Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1052 Qualitative

Chapter 1052 Qualitative

Hubei Yanzheng, if it becomes a commercial martingale, it is a strategic victory.If Zhang Yi deceives Chu, it is just a tactical victory.

In the simple matter of salt administration, the two victories have the same result.

But for business and industry other than salt, it is very different.

Shi Shiyong came to Liu Yu with a dice cup, and relayed the emperor's understanding of "Zuozhuang".

Liu Yu also hoped that Shi Shiyong would convey that the manor makes money by drawing bonuses, not by laying out pigs.

Even if it's a matter of staring, the emperor treats Sunan as a pigsty.

But Liu Yu hoped that the emperor would understand that now, it is not the time of life and death, nor the time of the end of Ming Dynasty when you have to use a knife to collect money, even if you are a pigsty in your heart, you have to follow the rules of the pigsty.

This is the real seat.

Liu Yu's public identity is Duke Xing of Dashun.

He can only be responsible for raising and fattening the pigs.

When slaughtering a pig, if the pig stands up and resists, it still depends on the pig's ability. Do you expect him to save the pig and keep the pig under the knife?
How to characterize Dashun's salt administration reform now?
In essence, it is the proliferation of private salt, the general contractor’s salt introduction system, and the salt industry legal rules established in the 45th year of Wanli, which seriously affected Dashun’s salt tax revenue.

However, Dashun needs to show its "essence" to industry and commerce, pretending to be a market-oriented reform.

Even if the emperor didn't think so at all, the starting point of most of the reformers was the salt tax, but that didn't matter.

It is important to get those business people to think this way.

Dashun is a very awkward country.

It is still the same as Liu Yu's "clear quotations" in Huaibei. If the ticket system is completely released and no secret quotations are made, then it is legal for big tycoons to monopolize salt tickets.

Going one step further, is it okay to cancel the salt tax one step faster than the UK, and only collect taxes on the production side without any regulation by the imperial court?

Because the United Kingdom is surrounded by fucking seas, and the island is so big, production and transportation can guarantee sufficient competition.

And Dashun... As far as Hubei is concerned, it is as far away from the sea as it is from London to Prague.Fully liberalized, with the current transportation capacity, high interest rate, and turnover cycle, a big businessman who monopolizes the salt industry in a province will appear within five years.

In a word, it is correct that monopoly commercial organizations such as the British East India Company were disbanded after the Industrial Revolution in 1857; After being beaten out by the Netherlands and Portugal, Britain is only worthy of eating shit in the Eastern trade.

A similar situation is more obvious in Dashun.

Under such extreme awkwardness, Liu Yu could only carefully weave a beautiful and illusory lie.

Don't lie to businessmen and don't keep throwing money on the land. In fact, there are rules in industry and commerce. Don't be afraid. As long as you play within these rules, the notes for industry and commerce are as safe and reliable as land deeds.

Therefore, if the Hubei Salt Reform does not make Zhang Yi bully Chu, it must give clear rules with loopholes.And within this rule, in business and business, Huainan salt merchants were killed by means of merchants.

Those who sit in the dealership go directly to the field to gamble, and are willing to admit defeat.

In itself, this is the greatest face and the most effective reassurance for Dashun Industry and Commerce.

He wanted Dashun's "Shen Wansan Story" to be lost in the commercial war, not the imperial power.

At least, pretend it is.


A few days later, the opinions aroused by the emperor's dice had secretly reached the emperor.

In this secret memorandum, Liu Yu used the words murder and death.

I hope that the emperor will collect the misconduct of those salt merchants during the salt reform process in Hubei.However, as long as there is no violation of the rules, don't deal with it first.

Wait until this side wins, and then announce these things.

First of all, it shows His Majesty's perspicacity, he already knew that you were playing these dirty tricks.

Second, to reflect His Majesty's tolerance and generosity, you play these dirty tricks, but I play with you clearly.

The third is to reassure merchants in Jiangsu that as long as they play within the rules, they are safe and secure.Stop thinking about putting money into land, and try to invest more in industry and commerce.

The emperor's instructions to Liu Yu's memorial are simple and clear, with only four words on the theme.

"It's up to you."

What the emperor meant was that this matter should be played by Liu Yu.

Because, the emperor's goal is not to obey the rules, and the rules are not the highest priority in his opinion.

The highest priority is the reform of the Lianghuai salt administration, and the reclamation of wasteland and salt in Huainan.

If Liu Yu plays well, he can do this.

If Liu Yu screwed up, the emperor would not care about those messy rules, and would directly use violent machines to pull out the Huainan salt merchants.

Because, the Huainan salt merchants no longer have the value of existence.

Whether it is the war value or the emergency loan value, it is gone.

For the emperor, a fat pig that is worthless to his rule can be slaughtered directly.

If Liu Yu can do this well, it will be regarded as giving the emperor enough face, lest there be a "Shen Wansan" story, which will be passed down to later generations.

It's best to save face.But face and li, when you can only have fish and bear's paw, you can only give up face and seek li.

After giving Liu Yu a reply, the emperor summoned Lin Min again.

There are some things that need to be clarified by him, the emperor, so that Lin Min can know how to cooperate with Liu Yu over there, and be the Lianghuai Salt Envoy and Jiangsu Jiedu Envoy during this transitional period.

After being summoned, the emperor first asked Lin Min a question, a very scary question.

"Everyone in the court knows that if you want to control the river, you must first abolish the water. Now that the water transport has been abolished, from what Aiqing sees, can the Yellow River really be controlled?"

Lin Min thought that the emperor wanted to talk to him about the reform of the salt and salt administration, or about the reclamation of wasteland and the waste of salt in Huainan.

Unexpectedly, the emperor asked such a scary question.

