yan and Li are a generation younger than Huang Zongxi, Gu Yanwu, Wang Fuzhi, Tang Zhen and others; Where do you know?

It's just that these people are famous since their debut, and because of their youth, they made some big news.But Quan Zhe didn't know anything about him, and Meng Songlu was even more sure that this "Brother Zhao" might not be from Dashun at all.

Thinking about this person's accent, Meng Songlu had already made a good guess.

"Brother Zhao, the booklet I recommend is the joint effort of Yuan Zicai and Dai Dongyuan. It is not a classic, but a miscellaneous essay called "Su Shi Debates."

"Although the focus is small, the reason is big. Start with the things on the dining table, and see the big from the small. Everyone in the world says that this is the one who has really obtained the true meaning of Gu Tinglin's research on the study of simplicity."

Quan Zhe took care of himself, and asked in surprise, "About food?"

Meng Songlu laughed, and lightly picked up a steamed steamed bun among the tea snacks with chopsticks, and said with a smile: "According to the name of Dengzhou Prefecture, this is not called steamed bun, this is called steamed stuffed bun."

"Nowadays, people in Songjiang Mansion come and go, and there are many teahouses with this kind of thing. The world thinks that this kind of thing is the delicacy of Wu area, but in fact, there was no such thing more than ten years ago."

He cut open the bun with chopsticks, touched the fried golden skin outside and said, "The oil used for frying comes from peanuts in Dengzhou Prefecture."

"The skin used comes from wheat flour in Liaodong."

"The stuffing is the dolphin fed by the bean cake in Huanglong Mansion."

"The reason why it is popular is that it is fat and oily, and it is the favorite of people who traffickers, pawns and laborers."

"The reason why it bloomed everywhere within a few years comes from the furnace made of Gyeonggi iron and the briquettes made of Xuzhou coal."

"Yuan Zicai and Dai Dongyuan took the theory of new learning and inherited the wisdom of Gu Tinglin's textual research, starting with this thing, using food as a metaphor for time, and seeing the big from the small."

"Food debate, time changes!"

"Just like the "History of Flowers" written by Brother Zhao's mother's country, flowers are used to describe people and history. This is exactly the text of "Li Sao"."

Amidst Meng Songlu's laughter, Quan Zheshen turned pale with fright, and the last sentence "History of Flowers" directly revealed Quan Zheshen's identity.

When he was nervous, Meng Songlu got up and cupped his hands and said: "Brother Zhao, don't worry, since you have come to seek the way, why do you need to ask where you came from?"

"At this time tomorrow, I'll be waiting here. Brother Zhao can go to Huainan with me. Farewell!"

After the salute was over, Meng Songlu had already floated away after Quan Zhe realized it.

Looking at the remaining pan-fried steamed buns and other refreshments on the table, thinking about Meng Songlu's comment just now, he murmured, "Wheat flour in Liaodong, bean cakes in Huanglongfu, peanuts in Dengzhou, Tielu in Gyeonggi, briquettes in Xuzhou, are there pan-fried steamed buns?"

Thinking about Meng Songlu's last words revealing his identity, he felt dark in his heart, and felt that the scenery of the great country was really different.

According to the teaching of Mr. Li Xinghu, cherish the food on the plate, and only get up and go out after eating all the food on the table.

After a little questioning, I knew that there was a bookstore next to me, so I went straight there.

When I entered the store, I saw that there are so many books, no matter the type or quantity, they are far better than those in Seoul, and I couldn't help feeling sad.

Li Xinghu once lamented the paper trade after the opening of Incheon, saying that North Korea made paper, but it did not produce paper.There was no paper in ancient times, and the sages recorded the Tao on bamboo slips, which did not hinder the inheritance of the Tao.It is really sad that North Korea has state-owned paper but no paper.

Even though he was sad, Quan Zhe's body was still inferior after all.

The new generation of scholars in Dashun at this time has begun to integrate the ethos of textual research initiated by Gu Yanwu with the practical economic considerations that emerged in Dashun.

Regarding Korean paper, the new generation of scholars in Dashun will not lament such emotional things as there is no paper.

Instead consider having three.

First, southern Jiangsu is densely populated and there is not enough fuel, let alone papermaking?

In the second case, cotton planting was booming in northern Jiangsu, but cotton stalks were distributed by land capitalists in northern Jiangsu as "welfare" to hired workers for heating and fire, and they did not make paper.

The third is that the forested Kanto is expensive.The profit gained from farming beans is far better than that from papermaking.In Korea and Japan, manpower is cheap, and sea transportation is cheaper than land transportation, so the paper industry in Korea and Japan is booming.

Quan Zhe's thinking still remained in the sensibility of "there is no paper but no paper". He felt sad and sighed for a long time. After all, he bought the booklet according to Meng Songlu's recommendation.

Early the next morning, when Meng Songlu saw Quan Zhe again, he saw dark circles under his eyes. Obviously he didn't know what time he was reading last night, but he was full of energy and radiant.

When he saw Meng Songlu, he said repeatedly: "Brother Meng's recommended book, after a rough reading, I was amazed. After reading it again, I thought about it a lot, and after reading it a third time, I suddenly realized it. Now the lingering fragrance is still in my mouth, and I can't eat it satisfactorily."

"I never imagined that there would be such a saying for this extremely simple pan-fried steamed bun, mutton, duck eggs, smoked chicken, and beef."

"According to the book, such as Tianjin and other ports, in the future, steamed buns filled with oil and meat will be available. As for smoked chicken and other things, they will be transported by sea after the canals were abandoned by the Chinese Empire, and gradually spread in the ports? , because of the prosperity of sea transportation, and the prosperity of bean cakes."

"Looking at it for the first time, looking at the numbers in it, it is shocking. There is only one sentence in my mind."

Meng Songlu didn't wait for him to say what the first sentence that came to his mind after the first rough reading, he said with a smile: "A dog cannibalizes people without knowing it."

"Brother Zhao is thinking of this sentence?"

"Those who read this book will probably think of this sentence first. If they don't think about this sentence, it shows that this person has no conscience; if they think about this sentence, it means that this person has no mind."

(End of this chapter)

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