Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1100 The Industrial Revolution

Chapter 1100 Industrial Revolution ([-])
If North Korea came to this point spontaneously, in fact, Quan Zheshen and Meng Songlu would not be able to talk like chickens and ducks, and it would not make sense at all.

The reformers in Dashun, or the retro Confucian scholars who were reformed by Tuogu, can understand the various problems in normal development by looking for traces in history.

That is to say, even if what Meng Songlu said, Quan Zhe didn't understand; but when Quan Zhe was pondering, Meng Songlu could understand, because he had experienced it before, at least he could read it from the history books of the Celestial Dynasty.

However, the germination of capitalism and the industrial revolution in Dashun destroyed the normal and spontaneous historical process of North Korea.

The problems that North Korea is facing now, especially the impact on the rural areas around Seoul, where Korean scholars and bureaucrats gather after the textile revolution in southern Jiangsu and the opening of Incheon, are driven by external forces.

Meng Songlu couldn't experience these things personally, and it was impossible to find similar cases from history books.

Even if he looked through the history books, he couldn't find the story of "the country's handicraft industry was impacted by external forces" in the past.

It looks a bit similar to the situation in the Northeast, but it is completely different.

The development process of Dashun in Northeast China is directly shaped by capital from scratch.Even though there were immigrants in the Northeast before, due to factors such as climate, environment, and land, the small-scale peasant economy of men farming and women weaving is extremely fragile, and capital will be broken immediately.

The situation in North Korea is completely different. The old system is very strong, and it has been hundreds of years since Li Chenggui.

The Northeast is regarded as a high-rise building; North Korea belongs to the transformation of a village in the city.

Taking North Korea's tax in kind as an example, we can clearly understand the huge difference between North Korea and Dashun.

For example, the military cloth of North Korea is actually a kind of tax in kind.

If the peasant-soldier system is transformed into a standing army system, taxes must be increased.

To raise soldiers.

A soldier has to be dressed.

You have to use cloth to dress.

Bu had to pay taxes.

Pay taxes, Naboo if you don't do military service.

According to Huang Zongxi's law, because this thing is collected according to the head, it will inevitably lead to a large number of bottom-level people choosing to join the noble scholar-bureaucrats to evade taxes; and the noble scholar-bureaucrats will inevitably hide their population.It's the same as the Ming Dynasty's investment and deception issues, and then these taxes are all pressured on the backbone of society.

Then, inevitable social contradictions surge.

Then, next to it is a behemoth of the suzerain country, and it is impossible for the peasants to overthrow it.

Then, it can only be a spontaneous attempt to reform.

As for reform, the economic situation is like this, and there are only a few changes.

Spread into acres.

Spread mu into Ding.

Gentlemen and nobles are exempted.

The gentry pays food as a whole.

Basically these four things, permutation and combination, splitting and reconstruction.

Similar to the thinkers in the late Ming Dynasty, the Confucian scholars in North Korea also gave various solutions to these four permutations and combinations.

There is a mouth money method that distributes taxes on everyone's head equally.

There is a Hubu law that requires the "gentry" to pay grain as a whole.

There is a cloth-knitting method that spreads every inch of land.

There are also many similar ideas of permutation, splitting and combination.

Change back and forth, that's all.

If there is no entry of Dashun, no lease of Busan, the opening of Incheon, and the revolution of southern Jiangsu's light industry to the countryside, the subsequent evolution route is very easy to reason.

Everyone has to pay the military cloth.

Inevitably gave birth to the development of cottage industry.

I am good at weaving, so I just weave, and then everyone needs to pay cloth as a tax, and someone will definitely exchange things with my cloth.

The increase in exchange promotes the commodity economy.

Here, even if there is no gold and silver currency, it does not mean that it is completely impossible.In essence, it is the same as the comprehensive tax monetization reform carried out by Liu Yu in southern Jiangsu - the imperial court does not collect grain, so everyone is forced to sell the grain and exchange it for currency. This is the fastest way to promote currency. As long as the bottom has no ability to resist tax uprising.

