casket of old days

Chapter 898 3 Books and Meeting Begin

Chapter 898 Three Books and Meeting Begin

Hearing Chu Yu's words, Chu Qiguang's heart continued to sink, a bad premonition became stronger and stronger, and a feeling of being cheated kept flooding his heart.

'Push me into a report meeting as soon as you open your eyes? '

'This is someone who wants to plot against me and wants me to die. '

'And you made up your mind to pin the pot on me? '

'Once the crisis on the books is detonated, it's hard to say what will happen to the Xudao Palace. My physical body is doomed. '

Chu Qiguang seemed to be able to see countless strong men in the universe surrounding him, blasting him to pieces, and even chasing him all the way to the world of big men, asking him to pay back his debts.

'Maybe Xudao Palace will really want me in the whole universe. '

'It's probably useless to tell them to go back to China next week. '

"In case you find me like the emperor's world..."

Thinking of this, Chu Qiguang felt bad luck.

He never imagined that he would come to Xudao Palace to collect intelligence and knowledge, wanting to improve himself...and finally found a debt. . .

'I can't control that much anymore, even if I am wanted in the end, at least I can make as much money as I can find a way now. '

Now that the situation was so bad that it couldn't be worsened, Chu Qiguang decided to leave it alone.

He planned to stay in this study and read books to collect knowledge, read as much as he could.

Thinking of this, Chu Qiguang looked at Chu Yu and said, "No rush, I'll go later."

"Chu Yu, out of the books here, you pick three that you think have the deepest connotations, and I'll see how your level is."

Seeing Chu Qiguang's calm and composed appearance, Chu Yu didn't suspect him, only thought that the other party was going to test himself.

So she picked three books from the bookshelf and sent them to Chu Qiguang.

The three books are "I Realized the Freedom of Cultivation at the Age of 20", "The Rich Master Series", and "Awakening the Giant in My Heart".

Chu Qiguang took a glance, and the authors of the three books were all Chu Qiguang.

He looked at Chu Yu and thought to himself, "This woman... is flattering me?" '

But Chu Qiguang just looked at the names, and he knew that the three books written by "he" were all utter rubbish, and he probably cheated a lot of manuscript fees.

Thinking about the fact that he didn't share a dime of the money he defrauded from this book, and now he wasted his time by this book, Chu Qiguang became even more annoyed.

But he knew he couldn't say it outright.

So Chu Qiguang said calmly: "Don't choose my book, change to something else."

Looking at the three books that Chu Yu brought back are: "Spirit Coin Hegemony", "4000 Years of Dao Palace", "The Solution of Heaven"

This time Chu Qiguang took over the three books, and let a huge amount of information pour into his mind from the three books.

Obviously these three books are the ones Chu Yu is really interested in and pondering over and over again.

The content inside is indeed rich and unusual, including economics, history, heaven, void and so on.

The first thing Chu Qiguang read was "Spiritual Coin Hegemony".

"Since the establishment of the Xudao Palace, the spirit currency has been designated as the main currency, and it has been bound to the cosmic spiritual machine for settlement. Behind almost every major change in the universe, you can see the figures of those forces that control the universe-level spiritual machine capital.

They control the political destiny of countless civilizations by controlling the spiritual lifeline of a region.

Countless strong men succumbed to the spirit coins, and it also allowed Xudao Palace to exploit the entire universe without using force..."

In a blink of an eye, the content of "Spiritual Coin Hegemony" was digested by Chu Qiguang's brain, and he also had some understanding of the economic operation of Xudao Palace and its forces.

The so-called inspiration is a basic element that is ubiquitous in the universe. The operation of all martial arts and Taoism is related to this inspiration, and it is one of the power sources of various extraordinary powers.

Chu Qiguang knew in his heart that this was probably a certain basic principle that the Dahan world hadn't formally researched.

It's as if some civilizations can detect gravitational waves and others can't.

Some civilizations burn wood, others boil water.

And Xudao Palace relies on in-depth research on the basic principles of Taoism and a high degree of awareness of spirituality to create spiritual coins.

And by using spiritual coins to change the concentration of spiritual energy in the area, you can thoroughly grasp the lifeblood of countless living beings.

Because of the importance of inspiration, it is almost the blood of most advanced civilizations in the universe, and it is an indispensable resource.

As the currency bound to the spiritual machine, the spiritual coin is used for the settlement of various materials in the universe. That is to say, the transactions of countless civilizations need to pass through the currency of the Xudao Palace, and they need to pass through the spiritual coin settlement system continuously, which is equal to continuous Pay seigniorage for Xudao Palace.

Next, the book respectively introduces the impact of the hegemony of the spirit coin on many wars and civilization changes in the universe.

