Xinshun 1730

Chapter 1025

Chapter 1025 Separation ([-])

Dengzhou is not far from Haizhou, and the young people on the boat didn't suffer much from the bumps. Before they could spit out their jaundice, the boat arrived.

The docking place is very close to a town called Xugou.

However, Lianyungang in later generations has not yet appeared.

There are even islands in front of it, acting as a natural anti-wave lift.Behind it is Yuntai Mountain, which was only connected to the mainland 50 years ago. The commanding height can completely control the port behind the island and the anti-wave, but the strategic location is very ordinary. Although it has the body of a military port, it has no life.

However, the name of Lianyungang can be decided by adding Yuntai Mountain to Liandao.

When they arrived at Xugou, the leader of the team led these young people to a place in Xugou to rest, which was originally a Catholic church.

At that time, Catholicism spread too fast, especially in Jiangsu and other places, and even a small place like Xugou had such a church.

However, after the ban on religion, this place has been confiscated as government property, and now it has been bought and thrown out, and it has become a resting shop.

Those decorations that did not comply with the prohibition regulations have been demolished or smashed to pieces long ago, and the rest of the place is now covered with wooden boards and straw, making it a very standard resting car shop on the ground floor.

In this kind of low-level car shop, the general customers are curium pots, monkey beggars, and peddlers.

The reform of the salt industry in Haizhou has just started, and the coal transportation in Xuzhou is still in preparation, including the port of Lianyungang, which is still under construction.

Anyone who is really into the rivers and lakes should know that the main customers of this kind of car shop in the past were either selling smuggled salt by sea or selling smuggled goods.

The conditions are very simple, but these students are not from good families, but if the family has [-] acres of land, they will not leave their hometown and go to northern Jiangsu for the money.

There is a pile of wheat straw, shouting and squeezing each other, a group of people are almost squeezed next to each other on the simple beds.

The leader of the team said that he would go to Haizhou early tomorrow morning to participate in some "official training class" or something like that.

As soon as this group of young people unpacked their luggage, the shop owner said with a pile of smiles: "Everyone, let's squeeze again. There are so many people these days, and there is no other place to go. Another boat came. When you go out, everyone It’s not easy, just squeeze again to make room.”

"I'll get some more wheat straw, I can't make do on the ground overnight. It's not easy, forgive me, forgive me."

Perhaps these young people went to school and got used to being obedient. After all, when they were young, it was related to whether they could eat the free steamed buns at noon, so they didn’t say anything else. Complaining, they gave up a space.

Soon, a few more people came in from outside.

There are a few of them, and they seem to be the kind of wanderers. Most of the wanderers who can appear in this kind of place at this time are private salt dealers.

Now Huaibei salt reform, grasp the details is to "turn the owl into a business".

In short, even those who have won the first pot of gold will be able to enter the industry of selling salt in the future.

As for how the first pot of gold came from, whether it was the private salt dealer before, let the past be ignored.

Yesterday was an unforgivable private salt dealer.

After this month, he will become a legitimate ticket salt merchant in a sudden transformation.

In addition to these businessmen who were obviously "former" private salt dealers, there was also a young man dressed as a scholar, who was not very old, about 20 years old.

He was wearing a green shirt, a square scarf on his head, a dungaree on his back, and a short flintlock dangling from his waist.

A few young people who were chatting inside, who were practical and learned, only glanced at this scholar-like person, and stopped looking.

The two sides are not right at all.

For example, when they were in Terengganu, these students complained like this: Even if they go to the Academy of Sciences, they can't mix up with a Jinshi background.

And these people are a group of people who did not go home to work directly after the age of 14, but continued to go to school.

In terms of ability, I think I still have some.

Although they were "picked out", their gold content is not low, and they think they are not much worse than a scholar.

Dashun Academy of Sciences adopts Leibniz's way of conceiving a science academy, and it adopts the Petersburg model in cultivating talents: academicians who are engaged in mathematics, especially foreign academicians, bring a few disciples.Disciple and lecturer to new students of the Faculty of Science.

In fact, not many people can be brought in at all, and those who can enter the Academy of Sciences are really rare.

