Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1046 Flaws

Chapter 1046 Flaws
Now there is no pamphlet called "ABC of Capitalism", and the emperor has no idea what these reforms he is carrying out are all about.

But precisely, Confucianism really has "Three Generations of Kings, A, B, and C", and the emperor also knew how far away from these things he made.

But the point is, he didn't carry out these reforms, and he was very close without saying anything.The emperor himself knew very well how far the emperor was from the three generations of kings.

The idea of ​​"internal and external checks and balances between the two governments with imperial power at the center" envisioned by the emperor is very interesting in terms of the moon distance chart.

Where is the prime meridian of the world? This is the requirement of Confucianism.

Gold and silver in the southern hemisphere, national financial regulation, and increased treasury revenue are the needs of reformists.

Quietly changing the economic foundation and preparing a hotbed for the new era is what anti-thieves like Liu Yu need.

The emperor has not yet realized what the anti-thieves are going to do, because no one has taught him. It turns out that apart from the three ultimate forms of Li Zicheng, Sima Zhao, and Wang Mang, the anti-thieves have another mode.

Li Zicheng rebelled by relying on small farmers.

Sima Zhao rebelled by relying on military power.

Wang Mang is a sage king based on Confucian ideology.

So limitations are sometimes a good thing.

The emperor's limitations made his understanding of rebellion limited to these three infinite varieties.

Liu Yu doesn't touch any of these three things.

Moreover, Liu Yu's hands are so dirty, covered in blood, a proper model of a pure minister.

So when Liu Yu returned to Beijing, at the Great Court Meeting, the emperor first came up and praised the achievements of Huaibei's salt administration reform, which made today's daily impeachment dull.

Liu Yu also made great progress in "Zou please Huainan Reclamation and Reclamation".

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, after talking about all kinds of benefits, the ministers in the court who opposed the salt reform couldn't help cursing in their hearts.

Huaibei’s salt administration reform, if viewed from the perspective of salt tax, was a great success; if viewed from the perspective of royal administration, it was a major failure.

Now that the reformists are victorious, everyone knows that Huainan will definitely be moved, and the rebuttals that everyone thinks are all aimed at the Huainan Salt Reform.

But I didn't want Liu Yu to come in a roundabout way, and the point of view was Huainan reclamation.

This is really not convenient for punching and exerting force.

After reading the seven or eight articles on the benefits of land reclamation, since it is the Great Court Meeting, when the Jiedu envoys from various places come to report on their duties, this kind of thing must be discussed.

"My dear friends, what do you think of the reclamation in Huainan?"

The conservatives in the court were at a loss for words for a while, and reclaimed wasteland, what can they think of reclaiming wasteland?No one can oppose land reclamation.

In the end, someone still came forward and said: "Your Majesty, what Duke Xing Guo said about reclamation in Huainan seems to be beneficial to the people, but it may not be."

"Huainan is a land that produces a lot of salt. If it is reclaimed, the salt administration will be ruined."

"The ancients said that if the tangerine grows in Huainan, it will be orange, and if it is born in Huaibei, it will be trifoliate orange."

"The successful reform of the salt administration in Huaibei, does it mean that Huainan can be used? Who can guarantee that there will be no mistakes? If the salt administration is not changed, how can we reclaim wasteland?"

"However, the Huaibei salt area is only a few dozen states and counties. The area involved in the Huainan salt area stretches for thousands of miles. Once it is corrupted, there will be chaos in the world."

"Nowadays, Huainan's salt administration has long-standing shortcomings, but it only needs to warn the General Merchant and strictly supervise it. And if it is changed rashly..."

After talking nonsense for a long time, I didn't say a word about where the "Huainan orange and Huaibei trifoliate" are reflected; nor did I make it clear what effect "warning the general business and strict supervision" can achieve.

After talking for a long time, finally finished, the emperor said: "I think that the big disadvantage of Huainan salt lies in both the general merchant and the salt households."

"The salt reform in Huaibei, many policies are nothing but the wisdom of the old people. The only one is salt drying, which is the only new policy."

