Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1030 Atmosphere

Chapter 1030 Atmosphere
Since it is a feudal dynasty, it should have the appearance of a feudal dynasty and be good at using the characteristics of a feudal dynasty to handle affairs.

Liu Yu said that those problems can't be solved, they can't get rid of the root, unless the transportation is well developed, or the province is as big as the UK but can cook salt all around, otherwise there is really no solution.

But if the root cannot be removed, it may not be impossible.

After Liu Yu killed someone in northern Jiangsu, the emperor suddenly "raised an attack" and wanted to reform the salt administration. He turned his back on the big salt merchants and wanted to abolish the general contractor system.

If this were in countries such as Britain and the Netherlands, the emperor would probably have hung street lamps on top.

But in Dashun, those big salt merchants didn't even dare to pull a team to revolt, and they were really incompetent.

Taking advantage of Liu Yu's notoriety for killing too much, and letting Liu Yu handle this matter before, the big salt merchants still have the heart to think about exploiting loopholes.

Anxiety all day long.

Waiting for the rumors to pass, and finally confirming that the past is not to blame, and then preparing to exploit the loopholes, it is too late.

Before Shi Shiyong came to Lianghuai with Liu Yu to do business, he had been investigating for a long time.

The idea Liu Yu upholds is to turn the owl into a business.

Shi Shi used this group of people who were supposed to investigate official affairs, and they were either investigating salt tyrants or smugglers in various places, and Liu Yu had a list in his hand.

He said to give the right people, the right votes.

Who is the right person?
Those who have a certain amount of capital, and have sold salt before, have sales channels, and have the ability to transport and sell are the right people.

It doesn't matter whether they sold private salt or official salt before.

Now that the canal has been abolished and the Changlu salt smuggling channel has been cut off, the theoretical sales of Huaibei salt this year will definitely increase dramatically.

From the point of view of the salt tax alone, the reformists have won.

Regardless of whether after buying the ticket, whether to sell the salt or to sell the ticket at a higher price, the most important indicator for the court to judge the success of the reform is the salt tax.

Anyway, they are all tinkerers, as long as there are no major problems in the past few years.

As for rich businessmen hiring people to pool tickets to stock up on tickets, sooner or later, the rules are here, so it's no wonder it doesn't happen.

But it doesn't matter.

In the early stage, it is enough to ensure that the "right person" can get 50% of the votes.

The remaining 50% is used to create an atmosphere of "fairness", "justice", "everyone has a chance", "300 taels can enter the market", "speculation", and "scalping".

What needs to be guaranteed is that this year will pass and more people will come next year to ensure the prosperity of buyers.

It is not a good thing if there is no atmosphere of speculation and reselling.

Because in other words, there is no speculation, which proves that the business atmosphere is not strong enough.

And three to five years later, there will be no big salt merchants in Lianghuai.Either you can't do anything and let your wife pick up customers to survive, or you have a better brain and quickly transform to invest in land reclamation.At that time, the business atmosphere created now will be of great use.

Anyway, what Liu Yu cares about is not repairing.

But wasteland reclamation, Nanyang, and light industry handicraft factories are not tinkerers.

It's just that some people insist on linking the reform of the salt administration with his reform, so that if one loses and the other prospers, in fact, he doesn't think this is a good way at all.

However, four or five roads, front, back, left, and right, as long as they are not standing still, are all "reforms" and "reforms", and some people will definitely confuse them.

Even if it is obvious that one is going forward and the other is going to the right, the conservatives will all pretend to be confused, insisting that the two are both reforms, and confuse the public.

Since everything is damaged, he has no choice but to support it with all his strength.

As for letting the "right people" get the right tickets, isn't it unfair?Of course it is, not only but, but also yes, but this is the only way that the feudal dynasty of Dashun can go.

Just like the investment in well salt in southern Sichuan, the same as the east-west trade, and the establishment of a shipping company to undertake the shipping of rice, all of them are unfair.

All of them are selected and cultivated.

The imperial court fostered a group of plutocrats and controlled them, or at least made the emperor feel completely controllable. This is the way for the Dashun dynasty to take a few steps forward.

In the end, this method of implicit introduction is actually not much different from the previous salt introduction merchants, it is just a newcomer replacing the old one.

That's why Liu Yu said it was a tinker's method.

To put it bluntly, it is to equalize the land, merge, and then equalize the land.

It's just that the speed of commercial accumulation is too fast to wait for the 300-year cycle.

Although this method is poor, compared to those reformists who have thought of a solution, it seems to be stronger in comparison.

The method that the reformers thought of was to let businessmen mortgage enough deposits, verify capital to buy tickets, and ensure that there is enough capital to operate instead of reselling.It really made Liu Yu dumbfounded.

If it is said that Liu Yu's method is a tinkerer, there is a hammer and a hammer and a glue board, and there are leaks to be repaired.

Then their solution is to plug the leaking hole with their toes and pretend that it is not leaking.

Since this matter is clearly a fraud, the rest is simple.

As long as you want to fake, there are ways to ensure that the right people get the right tickets.

For the rest, just perform a thriving and vigorous reform scene.

After hearing Liu Yu's approach, Lianghuai Salt Envoy couldn't help feeling a little bit downhearted, feeling indescribably dull.

Although he has been working as a Jiedu envoy, he is not a young man anymore, but he still has some thoughts for the country and the country, and feels that he can use his fists to make some reforms once and for all.

However, after hearing Liu Yu's method, it felt... meaningless.

After doing so much, he felt that he was tinkering. He thought that there was any way to cure the symptoms and the root cause.

