Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1088 The Industrial Revolution

Chapter 1088 Industrial Revolution ([-])

Cities and people are sometimes similar.The joys and sorrows of ordinary people do not attract much attention; but the joys and sorrows of Ming people will always attract the attention of many people.

Yangzhou and Huai'an have always been star cities.

It is conceivable that the decline of such a star city will have an impact on the literati community.

It was prosperous in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, prosperous in the Song and Song Dynasties, and it was not bad even in the Mongolian and Yuan Dynasties. It was still very good in the Ming Dynasty.But it was destroyed in Dashun's hands.

The 1000-year-old Wenhua was destroyed in one day.

The scenery of 1000 years turned into Qiuxu.

In the original history, Yu Dafu once went to Yangzhou to search for the Jiangnan in his dream with 500 years of poet hymns and historical dreams.

But after arriving, I wrote to Lin Yutang: I advise you not to visit Yangzhou, but to dream of Ouyang Gong's Pingshan Hall; Wang Shizhen's Red Bridge; the Shige Department in "Peach Blossom Fan"; Lin Ruhai; as well as the villa of the salt merchant, the enchantress of the eunuch... don't need to swim, in the dream, it's better.

It is even more so in Dashun now.

Nowadays, it is not just the rise and fall of one or two cities, but more like a symbol.

A thousand-year-old context, a thousand-year-old transformation and pains, and the suffering under the unprecedented changes in the millennium.

Also, it is the shattered dreams of literati.

Songjiang Mansion, which became prosperous after the capital's south crossing, is not the taste of Yangzhou, but a smell of copper in the new era.

It lacks the singers of Yangzhou, the elegance of the Little Qinhuai River, and the extravagance and delicacy of salt merchants.

From the data point of view, the effect is actually very good.

A large amount of capital fled south across the river, and the effect of capital accumulation began to manifest. More light industries developed. Even the taxation of the imperial court and Liu Yu's reform of tax collection based on capital and land property, the data are very positive.

It can even be said that the Jiangnan region ushered in a golden age of active foreign trade and capital.

But the no longer the taste of Jiangnan in the hearts of literati.

The snowflakes of irony, impeachment, and accusations did not have much impact on Liu Yu.

Because the imperial power doesn't care about the decline of Yangzhou, but only cares about whether the central government's fiscal revenue is affected.Especially after Caomi stopped taking the canal, even the worries about Caomi's stability disappeared, and Yangzhou has become a discardable price in the hearts of imperial power.

Therefore, during the reform in the first year of Weixin, the emperor sent troops to Liu Yu for future suppression.

From the beginning of Dashun's abolishment of the canal to Caomi, to the end of Jiangsu's reform in the five years of Weixin, there were more than forty uprisings with waterworkers, small businessmen, trackers, laborers, and salt workers as the main body.

Together, more than 3 people were massacred.

No less than 20 people were successively relocated to the Northeast, Southeast Asia and other places, and this does not include the number of people who migrated in Jiangsu Province.

This reform involving salt administration, cotton seed improvement, industrial and commercial development, silver standard banknotes, cotton textile industry, capital enrichment, and population migration not only changed Jiangsu, but changed the economic structure of Dashun as a whole.

It is unprecedented for a reform to have such a large impact.


Only the new five years, the twelfth lunar month.

Northeast, outside the pass, Huanglong Mansion.

Later generations here are called Changchun and Gongzhuling.

Now Dashun set up a mansion here, following the name of Huanglong Mansion, in order to show off his kung fu of attacking Huanglong directly.

The biting cold wind blows from the northwest, rolling up thousands of piles of snow.

On the already frozen Dongliao River, a cloud of steam was rising.

It was the breath of people and the sweat of horses, thrown into the mist condensed by the cold wind.

Hundreds of sledges slid forward on the smooth and flat ice surface.

The horses with spiked paws stepped on the hard surface of the Dongliao River, making a rattling sound.The driver of the cart curled up on the sledge, and the leather hat on his head was covered with hoarfrost.