North Korea's cloth can also be used as currency and commodity to some extent.

Just like Ming's silver, it changed from a commodity to a currency.

Development of commodities, exchanges, markets.

The next step is the disintegration of the old rural system, the polarization of the rich and the poor, the annexation of land, and the commercialization of goods.

But the problem is that Dashun's industrial revolution broke out.

The Korean cottage handicraft industry, which has just emerged and developed because of the military cloth tax reform, really cannot withstand the impact of Dashun cotton cloth.It couldn't stand it at all, and it completely collapsed after a few years.

Moreover, the tax system of North Korea really helped a lot here-under the military cloth system, tens of 10 people have to buy cotton cloth to pay taxes.

North Korea itself is also very happy: through the rice repayment system, which is the compulsory young crop loan with Korean characteristics, it earns a lot of interest; the rice is sold to Dashun for cotton cloth, and then the cotton cloth is sold to the people, and the people are forced to use cloth to pay for it. Tax, make another wave.

The income of the imperial court rose steadily.

It was originally a two-legged process of moving forward: the development of the family's hand-woven weaving industry, the merger of bankrupt farmers' land, and the development of cities, with the handicraft industry as the center and gradually absorbing these bankrupt people.

Now because of the outbreak of the Dashun Industrial Revolution, the other leg has been directly discounted.

The countryside went bankrupt, and the handicraft industry did not develop.It was so easy to rely on the little capital accumulated by the former Chinese and Japanese trade goods dealers, all of which flowed to the comprador business group.

Compradors, every country is the same.

The British East India Company wished that the British wool textile industry and cotton textile industry would all die, and let Indian cotton directly destroy the traditional British textile industry.

The French East India Company wished that the coffee planting industry in the French colonies would go bankrupt, so as to open up the tea market.

The Dutch East India Company, even after Nanyang was seized by Dashun, quickly and comprehensively cooperated with Dashun to eliminate the remaining handicraft guilds in the Netherlands.

As a result, a reality that Meng Songlu couldn't understand at this time appeared in North Korea.

This reality was firmly suppressed by Liu Yu in Dashun, including breaking the canal, reforming the salt policy, controlling cotton yarn, etc., all trying to prevent the impact of southern Jiangsu on the surrounding provinces.In particular, the broken canal has increased the cost of inland transportation, and the advantages of the initial industrial revolution have been offset by the transportation cost. It will not move as far as Anhui.

In short, how to solve the inherent problems of feudal society was the direction of reflection in the intellectual circles in the late Ming Dynasty.

For Korea, it is how to solve the new problem of semi-feudal and semi-colonial society.

These are two completely different directions, and for North Korea, this problem has no solution.

Without the interference of external forces, how can the vassal states in East Asia resist the imperialism that has completed the military reform, the initial industrial revolution, and the distance from Seoul to the Weihaiwei naval base is not even as close as the capital to go to Jinan?

North Korea has tried to resist and implemented a ban on extravagance.

Then there is no more.

The prohibition of extravagance and the subsequent "Huangming Tongji" literary inquisition incident made North Korea present an extremely strange state.

In terms of ideology, every reform attempt will lead to a reactionary resurgence, and the ideology will become more closed and conservative.

Economically, the impact of commodities, the North Korean "royal" merchants similar to the Dashun salt merchants who were originally in charge of the imperial court and localities, quickly became compradors, and the depth of the seaports was not wide, and the impact spread rapidly.

This kind of compradorization is more complicated than the invasion of Western imperialism.

Because "respecting Zhou" is the foundation of the Korean state.

The pro-China attribute of the comprador comes with the political correctness of Lee's North Korea.

This is a very real problem, not respecting Zhou is not acceptable in reality.

In the small inner circle, they can whisper that Dashun has no kingship and is all domineering towards the vassals. This is a standard change from Xia to barbarians.

But officially, can you say it?

Northern Expedition?Emperor out of shock?Little China reverting to the orthodox kingly China?The earth is round and there is no "China" country derived from astronomy and geography. Is it the same between barbarians and summers?

