Chapter 940

Ji Yuan's first stop in the Outer World was a transit planet of the Federation.

His special body had already been transported to the maintenance device here, and when he opened his eyes, he found that he had been soaked in a purple nutrient solution.

Next, Ji Yuan was not immediately assigned to work. Instead, he first adapted to his physical body, recovered his cultivation, and learned all kinds of common sense in the Federation, all of which are for the convenience of his future work.

During this period, Ji Yuan also visited the entire planet from time to time under the leadership of colleagues from the Federation.

The earth has been hollowed out, the ocean has been filled, and the entire planet has been covered by various high-tech artificial creations.

As a huge cosmic star port, spaceships are constantly entering and exiting here, and the densely packed spaceships flicker back and forth in the sky like stars.

Ji Yuan, who came to the federation for the first time, was quickly shocked, and after in-depth study and life, he felt more and more admiration for the various technologies, systems, and achievements of the federation.

In particular, the Federation's consciousness algorithm transformation has turned all citizens into rational, calm citizens with various good qualities, which made him feel a lot of emotion.

'Perhaps the same should be true for big men. Most of the people are ignorant, ignorant, and often selfish. Only through such mass transformation of consciousness can it be possible to create a more perfect era. '

Gradually, Ji Yuan gradually had an idea that a big man should learn from the Federation.

A few months later, with the help of the Tianyan beast blood that Chu Qiguang specially found for him, as well as various high-tech assistance from the Federation, Ji Yuan's physical body in the main universe has been promoted to the realm of sainthood.

And he will also go to his first planned destination.

Looking at the information on the target planet, Ji Yuan smiled helplessly: "No wonder Chu Qiguang arranged for me to go there, but even if I go there, it may not be useful, right? This ancestor may have long since disowned us."

A few days later, Ji Yuan came to a planet full of greens on a Federation spaceship.

But as soon as the spaceship approached, they saw that the planet's atmosphere changed drastically, as if manipulated by some invisible force, it turned into giant dragons and surrounded the spaceship.

Seeing this scene, Ji Yuan sighed in his heart: "It's really Baiyang Fengjie..."

Baiyang Fengjie is the Tongsheng orthodox method of Baiyang Sect, and it is also the main Taoism practiced by the Daxia royal family.

Although he knew before coming here that the civilization on this planet was related to the Great Xia royal family, Ji Yuan still had mixed emotions in his heart when he saw this scene.

According to the information currently held by the Federation, the intelligent life that rules this planet today is not native life, but alien creatures that came here at least hundreds of years ago.

These extraterrestrial creatures have a physical structure that is extremely similar to that of humans, and have mastered powerful Taoist powers, and even reconstructed the spiritual vein system of the entire planet, artificially manipulating the planet's climate, terrain, magnetic field...etc. intervene.

Because this civilization is very closed and rarely communicates with the outside world, the Federation has no further information.

It's just that this time there was no response after sending the invitation of the Alliance of the Heavens to the other party, so the Federation sent a fleet for a friendly visit.

After several days of conversations, the other party made it clear that they did not want to join the Alliance of the Heavens, nor did they need any assistance from the Alliance, nor did they want to intervene in any battles between cosmic civilizations.

And during the conversation, he expressed his dissatisfaction with the unauthorized entry of the Federation fleet, and voluntarily expelled all the Federation's starships.

In the process of this shot, it was suspected that a Daozu-level powerhouse had appeared, which greatly shocked the federal intelligence department.

Dao ancestor-level powerhouses are absolutely top figures among any forces in the heavens and myriad worlds. They never thought that there would be a Dao ancestor hidden in such a small planet.

Just when Ji Yuan's spaceship landed again, in a certain palace on this planet, the Heavenly Sage Emperor from the Great Han World was teaching more than a dozen disciples the main points of Taoism cultivation.

"The first point of practicing Taoism is to learn to stay away from mystery and the unknown, just because the knowledge that most people can learn in a lifetime is limited, and the closer to the limit, the easier it is to go crazy."

"So you have to suppress your curiosity and focus on Taoism, so that you have a chance to go further..."

As the emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty, Tianshengdi not only had outstanding aptitude and talent, but also possessed the entire Central Plains' cultivation resources for him to improve his realm when he was in the Han world.

In addition, the Four Kings of Sutras collected by the Daxia royal family were read by him at will. The superior cultivation conditions can be said to be unmatched by anyone in the world at that time.