With his hands tucked into his sleeves, the padded jacket on his body retained a little heat, and the whip was clamped under the creaking nest. The horse was very obedient and didn't need a whip.

The ice surface is densely covered with marks left by horseshoes and palms. I don’t know how many sledges pass by the ice every day.

In the evening, the caravan arrived at Sanjiangkou, Liaoyuan Prefecture.

Here, it is close to the confluence of the East and West Liao Rivers.Standing on the East Liao River and putting a second kick, the West Liao River can also hear it really.

The wool from Chifeng and Tongliao in the upper reaches of the West Liao River; the three-piece set of soybeans and the two-piece set of sorghum in the upper reaches of the East Liao River meet here.

Relying on the advantages of the Liaohe River's water transportation and the free highway after freezing in winter, the Liaohe River Basin was pulled into the rudimentary capitalist system of the reformed Jiangsu Province early on.

In other words, capital is changing the vast area outside Shanhaiguan according to its own needs.Because it is one of the places where the small-scale peasant economy is relatively weak. It is not that the local people do not want to engage in male farming and female weaving, but the conditions do not allow it.

Most of the areas with well-developed transportation along the river south of the Songliao watershed have been completely reduced to the economic vassals of Jiangsu capital in these years.

Sunan's capital wants to be full.

Central Jiangsu plus northern Jiangsu is far from enough to satisfy the appetite of southern Jiangsu capital.

The most notable one.

The banknotes of Songjiang Prefecture Bank became the legal currency in the Liaohe River Basin, completely replacing silver and copper coins.

In fact, a large number of overissued banknotes with insufficient silver and gold were used to transport tussah silk, soybeans, bean cakes, soybean oil, sorghum, sorghum wine, wood tar, etc. south of the Songliao watershed along the Liaohe transportation line. Sunan.

Let's say that.

In most parts of Dashun, farmers are generally poor, and many people at the bottom do not have enough to eat, and their protein intake is seriously insufficient.

The largest commodity traded from the Songliao watershed to the south is the delicious protein-rich bean cake after oil pressing.

And more than half of these bean cakes... are used as fertilizer in the cotton fields in the northern Jiangsu enclosure.

As this year, in the fall of the fifth year of Weixin, Liu Yu pointed out in a conversation with a large number of capitalists in southern Jiangsu:
"It's not that the people in the Northeast don't want men to farm and women to weave, but conditions don't allow it. Cotton cultivation is an impossible fantasy."

"The task of capital in the Northeast is not to dismantle the small-scale peasant economy where men farm and women weave, because it doesn't exist at all."

"Instead, the south of the Songliao watershed should be quickly brought into the economic system of capital. All food and agricultural products should be commercialized and become vassals of Jiangsu capital."

"Cotton from northern Jiangsu, cotton cloth from Nantong, small commodities from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and banknotes from Songjiang Prefecture should be used to quickly and violently pull the Songliao watershed into this capital's economic system along the Liaohe River."

"The simplest cycle is to use the bean cakes in the Northeast to fertilize the fields to grow more cotton, and then thank the cold winter in the Northeast for the large demand for cotton, and then exchange for more bean cakes."

"Paper money only needs to ensure that it can buy cotton, cotton cloth, small commodities, silk from southern Jiangsu, sugar and spices from Nanyang, and porcelain from Jiangxi. Then, it means that paper money can buy soybeans and sorghum of 5000 million mu of land in the Liaohe River Basin."

"And the 5000 million mu of soybean sorghum has strengthened the strength of banknotes. This is an important boost for Jiangsu to implement a comprehensive banknote reform. The Academy of Sciences absolutely does not allow the concept of cotton seeding and the promotion of cotton planting in Shenyang."

These words are already very naked.

It is also a summary of the reforms in the past few years that forced some regions into the capitalist system.