"Salt catties are enough, merchants can sell everywhere, so that the people will not be bitter and tasteless."

"How about this, since Huainan salt is very involved, and the new policy is going to be implemented, we have to try it. If you talk about Huainan orange and Huaibei trifoliate, you can try to plant an orange tree first."

"What do you think?"

After finishing speaking, he followed Liu Yu with his eyes, and asked: "Mr. Xingguo, you are reclaiming wasteland. Since everyone does not object, how about this?"

"First use part of the salt land and grassland to reclaim wasteland. The reduced production will be made up by the sun-dried salt method. As for whether the marketing method is applicable, you can also try the most difficult places first."

"Where are the hardest places to sell this Huainan salt?"

This is a mentally retarded problem. Obviously, the logistics system and traffic conditions at this time, the farther away, the more difficult it is.

But there's a twist here.

It was indeed the most difficult in Jiangxi before.

So Liu Yu directly said it was Jiangxi.

Although he previously set Hubei in the secret book to the emperor.

The emperor also echoed and said: "Jiangxi's official salt is not smooth, it has been there for a long time, it is really difficult. Xing Guogong is really brave, he chose such a difficult place when he came up."

However, not all the ministers are brainless. At this time, someone immediately stood up and objected: "Your Majesty, I think that Jiangxi officials have other opinions."

Liu Yu sold a big loophole, and someone really took the bait.

The minister immediately analyzed the reasons for the lack of official salt in Jiangxi before, and pointed out that there were special reasons for the lack of official salt in Jiangxi before. Now as long as it is managed properly, it can be solved completely.


Because many years ago, the export trade center of Dashun was in Guangzhou.

Porcelain, tea, raw silk, etc. from Jiangxi need to be transported to the south, passing through the Dayuling trade route to Guangzhou.

We have already arrived in Guangzhou, so when we go back, do we go empty-handed?
We have already arrived in the Fujian and Guangdong regions, so when we go back empty-handed, we naturally have to bring some private salt.

These private salts are the reason for the poor sales of Jiangxi official salt.

Even Huainan Salt in Jiangxi has almost completely collapsed and cannot be sold at all.

People around Jingdezhen transport their porcelain to the south, don't they eat southern salt?

Now, times have changed.

The foreign trade center of Dashun has been transferred from Guangzhou to Songjiang.

This also directly changed the composition of Jiangxi private salt.

In the original state, you can calculate how convenient it is for Jiangxi to eat private salt.

The Wuyishan tea in Fujian is a heavy product for export. The route is to go to Jiangxi first, pack it through Poyang Lake, and divide it into Mongolia Raksha in the north and Guangzhou in the south.

These tea transporters, so honest, don't bring private salt?

Porcelain from Jingdezhen is to go south from Jingdezhen, cross the mountains, and go to Guangzhou.

These porcelain transporters are so honest and don't bring private salt?
It would be a miracle if Huainan official salt can still sell well.

However, the trade center has now been transferred to Songjiang Prefecture.

How to export porcelain from Jingdezhen?Along the Yangtze River, go to Songjiang Mansion.

How to export tea from Wuyi Mountain?Along the first "private canal" in Dashun, it leads to the Minjiang River, goes to Fuzhou, and packs a boat to Songjiang Prefecture.

The change of the trade center directly abolished the Fujian and Guangdong private salt in Jiangxi.

Entrainment by merchants is an important way of private salt transportation.

Illegal salt dealers with guns, pulling up teams, and passing checkpoints are no longer ordinary salt dealers. They will definitely be hit hard by the court, so this is the least important share.

This thoughtful minister who had really investigated the salt industry felt that Liu Yu wanted to take advantage of it.

Now that the trade center is in Songjiang Mansion, the merchants who went to transport porcelain, on the way back, just brought some official salt, didn't Liu Yu win immediately?

Those who were engaged in the transportation of porcelain were all acquainted with the group of maritime merchants in Songjiang Prefecture.

Although the sales of Jiangxi official salt are still sluggish, what is it in essence?