At the age of 40, he had not only proved the realm of Tianyuan, but was also proficient in several schools of dharma, and even created the Tianyuan dharma of "Nine Heavens Swaying Demons and Thunder Jue", truly unparalleled in the world.

During the reign of Emperor Tiansheng, he first went on three consecutive expeditions to the East China Sea to kill the dragon clan and hid in the depths of the ocean, and captured a large number of dragon corpses to make weapons and armor. He also used this battle to control the sea route and opened a prosperous maritime trade. Earn a lot of silver for the court every year.

Then he went on the Northern Expedition to the Yaoman, and beat the Northern Yaozu to pieces, making the Northern Yaozu weak and chaotic for hundreds of years.

The martial arts and Taoism of the entire Central Plains were extremely prosperous at that time. Further research on the Wuwei Sect and the alien gods outside the sky, under the auspices of the Emperor Tiansheng, even started the transformation of the Gangqi layer, and completed the nine-mouth Daxia Divine Sword. Created, even Jiang Hongyun, the creator of the three great dharmas of Jiejiao, was born because of him.

Whether it is the territory of the sky, the earth, or the ocean, or natural changes such as floods, rainfall, and earthquakes... almost everything is under the control of the Heavenly Sage Emperor.

It can be said that Daxia reached the pinnacle of martial arts and martial arts in the hands of Emperor Tiansheng, laying a solid foundation for the glory of the Daxia Dynasty in the next hundreds of years.

And just after Tianshengdi reached the pinnacle of his life, he began to set his sights on the distant outer world.

During the many trips to the outer world in the past, he has been fascinated by the mystery and vastness of the outer world, and he is even more curious and competitive about the Emperor God who descends from the stellar atmosphere and regards the world as a pasture.

So after the country's rule and personal realm reached their peak, Tianshengdi became more and more obsessed with the secrets of the sky and the emperor's sky.

Facing those rites and knowledge from the imperial world, the talismans annotated by non-human wriggling and murmurs, even the erosion of the void and the rise of demon stains can make him happy.

Under the enlightenment of the void, located in the depths of the imperial world, the supreme being served by the stars slightly lowered his gaze.

From then on, Tianshengdi would always enter that blurred dream when the stars were twinkling, and see the indescribable existence in the distance in the dream.

This abominable dream that haunted the depths of his consciousness until his death allowed him to see countless frightening and crazy vistas of the universe.

The ancient fear that can't be described in words, the twisted abyss that can't be described in any language, caused the Tiansheng Emperor's mind to undergo a drastic change.

'We're just food, heavenly food. '

Realizing this, the Heavenly Sage Emperor was in great pain, and all the achievements he had made in the past seemed to be unable to change this.

The stellar air layer has completely turned the entire Dahan world into a cage, and when the Emperor Heaven descends, everything will lead to the final doomsday.

In order to escape from this inevitable doomsday and get rid of the entanglement of the deep nightmare, Tianshengdi finally decided to secretly split a part of his consciousness to abandon his physical body and reincarnate outside the sky, in order to completely get rid of the threat of the emperor.

At the same time, he also left a trace of remnants in each of the nine great summer swords, and only hoped that there would be a chance in the future to extradite people from this world to escape the doomsday in the future.

On the other hand, reincarnation also contains huge risks. After all, in the vastness of the sky, after reincarnation, he has to start all over again. Whether the human body in the outer world can be integrated with the martial arts and Taoism he practiced is also a huge problem.

But the good news is that he once met a powerful warrior named Xiang Tiandi, and obtained some information about the extraterrestrial civilization from the other party, and found an extraterrestrial civilization that could descend.

So in order to get rid of the eternal nightmare, Tianshengdi decided to take a risk, but what he didn't know was... the time and space of his reincarnation was in the material universe thousands of years ago.

At first, he was reincarnated into a carnivorous animal. He was used to rich clothes and fine food, so he had to live a life of raw hair and blood. Apart from hunting and predating, he studied himself, the environment, and thinking about ways out.

Although it was hard work, what comforted Tian Shengdi was that since his reincarnation, he seemed to have really got rid of Huang Tian's nightmare and never saw those terrifying things again.

It's a pity that there is no bloodline of Tianyan Beast on this planet, so Tiansheng Emperor can't practice the Dharma, so he can only find a way to find another way.

And he is worthy of being a genius who has comprehended the Four Great Sutra Kings, and soon became familiar with the structure of this physical body, and began to practice while creating martial arts suitable for this physical body.

Soon Tianshengdi became the king of beasts in the jungle, and hunting was easy for him. He began to head out of the jungle and began to explore the intelligent civilization on this planet.

