casket of old days

Chapter 889 Platform trajectory and retribution

Chapter 889 Platform trajectory and retribution

When Mrs. Qu and the high-ranking being in her arms were completely evaporated by the beam of light falling from the sky, the entire Tongtian City gradually recovered from the chaos.

The barking dogs returned to calm, the rats scurrying around hid in their holes again, and the crows scattered in the sky.

The restless, flustered and even frantic people were also freed from the nightmare state, wondering why they lost control just now. .

And in the Qu family's manor, all the distorted and mutated monsters collapsed and liberated amid bursts of howls, turning into scattered flesh and blood emitting a thick stench all over the place.

When the Holy See's rescue team arrived at the scene, all they saw were broken limbs all over the ground.

Whether it is the investigators, hunters, or the monsters that the Qu family summoned from other worlds, they have all completely rested under the power of the Emperor's Sky Star.

And the only one who survived the disaster was investigator Zhan Tian.

He was carried out of the Qu Family Manor amidst the crowd watching, and he was treated like a hero afterwards, becoming the biggest contributor to this incident.

According to the public statement of the Holy See, Zhan Tian, ​​with the spirit of being brave and never giving up bestowed by the emperor, found out the dirty deeds of the Qu family under the surface of the good people.

He led other investigators to destroy the cult's ritual, and under the influence of the power of the emperor, he killed the evil god who descended from the outer world...

While people were cheering and celebrating, Zhan Tian had already been sent to the psychiatric sanatorium in Cam City, where he underwent a comprehensive inspection by the Holy See.

He was stripped of all his clothes, and was inspected from head to toe by a group of people...with an attitude that didn't spare a single hair.

Then he was surrounded by a group of priests and performed the whipping ceremony of the emperor, was soaked in the Holy See's talisman water many times, and was taken by those crazy psychiatrists to conduct various mental tests...

All this process is to prevent him, the only survivor present, from being affected by the evil god and being polluted by the abnormal power outside that day.

In this mental sanatorium, what Zhan Tian heard most were the screams of other patients and the prayers of the priests day and night.

At this moment, Zhan Tian, ​​who had been tortured, was lying on the bed.

The electric lamp next to the hospital bed was turned on day and night, just because Zhan Tian couldn't accept the darkness for a minute and a second.

In his mind is still the nightmarish scenes of the Qujia Manor underground.

He hadn't had a full night's sleep for a long, long time since leaving that basement.

He felt that the deep terror from beyond the sky and the deep malice from the depths of the universe hadn't left, but hid in the darkness, ready to make a comeback at any time.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"You feel right."

"Who?" Zhan Tian was startled, and immediately jumped up from the hospital bed.

But no matter how he responded, that voice was not ringing.

Zhan Tian slapped the door of the hospital bed in fear, calling the names of the priest and the doctor...


Sala Palace.

Chu Qi CD-ROM was sitting in mid-air, the surrounding blood pools and the living corpses in the blood pools were performing uninterrupted rituals to communicate with the void, increasing his efficiency in receiving void information.

But Chu Qiguang still frowned slightly as he felt the intermittent messages coming from the void: "This miniaturized ritual still seems to have a poor signal, so it can't be connected all the time."

During this period of time, while Chu Qiguang was using the Void to collect knowledge and information, he also communicated and learned with the group friends in the Book of Void, and completed some miniaturization explorations of rituals.

The result is a small mass of flesh parasitic on the body of 'Investigator Zhan Tian'.

However, this miniaturized instrument obviously has problems in many aspects, such as the signal is very unstable.

Just now Chu Qiguang exchanged a word with Zhan Tian, ​​but he has not received any response from the other party.

"Take your time. Although the Qu family's actions failed, after Zhan Tian destroyed the Qu family's lair, he has gained a firm foothold in the Holy See. I am not at a loss anyway."

Unable to receive the signal for the time being, Chu Qiguang began to do other things at hand.

Accompanied by a burst of sacrificial qi and blood, Chu Qiguang's eyes appeared one after another through the transformation of the holy, this is the effect brought about by the "Heterogeneous Offering Enlightenment", which allows him to refresh the transformation of the holy through the sacrifice of qi and blood.