Although he didn't know the sorrow of the universe that Liu Yu had acted out when he pretended to be a child in front of the emperor.But at this time, it was actually so close to Liu Yu's original performance.

"What the Duke said made the officials feel that they had read for nothing for 30 years. In the view of the Duke, reform is just a matter of tinkering?"

Liu Yu laughed loudly and said, "Master Lin, let me tell you this, if all dynasties and dynasties can make repairs every hundred years, equalize the land and merge and then equalize the land, and monopolize and split and then monopolize, then it will definitely be possible." As far as the Han and Tang Dynasties."

"You have to think about it this way, this dynasty has been established for a hundred years, but it can still do a few of these things. It really shows that this dynasty is still strong, and it is indeed the blessing of your majesty and the fortune of the country."

The Lianghuai Salt Envoy reluctantly agreed, feeling that the remaining ideals and beliefs had all turned into shit.

Seeing that he was depressed, Liu Yu comforted him and said, "Master Lin, if you don't look at the essence of this matter, but only look at the phenomenon, it's still very good."

"The court got the salt tax it wanted."

"The low-priced official salt that the common people eat."

"The right people get the right salt, and the salt administration is stabilized."

"The lucky draw for the atmosphere group is based on luck, and I feel that the environment is full of vitality and everything is happening unexpectedly."

"You succeeded, I was not implicated because of something bad, hello, hello, hello everyone."

"Let's go, why not go out and see what kind of atmosphere is full of vitality and everything is happening. You will think about it."

Lianghuai Salt Envoy was also laughed at by Liu Yu's joking words, sighed, and went outside with Liu Yu to feel the vibrant atmosphere Liu Yu said.

When he got outside, he was really angry.

Businessmen, big and small, have been waiting for the news, and they are full of people, showing prosperity.There is a lot of traffic, and people wearing brocades can be found everywhere.In the past, some small and medium businessmen who were not qualified to enter the salt industry at all also had hope and expectation on their faces.

Near the bank note exchange office, there was even a long queue.Merchants from the south were taking banknotes against bills, and merchants from the north were exchanging silver for banknotes.

In the streets and alleys, because so many businessmen, porters, grooms, attendants, and bodyguards poured in at once, there was constant shouting, and the atmosphere of national security and folk joy was approaching the temple fair in the capital.

All kinds of businessmen, those who already have the first pot of gold in their hands, all want to try their luck.

And this kind of mentality of trying luck, Liu Yu grasped it very well.

So he made it clear a long time ago that the salt ticket is not unlimited, and whoever can get the salt ticket is left to fate.

Like a lottery.

And it is indeed like a lottery, because every businessman who comes here knows how profitable it is to sell salt.

No matter whether they were selling official salt or private salt before, or they just went to the salt field with sticks, knives and guns to buy it at a low price, now they are all innocent and innocent.

Everyone has a chance to draw a "prize".

This is more psychologically stimulating than letting go of buying, and it seems to be fair at first, so the atmosphere will naturally appear more vibrant.

Although in fact half of the awards have already been set by default.The boy army sent to investigate the salt administration is not doing business, but is here to investigate private salt dealers, not for the former salt administration, but for today.

As far as the place with the most merchants, I don't know who took the lead, knelt down to praise virtue, faced north and called His Majesty Shengming, long live long live.

At the beginning, there were more than ten people, and hundreds of people in Russia shouted together, and the sound was like the tide of Qiantang.

In this atmosphere, Liu Yu looked at these businessmen who praised the saint and asked, "How does Master Lin feel?"

The envoy of the Lianghuai Salt Administration gave a hum, and said slowly: "The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit. What the Tai Shigong said, we will see what he means today!"

"Yesterday's slander was like a tide, but today's eulogy is like a tide."

"One policy change, and even Sri Lanka."

"This is the villain."

Liu Yu chuckled and said with a smile, "No, this is a human being."

Lianghuai Salt Envoy did not answer this question, nor did he argue. He just smiled and said, "However, what the Duke said is true. As far as the atmosphere is concerned, it is true that everything is bursting with vitality. Before, it seemed A pool of stagnant water, full of hustle and bustle all day long."


He glanced at Liu Yu and said after a short pause: "It's just that this fire is burning. Fire can warm everything and burn the reed garden. Dukes and officials must be more careful. Don't let this fire burn When we went to other salt areas, there were many disputes."

He was reminding Liu Yu to take it easy, because he felt that Liu Yuding's salt vote was a bit high.

Although Huainan, Huaibei, Jiangxi, Hubei, and Henan are both Dashun, they belong to different salt areas. If too much salt is put in, it may be sold to other salt areas, and it will be troublesome at that time.

The Huainan and Huaibei salt areas are criss-crossed. Don’t expect Huainan salt merchants to sue collectively, saying that the Huaibei salt reform has seriously affected their business.

After the salt reform in Huaibei, anyone with a discerning eye knows that as long as it is a big success, the next step is to go straight to Huainan.

Don't make extra trouble at this juncture. Originally, it was to unite the sellers and suppress the general contractors; but because of the excitement, it went too far and put too much salt, encroaching on the interests of Huainan Salt, and actually made the general contractors and sellers unite. Against salt reform.

Liu Yu nodded and said yes, the next step in salt reform in his heart was indeed to reform Huainan.But it is not as simple as changing the ticket, but to directly abolish Huainan Salt.You didn't understand that the key today is not to change the ticket, but to change the saltworks to boost productivity and ensure that Huaibei salt cooperates with Sichuan salt to directly kill Huainan salt.

(End of this chapter)

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