As for entering the military academy, this involves a "good family" problem, and there is also a practical study, and the imperial court must determine the number of admissions according to the separated identities.How many birds are the population base of a good family?If the number of admissions is not controlled, in a few years, all the officers will be low-level practical people.

Of course, the reason is very high-sounding. It only says that the quality of Liangjiazi is higher, and they can ride horses and shoot guns, and they are physically stronger. These tenants are from the bottom of the family. They are definitely incomparable. Therefore, more quotas for Liangjiazi are selected for the country. .

The top two places are limited, and they are the rest.

Now that the company has just been established, the wasteland reclamation in northern Jiangsu is still in the experimental stage, and the company can't accept many people.These people were recruited in advance, and they studied agronomy, surveying, simple water conservancy and other knowledge.

However, I also heard that after a while, the land reclamation company might have to accept people.

But it’s important not to be able to eat. Parents, brothers and sisters are eagerly looking forward to earning money quickly to make the family a little easier. How can they wait at home?

Although the imperial court gave two taels of silver, but in addition to food and the like, maybe they would have to give acres of land in the future, it was better than waiting at home.

They think that they should be regarded as scholars, but the court does not recognize them as scholars at all.

Therefore, it is really wrong for this group of people to read scholars.

In short, writing poetry is not good for me, but farming is not good for you either. Why are we not considered scholars and you?You can recite the Thirteen Classics, and Lao Tzu can also calculate equations. Ritual, music, archery, imperialism, calligraphy, and mathematics are all six arts. Why do you count as serious knowledge, and we are considered witch doctors?
Just like Wude Palace and Guozijian often fight in the capital, after the rise of folk practical schools, although the two sides could not fight because of their different status levels - Wude Palace and Guozijian, the status level is the same, and the status of junior college students and scholars The level is far away-but if you can't fight, you can't fight, and it's true that you don't like each other.

The newcomers who were chatting and spanking didn't care about the few people who came, and continued to chat there as if they didn't exist at all.

The scholar probably knew what this group of people were doing. He frowned and looked at the messy wheat straw, and sniffed the unique smell of Datong shop in the air mixed with the smell of fart, foot and damp. He was not used to it, but he was still in the corner. lie down.

A few "former" private salt dealers on the side are very familiar with the rules of this kind of shop. They took a few pennies, bought firewood, and borrowed the pot from the shop to heat up the food they were carrying. A few pieces of dry food from the store.

At this time, the meal prepared by the store is also ready. The new school youngsters who were chatting and farting there each received three or four miscellaneous and noodle nests, and each of them ate two old pickled radishes that were cut open, eating with relish. .

While eating, my mouth didn't stop.

The food is mixed noodles, but the content of the chat is a bit high-spirited.

A young man is skillfully holding miscellaneous and noodle nests with one hand, four nests and one pickle, which can be stabilized with only three fingers of one hand.

One can tell at a glance that if it is not for a poor man who has eaten mixed noodles for more than ten years, he really can't eat this level.

Holding Wowo in one hand, the other hand was not idle, shaking a rather large piece of paper full of words, and said: "Those who do business in the canal site, don't get help to go to the seaside at this time." , That’s all crazy. Huai’an is just so far away from the beach, if they don’t go to the beach now, they will be in a hurry in the future.”

The businessman was lying there, just as if he was listening to a story, and what he said couldn’t be said to be official, but some dialects were habitually mixed in, but he could still understand it after listening hard.Because whether it’s the Navy, the Marine Corps, or someone with a practical education background, many of them are from here, and many of them went to the south.

After listening to a rough idea, it seems that the people who do business by the canal would be fools if they didn't sell their properties and go to the seaside to change careers.

Now that the imperial court has abolished the canal water transport, although it has not said that the canal will not be used anymore, but without the imperial court's repairs, how many years can the canal last?
Without the canal, Huai'an and other places would not be able to support the top ten big cities in the country at this time.Sooner or later, it will decline, and before it collapses directly to the end, it is a bit smart to sell the property and go to the beach to find opportunities.

After hearing this sentence, the businessman lying there listening to the story couldn't help but take a few more glances. Seeing the patched clothes on the young men who were talking eloquently, he thought that young people today are doing well. Well, when I was my age, I didn't think about such a big thing.

Just looking at the clothes of those young people and the skillful appearance of eating, one can tell that they must be from poor people.