Chu Qiguang watched this passage with great interest, and he also understood the power of Xudao Palace more and more.

The civilizations and countries it rules are as vast as the sea of ​​stars, and the immortal system has become the most advanced system in the known universe.

The next book is "4000 Years of Dao Palace", which tells a part of the history of Xudao Palace.

The history of Xudao Palace is too long, and this book talks about the four thousand years of history that are considered to be the most important.

These 4000 years are not connected together, but refer to the millennium plan in four different historical periods.

The first millennium plan was called the Millennium Library at the beginning, and it was called 108 pulses in later generations.

This plan is to collect all the martial arts and Taoism that have been handed down since ancient times in the known universe, and mobilize millions of monks to organize and correct these martial arts and Taoism together to establish the largest database in the universe.

Originally, the secret books and knowledge of various schools and sects were strictly guarded by themselves. It is obviously not easy to collect so much knowledge in the universe.

But the Xudao Palace finally managed to do this, and in the process of organizing these martial arts, they were divided into 108 schools, which are called 108 channels in later generations.

With the rapid development of the Xudao Palace, the 108 meridians have also become more prosperous, and they have achieved extraordinary achievements in their respective fields.

Now every year newly joined monks have to join one of the 108 channels to study, research and work in different directions.

The second most important millennium plan is called the Gate of Heaven.

It was the top leadership of Xudao Palace at that time, known as the 72 Dao ancestors, who jointly deduced the way of heaven, opened the so-called gate of the way of heaven, corrected the operation of the way of heaven, and laid the cornerstone of the order of the universe today.

Chu Qiguang said in his heart: "According to the statement above, the original way of heaven is full of chaos and distortion, causing madness and distortion to spread throughout the universe, and all creatures are at risk of losing control all the time." '

'This means... the former Heavenly Dao was a huge source of evil?The entire universe is in a state of great magic?There are monsters after the outbreak of magic dyeing everywhere? '

At that time, the 72 Dao ancestors of Xudao Palace joined forces to encapsulate the way of heaven, and after controlling the magic dye, the power of the way of heaven radiated to the universe more stably. '

When Chu Qiguang saw this, he also sighed in his heart: "If what is said is true, then the 72 Taoist ancestors are very powerful... But what happened to the outbreak of the great evil in the world of the Han Dynasty?" '

The third millennium plan is called the void hub.

In order to further govern the void and eliminate the chaotic influence of the void on the universe, the powerhouses of the immortal way are banned from disturbing the time and space of the entire universe and all dimensions through the void.

At that time, the Xudao Palace gathered the most powerful group of gods and gods in the universe. Together with the 72 Dao ancestors at that time, they created an artifact that could penetrate the void, control the past, present, and future, and completely establish the order of the void. .

However, the specific information about this artifact in the books is too scarce, what it looks like, what its name is, how to establish the order of the void...all of them are absent, obviously they are all confidential.

Chu Qiguang thought: "This artifact is used to prevent the information in the void from polluting the world at will?"Also to prevent high-level monks from interfering with time and space? '

'But if the plan is complete, then why am I still meddling in time and space? '

Chu Qiguang shook his head, and looked at the introduction of the last millennium plan above.

"Laziness is the nature of human beings, but if everyone can turn laziness into treasure, then we can bless the human race and forge ahead forever..."

"The so-called nine disasters of heaven and man are laziness, poverty, ugliness, decline, ignorance, greed, madness... etc. nine kinds of disasters encountered in life."

"Xudao Palace believes that these disasters are distributed in every corner of the universe in a random way, killing a large number of people and killing many geniuses in their cradles."

"If the community of shared future in the universe wants to continue to develop, if it wants to further use the way of heaven, even surpass the way of heaven, and surpass the great civilization that created the way of heaven in the first place, it needs to further tap the potential of everyone."

"So the Nine Disasters of Heaven and Man Plan was officially launched, in order to transform the nine life disasters into usable resources and promote them in an all-round way..."

Chu Qiguang looked at the content written on it, and he was a little surprised: "Human disasters?"into usable resources?Turning waste into treasure? '

'If it can be done, it will really completely change the future of the entire universe, and the prosperity of Xudao Palace will reach an incredible level, right? '

The Millennium Library, the Gate of Heaven, the Void Hub, the Nine Calamities of Heaven and Man... Seeing the introduction of these four Millennium Projects, Chu Qiguang felt a little emotional.

Even though countless years have passed, he can still feel the far-reaching intentions and great significance of these four plans.

'A community of shared future in the universe?Even if half of the four millennium plans are contained, the Xudao Palace can be called the beacon of the universe, the hope of the entire universe. '

Then he narrowed his eyes and saw the introduction of the person in charge of the Nine Disasters at the back of the book.