However, refreshing multiple times in a short period of time will cause a sharp increase in blood consumption, so he chose the most cost-effective three times a month.

The four holy transformations obtained this time are the "Void Instrument" that speeds up the void travel, the "King Kong Reversal" that transforms offensive and defensive power, the "Supernatural Powers" related to the deduction of supernatural powers, and the "Circle of Folly" A thousand fools realize'.

He has encountered similar situations in the four transformations in his future deduction, and he chose Fool Qianwu with a flash in his eyes.

"Thousands of fools realize."

"A fool's mark similar to the ring of foolishness."

"By imitating the power of ignorance."

"It enables stupid people to apply advanced knowledge without knowing anything."

"It is said that ignorance was once the best counterweight to knowledge."

"But under the urging of greed, this method has long been used by no one."

"The first ignorant people have given up, and the subsequent followers are just under the guise of their names."

This transformation related to the ring of ignorance is also the transformation of the sage that Chu Qiguang could only learn after he created the "Book of Dahuanxi Magical Powers".

After all, "The Treasure Book of Great Joyful Magical Abilities" condensed all his knowledge, and even contained the secret of the Ring of Foolishness, so it is not surprising that he could achieve a similar transformation.

After inhaling this transformation into his body, Chu Qiguang felt that his consciousness was covered with a layer of cotton yarn. He no longer understood the connotation of many transformations, but he could know their application.

"The power of this transformation is equivalent to turning many mysterious forces into a complete black box."

"The user can know the result of using it, but they don't know the details and the knowledge of various taboos."

"This thing is useless to me, but it is a great thing for the general public..."

At the next moment, Chu Qiguang stored the four kinds of sage transformations, everyone is like me, heretics offer enlightenment, fools have thousands of enlightenments, and the treasure books of magical powers are stored in the body in turn.

Then use a self-created Taoism to integrate these four transforming powers.

"The common people cross by themselves, happy and happy, and the future will last forever, and the supernatural powers will be accomplished!"

I saw Chu Qiguang's hands forming seals, and a huge door burst open from between his hands, containing infinite mystery and power.

This Taoism is called "The Gate of All Wonders", and it is a profound Taoism deduced by Chu Qiguang after hundreds of deductions and a lot of energy and wisdom. It is used to integrate the core transformation he selected.

At this moment, with the emergence of the gate of all wonders, the power of the four major metamorphosis is sucked into it one by one, turning into a mysterious and mysterious aura.

"For the time being, it's done."

Feeling the movement of the power in the gate, Chu Qiguang secretly said in his heart: "Now as long as you contact the people of the Gate of All Wonders, you can use the power of this platform to expend energy and blood to draw out new transformations." '

'The metamorphosis selected by them will be temporarily stored in the Gate of Wonders and lent out when they need it. '

'However, it can only afford 50 users for the time being, and each user can only borrow the power of one transformation at a time, and can store two transformations. '

'This is considered to be the 0.1 beta version of the Gate of Wonders for the time being. '

'If the price is set...then the first time is 10 gas, the second time is 100 gas, the third time is 1000 gas, and the price is reset at the beginning of each month. '

'After all, I also want to protect my capital. It is reasonable to charge a little more than I smoke. '

With the existence of the Gate of All Wonders, it means that 100 more people helped Chu Qiguang extract transformations at once, and the number of transformations accessed has also reached [-] at once, which can be described as a qualitative improvement in efficiency.

But Chu Qiguang knew in his heart that in order to develop this supernatural power to the height in his mind, he had to continue to collect more knowledge, and also integrate the power of "Vajra's Phases" to continuously optimize the supernatural power itself.

'In short, you can test it first. '

So in the following days, Chu Qiguang selected some people in Night City to become the first batch of users of the Gate of Wonders, and asked them to test the entire process to see if there were any problems.

At the same time, under the intervention of Chu Qiguang, the situation on the investigator Zhan Tian's side gradually developed new developments.


"Mr. Zhan Tian, ​​we checked your physical and mental conditions."