This is a humanoid civilization that has mastered the technology of immortality, and some top practitioners have even left the planet to go to the sea of ​​stars.

Emperor Tiansheng approached this civilization cautiously, learned its technology secretly, and finally started his second reincarnation after decades of preparation. This time, the target was a terminally ill child whom he had chosen for a long time.

Children are abandoned by their parents, have no father or mother and no complex social relationships. Although they are terminally ill, they have excellent bones, which can be called an excellent reincarnation target.

So after the child died of a terminal illness, the Heavenly Sage Emperor completed his second reincarnation and became a member of this civilization.

Relying on the preparations made during the jungle overlord period, he first recuperated and practiced in the jungle for a year, and then came to a human city to join a nine-stream sect.

With his outstanding talent, extraordinary intelligence and young age, he quickly made his mark in this sect and was adopted by the head of the sect as his adopted son.

Half a year later, his martial arts had surpassed that of the sect leader, and after he had eliminated all the enemies for the other party, leaving behind his modified martial arts, Tianshengdi began to wander around the world, eager to learn the martial arts of this civilization everywhere.

He made friends with righteous talents, explored the ancient ruins of Sanxian, joined the righteous sect, and was selected as a true disciple... In just five years, he became the chief disciple of the largest righteous sect, and became the most popular young generation in the world. master.

In the next few decades, he had to pass on the highest classics in his sect, fought and fought back and forth with the masters of the evil sect, and finally achieved the reputation of being invincible in the world with one enemy ten, and then found the Tianwaixian from the remains of the ancient immortals. Zong's clues flew up into the sky.

During the hundreds of years of traveling in the outer world, he met various civilizations, and constantly increased his cultivation and realm, until in an interstellar airport, he discovered a human being suspected of using martial arts. .

The other party's name is Su Xing, and he comes from a civilization with powerful virtual technology. It is said that most members of the other party's civilization have been sleeping in the virtual world for a long time, and even the entire civilization has gradually given up on the development of the real world.

Until an evil god descended from the sky and disrupted their world, but also passed down the evil god's martial arts.

So under Huangtian's order, they planned to gather together with other believers in the universe, and finally, under Huangtian's inspiration, they went on an expedition to the hometown of the evil god.

If Chu Qiguang were here, he would find that Su Xing's civilization was the one he had descended on in the past, and the martial arts on the other side were also passed down by him.

Most people in the universe would choose to stay away from this group of nagging god believers, and no one would want to mess with a mysterious and strange god in this universe.

This was even more so for the Heavenly Sage Emperor. After realizing the identity of the other party's Huangtian believer, he bought a ticket for the nearest star boat, planning to stay away from the other party the next day.

It's a pity that Huangtian seems to be a curse that can never be shaken off. The moment before Tianshengdi boarded the ship, the entire Xinggang was enveloped by a dark and yellow airflow.

The believers of Huangtian held a grand séance ceremony in the star port, exchanging the bodies and souls of countless passengers for the gift of the emperor, and all the intelligent life in the star port except the believers of the emperor turned into aliens called yellow scarf warriors exist.

Even though Tiansheng Emperor's cultivation base was already overwhelming at that time, he was still able to resist the vast divine power, and could only watch helplessly as his physical body was distorted.

At the last moment, he had no choice but to start the third reincarnation hastily, transferring his primordial spirit to a follower of the Emperor Heaven, and mixed in with this group of heretics.

Although he lost his previous body that had been cultivated for hundreds of years, and was once again drawn into the disciples of Emperor Heaven, but after hundreds of years... the Heavenly Sage Emperor discovered that this new body could finally practice the Dharma again.

It took him a long time to understand that it was because the other party also came from another ranch of Huangtian, and because he also had the blood of the Evolved Beast, he could master the cultivation of Fa-rectification.

Tianshengdi developed in this group in a low-key manner for a period of time, but suddenly discovered strange changes in time and space. He often found that time and experiences were repeated, and there would be some subtle or huge changes.

For example, the believers around prayed one more time, and the next destination of the spaceship changed. Except for him, all the believers around him knew nothing about this weird time and space change.

Although Tianshengdi didn't know that these were related to his consciousness from the second cycle, he still thought about how to use this strange change in time and space to find an opportunity to escape.

And just as this weird time-space change was intensifying, he suddenly felt the call from the world of the big man, which had never happened in the past hundreds of years.

So he tried to respond to the call, and found that as long as he was in the fleet of Emperor Heaven believers, he could communicate with Ji Haoran who was far away in the world of Han.