Whichever one is said is a disaster.

Historically, Jin Ruoxing, a Confucian scholar in Korea, was still at the peak of Gan Xiaosi’s rule, and proposed the idea that “China is already a barbarian, and Korea is the orthodox one. Persuade the king and use the emperor’s rituals and music.”

Regardless of whether the caste system in North Korea is orthodox in China, it is really true to say that in 1768 the king of Joseon could "use the rituals and music of the emperor"...

It can also be seen how the brains of the scholar-bureaucrats in the Yelang Kingdom have become. Not to mention opening their eyes to see the world, opening their eyes to see the surroundings is an extravagant hope.

North Korea's decadent forces and feudal ideology are much more deeply rooted than here.

Daikin, who fought the Japanese devils with real swords and guns for many years, did not change his title from "Cabinet Prime Minister" until the end of 1970 when Li Eun, the "prime son", "died" at the end of 72.

The standard is the routine of the "jun father" keeping his filial piety for three years, and the prime minister inheriting the rule.

Compared with the tradition of stealing royal tombs with green forest red eyebrows, princes and generals with kindness, and dog feet, the situation on both sides is really far behind.

Whether it is reality or tradition, the difference between this self-proclaimed "Little China" and Dashun is so great that it is impossible to learn at all.

The communication between two people, because of some basic things by default, is wrong.They speak the same Chinese and use the same classics, but they can't communicate at all.

At the end of the exchange, Quan Zheshen could only try to tell his purpose of coming.

"To be honest, Brother Meng, it's hard for me to understand what you said for a while."

"I came here this time because I heard that after the reform of the salt administration abolished salt for land reclamation, some great Confucian gentlemen and kind-hearted people bought a large grass field."

"I want to go back to the well-field system and the harmony of the village agreement, and I want to implement the ancient school politics. I came here specially, and I will go to Nantong and go north tomorrow."

"I see Brother Meng is not that kind of mediocre person."

"Before I heard that during the reform of the salt administration, many students made big jokes. Some people ridiculed it. The poem said: Shoes and socks in Tang and Song Dynasties weighed jins of cotton, and stepped into the clear frost to take advantage of the evening smoke."

"The light green Zhou clothes stretched to the ground, and the real red long fan half covered the sky."

"Just read a volume of words to be able to rule, and there is still money after a thousand dollars."

"The Zhumen hang their heads all day long, and if they come to Xiangguan, they will be full of energy."

"Such rotten people are useless to the Dao."

"If everyone in my generation has the spirit of a gentleman and can maintain the morality of the past, I am afraid that the world will not be incapable of governance."

"Now someone is finally trying to buy a field, and the way of writing. Brother Meng has lived here for a long time, didn't he go to see it?"

Hearing this, Meng Songlu couldn't help laughing wryly, thinking that he didn't just go to see it?I am a member of the school, and together with Yu Bu from Taizhou and the disciples of Mr. Zhu in the late Ming Dynasty, I tried to build something similar to the He Xinyin Judgment Hall in the previous dynasty.

The fact that I appeared in Songjiang this time was precisely because of a problem with the old village community.

Whether the problem is big or small, in a word, lack of money.

This time, for the construction of the canal from Funing to Nantong, all groups or companies enclosing land in Huainan must pay the money according to the number of acres of land.

The province only pays one-third of the payment, and whoever benefits will pay for the remaining third.

Liu Yu didn't want to set this up as a model at all, and neither gave special funding nor preferential treatment.

He even wrote a mocking letter, making Cheng Tingzuo so angry that he almost vomited blood.

The letter was simple, with only one sentence in it: Mr. Mianzhuang is not solving practical problems, but setting up a stage to perform an ancient play to satisfy the retro wishes of various schools of thought.Pretend that the main contradiction in reality is how to get enough to eat on a per capita [-] mu of land, and then get an amazing conclusion through complicated experiments: per capita [-] mu of land can be enough to eat!

(End of this chapter)

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