In the office of the Cam Nursing Home, Zhan Tian's attending physician smiled kindly: "You are normal, and there is no sign of contamination from the inside to the outside of your whole body by evil gods."

But Zhan Tian didn't think so. He slapped the table and shouted loudly: "I can dream of everything in the Qujia Manor every day this year."

"And that evil god...he's been talking to me all the time! He's in my head!"

The attending physician pushed his glasses and said patiently: "Mr. Zhan Tian, ​​everything in the Qujia Manor was an unforgettable nightmare for everyone, and you probably left some memories in your heart because of that experience." Trauma."

"The voice of the evil god you heard is just an illusion caused by some trauma."

"You should relax and not be so tense all day."

Zhan Tian looked at the doctor in front of him angrily. In the past year, he had reported his situation to the above again and again.

At the beginning, the Holy See attached great importance to his report, detained him with the highest standards, and kept looking for traces of evil spirits in him day and night.

But after a long time, more and more priests and doctors said that his physical and mental conditions were all normal.

Some senior investigators also said that without rituals and sacrifices by cultists, it is unlikely that evil gods can cross the limitations of time and space and communicate directly with Zhan Tian.

Gradually... people began to think that Zhan Tian was simply stimulated mentally.

Some professors believed that he could not accept the deaths of his teammates, and subconsciously punished himself out of guilt, insisting that he had been polluted by evil gods.

Zhan Tian dismissed those bullshit professors' words, but it turned out that the experts at the Cam Nursing Home really had nothing to do with his situation.

"Hahahaha, do you believe it now?"

"No matter how hard you struggle, it's useless, you can't escape my control."

Hearing the malicious ridicule coming from his mind, Zhan Tian yelled coldly: "Get out!"

But what greeted him was more wanton mockery from the evil god, as well as the surprised and pitiful eyes of the doctors, nurses, and priests around him.

The evil god's voice came again: "If you continue to make such a scene, they will probably arrest you as a mental patient."

"After staying in this nursing home for so long, you should understand how mental patients are treated here."

"At that time, even if you are the great hero who saved Tongtian City, they will bleed you, burn you with boiling water, and beat you with a whip..."

Zhan Tian calmed down a little, and after expressing his apologies to the people around him, he walked back to his ward.

"What does he want to do? Your arrival has failed."

"If you want to use my body to come again, then you should be disappointed, even if you commit suicide, I won't give you a chance."

There was a burst of laughter, and Zhan Tian felt the incomparable malice and sarcasm from the laughter, and he couldn't help laughing as if he saw something extremely funny.

When Zhan Tian hugged his head and felt dizzy, the voice said again: "Did the arrival fail?"


"The descent has already been successful, and when you left the ceremony, it was already successful."

Zhan Tian resisted: "Absurd lie..."

The evil voice said, "Lies? Have you forgotten?"

"Your grandmother is also a Tongtian, and you came here to attend her funeral."

"Do you know your grandmother's last name?"

"She is also surnamed Qu, the illegitimate daughter of a Qu family."

"You are also a descendant of the Qu family."

"You also have the evil blood that has been passed down for hundreds of years."

"Your arrival itself is part of the ceremony."

"That's why I can blend into your flesh and blood, and descend into this world through your body..."

Zhan Tian shook his head blankly: "Impossible...this kind of thing..."

But although Zhan Tian was unwilling to accept this information, he also knew that it was pointless to stay in the Cam Nursing Home.

He began to hide his abnormalities, and showed everything normal in the eyes of others.

Soon he was successfully discharged from the hospital, and because of his excellent performance in Tongtian City, he became a senior investigator of the Holy See, and he could lead more than ten ordinary investigators under his command.

And he quickly took the time to return to Tongtian City, and investigated the life experience of himself and his grandmother.

"It turned out to be was true..."

Looking at the citizen information in front of him, Zhan Tian sat down on the ground, and said with a hesitant face: "Why is this... I actually..."

For a while, he couldn't accept the truth of his life experience, but the evil god on the other side said: "In order for you to become a container, the Qu family has arranged for decades and spent countless relationships and wealth."