However, this kind of connection comes and goes, and the time flow between the two sides is also very chaotic, coupled with the strange time and space changes on the fleet side, this makes the things that Tiansheng Emperor can do very limited.

He could only pass on his martial arts and Taoism to Ji Haoran as much as possible first, and then control the opponent's physical body to perform Taoism at several critical moments.

It's a pity that even with the help of the Heavenly Sage Emperor, the fate engraved by the emperor seems to be forever irreversible. The demon clan's arrogance is getting more and more arrogant, and the land of the Central Plains is about to sink. The Tiansheng Emperor once again felt the huge gap between humans and gods.

After trying again and again but feeling hopeless, Emperor Tiansheng finally made a decision to save one, at least to help Ji Haoran's consciousness escape from the world of the big man.

So he pretended to use the other party's body to be reborn, but secretly drew out the other party's consciousness, using his own body to accommodate two consciousnesses at the same time.

Ji Haoran, who had just escaped, couldn't accept this, and had serious conflicts with Emperor Tiansheng, and finally accepted the reality gradually under the persuasion of Emperor Tiansheng.

During this process, the fleet encountered more and more strange events. There were often inexplicably more or fewer people on the spaceship. At one point, there were even more than ten spaceships.

In addition, some distorted phantoms would appear in the cabin from time to time, as if something happened in a distant place, but no one except Tianshengdi and Ji Haoran noticed this strangeness.

As the strange phenomenon became more and more serious, Emperor Tiansheng and Ji Haoran kept planning to escape.

Finally, when the congregation held a sacrificial ceremony on a civilization star, they faked their deaths in a fight with the regular army of the civilization, and quietly left this strange team of believers.

And the experience of being involved in Huangtian-related incidents for many times in a row made Tianshengdi no longer willing to wander around in the universe. He rescued a group of refugees from a war-torn planet, and led the refugees to find an environmental issue. Desolate planet.

A few months later, Ji Haoran was reincarnated into a refugee who died of illness, and in order to allow him to practice martial arts, Emperor Tiansheng began to extract his own blood and inject it into the refugee's body.

Under the nurturing and guidance of the two, more and more people on this planet have the blood of Tianyan Beast, more and more people have mastered martial arts, and the civilization of the entire planet has developed rapidly.

Until this moment, after hundreds of years of development, the planet under his feet has become a brand new fairy civilization.

And because of the past experience, because of the various disasters brought about by his incomparably strong curiosity and thirst for knowledge, because of the fear of the emperor, Emperor Tian has been blocking the entire planet's external connections for these years, almost living a life isolated from the outside world.

Although his cultivation has been rising steadily, even surpassing himself in the Dahan world, he is still unwilling to pursue all kinds of mysteries in the universe, and he is unwilling to be involved in disputes related to the emperor.

Until this day, the Federation's fleet arrived again, which caused a surge of worry in Tianshengdi's heart.

A young man raised his head to look at the huge shadow in the sky, and said with a funny smile: "Master, these so-called Federation people really don't want to give up, they insist on pulling us into some kind of alliance of the heavens, just keep talking." What is the safety of the universe, the crisis of the myriad worlds, so arrogant..."

Tianshengdi didn't speak, just looked towards the direction of the sky, and his thoughts passed into the hearts of everyone in the spaceship: "I have made up my mind, I will not participate in the disputes in the universe, everyone go back..."

But at the next moment, I saw a person flying in the sky that day. The person was carrying a tornado all over his body, and the lightning bolt shot at him.

"Bai Yangfeng Tribulation? Passing the holy law?"

Seeing this scene, Tianshengdi was slightly taken aback, stretched out his hand and grabbed Ji Yuan who was falling from the sky as if he was pinching a mosquito.

Looking at Ji Yuan who was suppressed by his backhand, Tianshengdi said coldly: "Who are you? What kind of Taoism did you use just now?"

After confirming their mutual identities with Ji Yuan, Tianshengdi felt even more incredible.

"You are Ji Yuan? How is it possible, you should have been hundreds of years ago..."

Tianshengdi Xindao experienced the space-time disorder in the Emperor Sky Fleet, could it be more serious than he imagined.

Ji Yuan, on the other hand, planned to start persuading the Heavenly Sage Emperor to join the Alliance of the Heavens.

But before Ji Yuan's persuasion began, Tianshengdi first persuaded Ji Yuan to take the people from the world of Han to reincarnate and escape.