There is no way to answer this question.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, the emperor said, "You speak boldly, I want to listen to the truth."

"Return to your can't be cured. The siltation is very high every year, and it has been hundreds of years since Song Yujin. The huge silt piled up is really beyond human power. In the past, Fangong Dike is now hundreds of miles away from the sea."

The emperor hummed and said again: "Then, according to what you see, if something serious happened to the Yellow River now, the disaster relief in this dynasty might be able to save it?"

Lin Min did not doubt this point.

"Your Majesty, the minister said that today is not what it used to be."

"Nanyang rice, Liaodong wheat, and the food that the imperial court can control today are far from comparable to those of the previous dynasty. The wealth that can be gathered is also not comparable to that in the past. Even if there is a catastrophe, it can be cured, and it will not be a thousand miles away. , Tens of millions of refugees."

"The construction of the Huaihe River, as Duke Xingguo said, is a general rehearsal for disaster relief. The ability to repair the Huaihe River proves that the imperial court can still save disasters."

"Food dispatches, financial and tax dispatches, and military dispatches all prove that the country is stable."

The emperor smiled and said, "Have you noticed that no matter if it is Nanyang rice or Liaodong wheat, if there is a catastrophe in the Yellow River and Hongze, it will not be threatened by any means?"

"There are only three dangerous natural disasters in Jiangsu today."

"Yellow River, Hongze, Haiguan."

"If there is a disaster in Jiangsu, the imperial court can send rice for disaster relief."

"But if Jiangsu suffers a disaster, where will the salt be adjusted?"

"Once there is a disaster, if it is only a flood that affects a province, with the current financial resources, transportation capacity, and sea transportation of grain production areas of the dynasty, as long as it is close to the sea, there will be no such thing as millions of refugees and children to eat."

"The salt tax from the Huaihe River and the Huaihe River is more than [-] million yuan. It is enough to buy food from Liaodong, Ezo, Nanyang and Nanyang."

"But don't forget, if Jiangsu suffers a catastrophe, the salt will be gone. How can there be chaos everywhere?"

Lin Min was startled, but he had to admit that if Jiangsu suffered a catastrophe, the salt industry would be affected first.

The three major disasters hanging over Jiangsu's head, the Yellow River, Hongze, and tidal intrusion, as long as the scale is large enough, Huainan Salt will be greatly affected.

The emperor said again: "Yes, Princess Xingguo strongly advocates moving all the salt fields to the north of Xiangshui County."

"After surveying and mapping, the people from the surveying and mapping team said that even if something happens to the Yellow River in the future, it will not be a big problem from the north of Xiangshui to Jiaodong."

"Duke Xingguo means that food and salt that are related to the stability of the court must be placed in places that are least threatened by catastrophes."

"The imperial court has worked hard and saved up for several years to build a Huaihe River channel from Hongze to the sea."

"And the imperial court, no matter what, can't cure the Yellow River. This disaster will happen sooner or later."

"Instead of avoiding diseases and avoiding medical treatment, I don't think there is any need to consider this disaster."

"It's better to plan ahead and carefully plan how to maximize disaster relief in the event of an accident."

"Once a disaster occurs, the key lies in rescue."

"Whether it can be saved, and what kind of rescue it can be, depends on how much resources the court can control."

"If the salt tax was abolished, the salt industry collapsed, and the court ran out of money at the same time as the catastrophe, then the disaster would be a catastrophe. I'm afraid that millions of people will die in the end, even though millions of people died originally. "

Lin Min was in a cold sweat. Maybe he didn't shy away from medical treatment, but he really didn't think about what to do if a huge natural disaster happened.

According to this line of thinking, this catastrophe is inevitable sooner or later.Dashun's ability has an upper limit, this upper limit, it is absolutely impossible to subdue Huang He, this is needless to consider.

Therefore, since a catastrophe is bound to happen, disaster relief must be considered.

The premise of disaster relief must be that the court is still strong and has money.

Now, Liu Yu has transferred Dashun's "commodity grain" base through the two strategies of going north and going south.Relying on strong shipping power, the food problem in disaster relief can be solved.

And after something happened, what about the salt?
Jiangsu is short of food, and it can be rescued with food from the whole country.

But if Jiangsu is short of salt, where can it be saved?
Huainan salt accounts for more than half of Dashun's current salt production, and if something happens, it will be a truly earth-shattering event.

It's not just the money from the salt tax, but it will directly fight everywhere, and the conflicts accumulated everywhere will explode because of the soaring salt price.

After the emperor finished speaking, he said: "Don't you know that if the salt area is moved northward, many people will lose their livelihoods? But as the saying goes, if you don't plan for a lifetime, you won't be able to plan for a while."

"Huainan boils salt, and the soil brine is light; if the salt is dried, Huainan's terrain is low, and the salt cannot be obtained from soil brine, and it needs to be near the sea, which is more dangerous."

"Furthermore, the transportation of salt everywhere depends on waterways. In the event of a catastrophe, even if nothing happens at the seaside, the roads for salt transportation will be destroyed, so what will happen?"

"If you want to cultivate, Huainan has no harvest, and you still need to use grain and rice from other places. If you want to salt, Huainan has no harvest, where can you get salt?"

"That's why, for the sake of the country's longevity, Huainan's waste of salt to promote reclamation is a great strategy and a great benefit."

"Salt is produced in Haizhou, which has no danger of river trouble; Songjiang Prefecture, which relies on the Yangtze River waterway, is used as a transfer point for storage and distribution; it is connected by sea transportation."

"Although this is righteous and beneficial, it should not be told to others, so as not to panic. Today you know, you should not pass it on to others, and you should do your best to assist in carrying out this century-old plan."

(End of this chapter)

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