"Even Mrs. Qu, who was killed by you, doesn't know your true identity..."

Ignoring the evil god's mockery, Zhan Tian gradually calmed down after a month of decadence, and started his work as an investigator.

At this moment, he seemed to want to forget everything, or use his work to cleanse his true identity as a descendant of a cult.

Under his selfless work, one case after another was solved by him, and all kinds of serial murderers, fraudsters, cultists, and lunatics were arrested by him.

As Zhan Tian's reputation and position rose higher and higher, the voice of the evil god seemed to gradually fade away, making him even wonder if he had really just heard a hallucination in the past.

But the exploration of a bizarre case made him understand that it was not an illusion.

It was a dark, still midnight.

In the eastern part of the New World, in the bustling downtown of New York, Zhan Tian is leading his team to hunt down a serial murderer.

In the recent serial murder case in this bustling city, there were already twelve victims, each victim was mutilated, and there were various traces of being eaten by wild beasts on his body.

The horrific details of the case, the rising number of victims, and the newspaper media that fueled the fire all stirred up panic in the whole city.

But today, Zhan Tian and the others finally found the criminal's trace based on the various clues left by the criminal at the scene, as well as those ritual traces full of symbolic meaning.

They found dismembered bodies in the basement of each other's home, organs soaked in formalin, and meatballs that had been beaten into meatballs in the refrigerator.

Even the investigators who have been investigating cases for many years and have seen all kinds of perverts and lunatics couldn't help but vomit at this moment.

Filled with righteous indignation, they ambush around the basement, waiting for the murderer to throw themselves into the net.

But when the murderer revealed his horrifying true colors under their siege, it still made everyone present feel terrified.

Rows of jagged fangs protruding from the corners of the mouth, facial features full of deformities, and flesh and blood that exudes a stench and drips green pus continuously.

The murderer in front of him was already an inhuman being, and he contained evil power far beyond ordinary people.

Swords and bullets could only inflict shallow wounds on his skin, and before the priest could unleash his mighty power, his heart was pulled out by this ghostly creature.

In the blink of an eye, more than half of the team that hunted down the murderer was killed or injured. The policemen had already scattered and fled in fear, and the investigators also started to retreat one by one.

Zhan Tian, ​​who stayed behind, was slapped and flew out. He hit a dent in the wall and fell down, spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

The monster smiled sinisterly: "Investigator Zhan Tian, ​​you are the only one left, you can't escape."

Zhan Tian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said viciously: "The Holy See will not let you go, we don't know how many evil forces we have dealt with, and you are nothing like this."

The monster stretched out its scarlet tongue and licked it, and said lightly: "Don't confuse me with the trash fish you have dealt with before."

"I am the container of the real evil god, and I have already endured the terrifying power from the depths of the starry sky."

"You have no idea what kind of existence you are fighting against."

The monster grabbed Zhan Tian's head and lifted him up: "I heard that you prevented an evil god from descending in Tongtian City before?"

"I will let you and the people in the Holy See understand that I am completely different from that third-rate stuff."

The monster pinched Zhan Tian's claws and gradually tightened them, making a real cracking sound of bones breaking.

Zhan Tian felt that his life was gradually coming to an end, and incomparable fear welled up in his heart.

"Want to live?"

The voice that hadn't appeared for a long time emerged from his mind again.

"Just give me your body."

"It only takes a while, and I can help you settle the situation outside."

Just when the monster was about to crush Zhan Tian's head, the Zhan Tian in front of him suddenly rolled his eyes, and then a cold voice came out: "Let go."

The monster's facial features twisted for a while, and he sneered, "You humble reptile, even if you beg for mercy now, it's too late..."

'Zhan Tian' squeezed the monster's wrist with one hand, and said coldly: "Dirty sand sculpture, who do you think you are talking to?"

As the palm of 'Zhan Tian' touched the monster, endless lights, shadows and phantoms appeared in front of him.

That is the profound knowledge from the end of the starry sky, that is the darkness composed of countless historical taboos.

His body began to swell, and his flesh and blood began to lose control.

A horrified voice came out of his throat: "You... what are you!"