"...Once the emperor descends, it will be the end. Since you can descend here, why don't you escape quickly?"

Facing Tiansheng Emperor's worries, Ji Yuan smiled disapprovingly, and said: "We have already studied the origin of Huangtian, and it is Huangji Tianjun of Xudao Palace in the past."

"Huangji Tianjun is at most at the level of Dao ancestors, but now that the entire Xudao Palace has joined the alliance of the heavens, Huangtian has nothing to fear."

"What's more, there are three saints in the alliance of the heavens, so what is a small emperor? If she still comes, she will probably be captured by Chu Qiguang, and she will work to pay off her debts..."

Ji Yuan's indifferent look made Tianshengdi puzzled. Although Chu Qiguang was also very powerful in his memory, there should be a huge gap between him and Huangtian.

Emperor Tiansheng sighed: "You are too arrogant. Huangtian's strength is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine. Even if I have reached the pinnacle of martial arts and Taoism now, I am afraid that I am not Huangtian's opponent. Can you understand?"

Ji Yuan looked at the other party's disbelief, and sighed in his heart. Since when did the Great Xia Emperor who was so wise and powerful in his memory, whom he worshiped since childhood, now look like this? He didn't even understand the heavens and worlds. .

"This is a gift that Chu Qiguang asked me to bring."

I saw the entangled light of blue, red, and white rising from Ji Yuan's body, turning into a phantom of Chu Qiguang.

"This method is my experience in correcting the orthodox method of the Baiyang Sect. I invite you to taste it, Emperor Tiansheng."

The next moment, the three-color light group slowly shot towards the Tiansheng Emperor in front of him.

Tiansheng Emperor sighed, shook his head and said: "Chu Qiguang, you are far away from the starry sky, and you want to deal with me with such a casual blow, it is too arrogant."

Tianshengdi waved his hand and wanted to stop him, but found that after exhausting all his martial arts and Taoism, he couldn't avoid the lasing of the three-color light.

In the end, he could only watch helplessly as the three-color ball of light poured into his forehead, as if someone had touched his head.

The disciples around were all shocked to see this scene, and they never thought that the so-called Chu Qiguang's power exerted from an unknown distance of light years would make their master unable to hide.

Just as the disciples were about to attack Ji Yuan and the others, Tiansheng Emperor waved his hand to stop them.

He recalled the information brought by the three-color light group, and said in disbelief: ""Three Suns Tribulation"...and "Vacuum Tribulation"...Chu Qiguang not only completed all of them, but even revised them?"

Ji Yuan said: "Chu Qiguang has completed and corrected all 25 correct methods."

Hearing this, Tian Shengdi was even more shocked.

Then Ji Yuan summoned the staff of the Federation, and began to show Tianshengdi all kinds of evidence about the Alliance of Heavens and the Dao Palace of Absolute Beginning, and finally let the other party accept the information bit by bit.

Tianshengdi murmured: "Emperor...isn't he a threat?"

Ji Yuan persuaded from the side: "The general trend of the universe in the future must be the alliance of the heavens and the Taoist Palace of the First Beginning. Any civilization must choose a side."

At this moment, Ji Haoran also rushed over, and Ji Yuan had no choice but to introduce the other party again, and invited the two to visit the Federation.

After some visits, Emperor Tiansheng and Ji Haoran were deeply moved. They did not expect that they had been afraid of the emperor for hundreds of years...unknowingly, they could no longer threaten the world of the great man.

But Ji Yuan, who was left far behind by them, has now become an official of the Alliance of the Heavens, and the resources and power he can use even surpass the two of them.

This feeling of changing things in the world made them deeply moved.

Ji Yuan looked at the two of them in the conference room and said: "After joining the Alliance of the Heavens, we will provide you with a loan support, and you can use the loaned money to pay for future projects and carry out technological transformation of the entire planet. The ability to communicate across galaxies has been developed, the energy and blood fluctuation network that travels at the speed of light in the planet, and the support of a large number of Chu coins are used for inter-universe trade..."

"As a member of the Alliance of the Heavens, you are obliged to send a certain number of overseas students every year, provide a certain number of Evolved Beast bloodlines as required, and complete technical exchanges with us on a regular basis to share all the immortal technologies... "

Tiansheng Emperor and Ji Haoran couldn't see any flaws in the various generous benefits promised by the other party. It seemed to be a win-win policy. They could get help to develop rapidly, while the other party could earn a wave in the process of their development. dividend.

Ji Yuan finally said: "If there is no problem, please sign it."

(End of this chapter)

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