When I was young, I was also walking around the streets, selling smuggled salt with a shoulder pole on my shoulders. How could he not know what knowledge children from poor families can have?
But these people are different, it seems that they are not wearing tattered clothes with patches, but official uniforms embroidered with patches; Bai Ding's mansion.

The businessman really felt that these poor young people had some knowledge, because he was originally a salt smuggler, and later he saved some capital and set up a shop by the canal.

However, with the rise of shipping and the eventual imperial court ordering the abolition of canal water transport, the two sides of the canal inevitably declined.

Many shops would rather complain that the business is getting worse day by day, but they don't want to leave to find another way of life.

This businessman was different. He slammed down hard and gritted his teeth. He felt that sooner or later both sides of the canal would be completely ruined, so he sold all his properties and found another way to survive.

This time coming to Haizhou, it is said that it is best to take advantage of this opportunity of "turning an owl into a business" and go back to the old business to sell salt.

But he is a smuggler, but he also knows that the imperial court is now reforming the salt policy and changing it into votes, and small capitals can enter the market as long as they have a few hundred taels of silver.

I'm afraid that the lucrative business of selling salt in the past may not be easy to do, and the profit will not be so great.

After all, professional counterparts should be regarded as a bottom line.I have never done those strange new industries before, and I am waiting to go to Songjiang Mansion in a few days to take a look and talk about them.

The businessman really didn't expect that a group of poor children wearing patched clothes and living in straw shops could have such insight.

Out of curiosity, he pricked up his ears, wanting to hear what else these people could say.

The young people discussed the situation after the canal was abandoned for a while, and then talked about Haizhou.

One of them talked about the prospects of Haizhou, pointing Jiangshan and said: "I think Haizhou will be a good place in the future. It was said in the newspaper before that this south of Jiangsu is short of coal and firewood. If we follow the above, the road After it’s been repaired, why can’t it prosper by transporting coal here to the south?”

"The book says that steam engines are popular all over the world after all. Everything is so clearly stated. If you want to talk about the merchants by the canal, they should be thinking about opening coal mines and building roads."

"Join a joint venture to repair the road for transporting coal here, and collect freight fees. Is there anyone who doesn't make money?"

"That is to say, I have no money. If I had money, I would have to build a large piece of land at the port. In the future, even if I build warehouses, pile coal, and build warehouses, I can earn back."

"In the future, Haizhou will definitely not be famous for its salt, but for the coal needed by southern Jiangsu."

Speaking of this, the businessman who was eavesdropping over there couldn't quite understand it.

He has never read the books of these students, how does he know what is a steam engine, what is the idea of ​​a steam car in the future, what is a railway and so on.

Of course, these young people must have never seen it.

But these young people have never really been to Africa, but they know that the people there are completely dark; these young people have not really touched gravity, but they believe that gravity causes them to jump up and fall to the ground.

They believe in many things in the books.

Just like every normal person in the future who has never been to space but firmly believes that the earth is round and not flat.

The businessman originally wanted to hear what they had to say, but what he heard now were things he didn't understand at all, so he lost the interest he had just heard when he said that the two sides of the canal would end sooner or later.

In addition, hearing those young people talking nonsense about building a warehouse near the port is even more nonsense.

How much money can Haizhou make by selling coal?

Who mines and sells coal, making more money than selling salt?Isn't this nonsense?

Xin Dao originally thought he had some insight, but it turned out to be nothing more than that.

The businessman only thought it was funny, and thought to himself, if you know about these weird steam engines, what's the use?Isn't it because he wears patched clothes that he can't even be a scholar?

Although I don't know about these things thousands of miles away, when I arrive in Haizhou tomorrow, I will be an authentic legal salt merchant who sells salt by ticket.In the future, even if real coal becomes popular all over the world, it will not be your turn to mine, it will be us.

You continue to gnaw your nest there, talking nonsense about how this thing will become popular in the world, and what kind of coal mine will flourish.Even for 1 years, as long as people still eat salt, the fame of Haizhou depends on salt, not coal.

The businessman didn't want to listen to a group of fools chatting nonsense there, but the scholar-like person in the corner became interested in what these people said, and even took the initiative to talk to them.

(End of this chapter)

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