In essence, the following is fooling the imperial court like a fool: the emperor, you see, there was a lot of private salt in Jiangxi before, and the official salt could not be sold, so it is normal that the official salt cannot be sold now.

Therefore, there is no need to be so tight about evaluations.

In view of the past experience, the imperial court is desperate for the sword, so it is basically in a bad state for Jiangxi.

Jiangxi official salt is bad by default... So, who said that private salt must be carried by private salt dealers?Isn't it normal for those who sell official salt to sell private salt?

Playing two and one with local officials, fooling the court like fooling a fool, living a happy life.

The sales of official salt are insufficient every year, and the court also feels that there is no way to solve it.

However, those who fool the court are certainly not fools.

So as soon as Liu Yu said that he wanted to try reforms in Jiangxi, some people immediately opposed him.

Immediately clarified the issue of smuggled salt in Jiangxi, and deeply grasped the essence of the theme of "times have changed".

Yesterday, the court thought that the Jiangxi salt industry was hopeless. Today, many people immediately understood the internal changes of Jiangxi smuggled salt due to the change of the trading center, and pointed out a number of remedial measures.

Liu Yu had a stunned expression on his face, as if his carelessness had been seen through.

This move of his made a lot of noise, and he also grasped the essence.

What he wants is Hubei.

But given him Jiangxi, he is not afraid at all, and it is even really easy to play tricks.

Porcelain is exported in millions or tens of millions. With this transportation capacity, it is easy to bring salt with you when you go back, and the court will pay some transportation fees.
After listening to the minister's argument on the change of Jiangxi's private salt, the emperor nodded and said, "What Aiqing said seems to make sense. Duke Xingguo, do you think what he said is right?"

Liu Yu came out and said, "I should be, maybe it's right. It's just that I didn't expect many changes due to the change of the trade center."

The emperor laughed and said, "Hahahaha... yes, you didn't think of it for a while, he didn't think of it for a while, and they didn't think of it all for a while!"

"Good! Good! Very good!"

"I want to talk about the salt administration today, and I thought of it all at once. The private salt in Jiangxi has used the sales figures in the past every year, and every year they talk about the difficulty of selling salt in Jiangxi, which is invaded by Fujian and Guangdong, and invaded by Fujian and Guangdong. !"

"It turns out that since the Western Commercial Hall was moved to Songjiang Mansion, it has not been invaded by Fujian and Guangdong! After so many years, no one thought of it, only today they all figured it out!"

Taking the opportunity to get angry, all the ministers were silent, and no one wanted to get into trouble at this time.

Most people thought, we are really wronged. As ministers of the temple, how do we know the impact of the change of the trade center on the direction of private salt?This is simply not knowing, not understanding, but not knowing but pretending not to know.

But even if everyone felt wronged in their hearts, they couldn't stand up and call out wronged at this time.Is it possible to stand up and say that I am a fool and have been wronged very much, is it really stupid instead of pretending to be stupid?
Liu Yu quietly glanced at the person who opposed his attempt in Jiangxi, thinking, you idiot.

Whether it is corruption or corruption, the emperor doesn't care at all.What the emperor cared about was the alliance between the salt merchants and the court.

Today's round is a dead end.

If you don’t talk about breaking Jiangxi, I’m engaged in Jiangxi salt, and I’ll use the porcelain to transport it back, and it’ll be effective if I work hard, and the government will sell it to the merchants, and the private salt will die in half a year.

Then there is no obstacle to the salt reform in Huainan. Huainan is tangerine, and Huaibei is also tangerine.

If you want to talk about breaking Jiangxi, it is that the salt merchants have already established a solid influence in the court, and they can directly obtain personal benefits by deceiving the emperor.

In the past, the emperor didn't care that the salt merchants ate more, and the food looked ugly. As a rent-seeker of the imperial monopoly franchise, the emperor had plenty of ways to get money out.

It’s okay to eat ugly, but it’s interesting to directly deceive the information of the central and local governments.

(End of this chapter)

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