It is also an important reminder to capital before he is about to leave Jiangsu.

In fact, that's exactly how reality develops.

As Liu Yu said before, the province of Jiangsu cannot support a southern Jiangsu where capitalism continues to develop. If it does not want to destroy the small peasant economy and cause a complete collapse and the combination of Li Zicheng and Hong Xiuquan, then it must abandon the canal economic belt and use the advantages of sea transportation. Pull Japan, North Korea, Northeast China, Southeast Asia, Europe, Africa, and South America into the system.

The very unstable, fragile, and even unformed small-scale peasant economy in the Northeast region, where men farm and women weave, has made the Northeast region completely drawn into this system within 20 years.

Cold and cotton are a wonderful and magical relationship.

Cotton cannot be grown in cold regions.

However, the per capita demand for cotton in cold regions is several times that of warm regions.

The area at the same latitude of the Songliao watershed is in Europe, and it is Bordeaux, France, which is sheltered by the warm North Atlantic current; the place where Liu Yu fought with the Raksha people, the coldest winter is close to minus [-] degrees, and the area at the same latitude is in Europe. It is impossible to need six pounds of cotton trousers in Amsterdam; the cold Changjin Lake is at the same latitude as the warm Lisbon and Barcelona, ​​where people may still be full of poetic praise for the ghost of snow.

And it is absolutely impossible to grow cotton in these places where cotton is most needed.Some places to the south, such as around Shenyang, local magistrates tried to grow cotton, but in just one year, they were attacked by the capital of southern Jiangsu and a large amount of cheap cotton under the command of Liu Yu, so that the local rich households were bitten by snakes for ten years Afraid of well ropes, they will not dare to grow cotton for at least 30 years.

Just like in Sanjiangkou County, Liaoyuan Prefecture, Huanglong Prefecture at this time, the cotton trousers worn by these people who are resting their feet contain the improved Mexican long-staple cotton from northern Jiangsu, and a pair of cotton trousers contains four catties of cotton.

As the saying goes here, a fluctuation in the futures exchange in Songjiang Prefecture will shake three times from Jilin Shipyard to Yingkou.

The magic at the intersection of the old era and the new era has been staged.

When the people in the mountainous areas at the junction of Echuan and Sichuan were revolting to survive starvation, about 400 million shi of bean cakes were buried in cotton fields in northern Jiangsu and vegetable fields in southern Jiangsu, and piled together with pig dung and cow dung to form fertilizer.

The magic of this macro perspective is not felt in the millions of people affected.

Just like fish living in water, they will not feel the existence of water; and just like people living in air, they will feel the importance of air only after the air is taken away.

Something new in the past 20 years has been taken for granted by people here since ancient times.

Just like Sanjiangkou County, Huanglong Mansion at this time.

The urban pattern in the Liaohe River Basin is different from other places: there is a county yamen in the county seat, but the opposite of the yamen is not a Confucian temple or a ancestral hall for sages, but a banknote exchange office in southern Jiangsu.

Business people, when they rush here, often spend some handling fees and deposit and withdraw some cash - this was something that did not exist more than 20 years ago, but it is now indispensable - Tongbao from the former imperial court can also be exchanged here for Paper currency; if it is those gold diggers who made a fortune but were not killed by their partners, they will also exchange the gold in their hands here for silver paper notes at the exchange rate in southern Jiangsu a few months ago.

There are many shops on the street, whether it is a grain store that receives grain or a store that sells groceries, cotton cloth, and cotton, transactions also use banknotes.Even the people in the county government collect taxes, the same is true.

Although in theory, a small note of one cent silver can be exchanged for one copper or one cent silver, but in practice no one changes it.

If banknotes can buy white cloth, black cloth, blue cloth, red-headed rope, tin foil burnt paper rattle, tobacco leaves, shochu, beef and mutton, silk, white sugar and brown sugar water, tea, spices and iron plowshares, then why replace them with copper coins?

(End of this chapter)

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