'Ji Wufan... the chief editor of the Nine Disasters?A shocking genius who rejected the position of Taoist ancestor? '

He remembered a message in "Book from the Ground", which was also left by a person who claimed to be Xudao Palace Ji Wufan. .

"Not only was Ji Wufan made out the secret scriptures of the Purple Mansion, but even the Nine Calamities of Heaven and Man were also Ji Wufan's works. This Ji Wufan has a great background. '

However, the introduction to Ji Wufan in the book is only a short paragraph, and there is no redundant information.

Chu Qiguang could only temporarily suppress his curiosity, first put this "4000 Years of Dao Palace" aside, and then looked at the next book "The Solution of the Way of Heaven".

Compared with the historical content of the previous two books, this "Explanation of the Dao of Heaven" focuses more on the analysis of the Dao of Heaven, and it is a book on the theory of the Dao of Heaven.

The content in it is still very helpful to Chu Qiguang, allowing him to understand the system of martial arts and Taoism in Xudao Palace.

"Just like the Dahan world, in the system of Xudao Palace, the improvement of realm and strength mainly depends on the deepening of understanding of the way of heaven..."

"And the highest boundary among them is called the boundary between heaven and man. The 72 ancestors of the past dynasties are all supreme beings who broke the boundary between heaven and man."

"An existence that has reached this level has transcended the shackles of spirit and matter. It can change the world with its own will, and even affect the operation of the heavens. It can no longer be described by pure strength or weakness."

When Chu Qiguang saw this, his heart moved again: "If it is said that breaking the boundary between heaven and man can affect the operation of the heaven, then is it true that the gods of the emperor are also in this realm?" '

And below the boundary between heaven and man, there is a realm known as the 'artificial position'.

A strong person in this realm can turn inspiration into matter, and can also turn matter into inspiration. As long as he can swallow the inspiration, he can create all things and evolve the world. He can truly be self-sufficient and form a country without relying on others. , a high position of civilization exists.

Except for the 72 Dao ancestors... the top powerhouses of the immortal system in the universe, especially the high-ranking beings in the heavens, are almost at this level.

Next, Chu Qiguang took a look at the realms under the construction status one by one, and interpreted the introduction in detail, and then began to compare it with the system of the Dahan world.

'Different... completely different...'

'In the world of the Han Dynasty, the power of Qi and blood is used to promote martial arts and a small part of Taoism, and most of the remaining Taoism can be activated as long as you learn the relevant knowledge. '

'But the Immortal Dao System of Xudao Palace uses inspiration to promote all martial arts and Taoism. '

'The biggest blood and inspiration. '

The Xudao Palace is driven by inspiration, while the system derived from the secret scriptures of the Purple Mansion in the Great Han World is powered by Qi, blood and knowledge.

As for the comparison of specific combat power, judging from the various examples in the book of rewriting the rules of the Dao of Heaven and affecting the operation of the Dao of Heaven, Chu Qiguang believes that his current combat power must not reach the level of the Taoist ancestor breaking the boundary between heaven and man.

As for the many realms below the boundary between heaven and man, it will take a fight to know which gear his combat power belongs to.

After all, he is no longer a frog in a well in a corner of the universe. He knows that even in the same state... the performance in different regions of the universe is very different.

Exactly what level his current combat power is at in the Xudao Palace, it is completely impossible to calculate based on the current information.

Because he still lacks data on the performance of martial arts and Taoism in the Dahan world in other regions of the universe.

After reading these three books, the number of gifts in Chu Qiguang's chest was also full of gifts, and the options in his mind lit up one by one.

The Shenyou Orthodox Dharma "Secret Track Vajra Warriors Meeting Sutra" belonging to the King Kong Temple was also shrouded in light, and with the continuous injection of gifts one after another, Chu Qiguang was completely pushed into the Shenyou realm.

After a long time, Chu Yu finally couldn't help but said: "Sir, the meeting is about to start..."

Chu Qiguang said calmly: "No hurry, I'll read a few more books. Do you know Chu Yu? Life is about learning every bit of time."

Chu Yu looked at the other party in admiration, and said in his heart: "Mr. Chu still doesn't forget to study all the time at this level, which is probably the reason for his success." '

At this moment, the entire study room went dark, and all the books and bookshelves disappeared without a trace.

Instead, it was a vast and boundless huge venue.

Chu Qiguang's heart sank: "Come to catch me?" '

Chu Yu on the side reminded: "Sir, the meeting has begun."

Chu Qiguang cursed in his heart, and said in a low voice, "Teleconference? Or the kind that can force people to come in?"

"I'm going to get one later..."

(End of this chapter)

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