The other party said in a cold tone: "This person, this planet, and this civilization are all mine."

"You and the third-rate characters behind you... it's best to get out forever."

Amidst the screams, the monster has been poured with knowledge, except for the head... It has been completely demonized into an existence covered with tentacles all over its body.

Then 'Zhan Tian' pointed his finger on the monster's head, and saw that the part under the monster's head turned into a ball of blood, which directly merged into his body.

He squeezed his fists and said to himself: "After all, the void can only carry information, and the power of Moran is more convenient."

The next moment, he closed his eyes again, and when he woke up again, he let out a roar.

Zhan Tian clenched his fists, his mind was filled with the scene of the monster being demonized and absorbed by him.

He couldn't help throwing it out, feeling a strong discomfort all over his body.

But with the arrival of reinforcements, the monster's remaining head was taken away by the Holy See.

And Zhan Tian's record of fighting against evil things by himself soon spread to the top management.

After numerous inspections, he was promoted again and became New York State's Chief Inspector.

In the following ten years, Zhan Tian experienced many battles along the way.

He solved unsolved unsolved cases for more than ten years, arrested Xiao Shengmiji, the fraudster who deceived countless rich people, and fought various ghouls, tentacle monsters, sea monsters, and extraterrestrial evils, and even sealed the evil god himself.

As the incarnation of justice, he not only fights on the front line day after day, he also publishes books, shoots commercials, opens a real estate company, and sells his own souvenirs.

He even participated in the election of the state legislature. By wooing the poor and discriminated immigrants, he became a widely loved politician. He once changed the rules of the political game and promoted the legality of political donations.

When he was 60 years old, Zhan Tian, ​​who was already famous all over the world, participated in the presidential election and successfully stood at the top of the power in the New World.

But Zhan Tian felt a pang of sadness in his heart, because no one knew that he, the president of the New World, was the real monster, an inhuman walking corpse controlled by evil forces.


When Zhan Tian felt extremely sad, Chu Qiguang also felt a twist.

'The 136th time, still useless. '

'I can only follow a certain trend in that world. Once I try to break that trend, such as sharing knowledge and reforming the Holy See...the situation will immediately get out of control. '

'That's as if some kind of rules were set in advance, and you can act freely within the rules, but as long as you go beyond the rules...the whole world will stop everything from happening. '

'Even if I have enough power, I can only develop that world according to a certain trajectory. '

'Is this the emperor's destiny... about that world? '

'And Zhan Tian is obviously an important role in this destiny. '

The more Chu Qiguang influences that world repeatedly, the more he can feel the horror hidden in it.

At this time, he also understood the gap proposed by the future demon.

Even if it can affect the past and future, he still can't change that trend or destiny.

So Chu Qiguang decided to change his method, directly gave up the way to use the world more efficiently, and chose to directly show the sickle to harvest.


When Zhan Tian thought that he would be controlled by the evil god forever and become the opponent's puppet.

After waking up one day, he found himself lying down in the large library of the Holy See. Tens of thousands of books were flipped everywhere, surrounding him.

Those secrets that have been sealed for many years, the darkness that was buried in history, the knowledge that was regarded as taboo by the Holy See... All of them came to his mind at this moment.

He also overnight became the worst president in history, the biggest traitor to the Holy See, and the number one scandal in history.

In the future, there will be countless stories about evil presidents and investigators of evil gods.

Since then, Zhan Tian has never received any message from that evil god.

But in subsequent investigations, they gradually discovered the truth of history and pieced together the trajectory of the evil god's influence on the world.

And 'Tongtian' is the other party's name.

Even with the continuous development of society and the continuous advancement of history, Zhan Tian has not forgotten the hatred brought by this evil god...


At this moment.

In a certain corner of the imperial world.

A pair of eyes are awakened from the darkness.

"Zhan Tian, ​​are you dreaming again?"

"Well, I dreamed of Him again."

"How long will it take us to reach His hometown?"

"I can't wait to see his horrified appearance, and let him see the misdeeds of these thousands of years... What kind of retribution will this starry sky bring him."

(End of this chapter)

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