casket of old days

Chapter 885 Communication Across the World

Chapter 885 Communication Across the World

In the blood that soared into the sky one after another.

Thousands of living corpses loomed in it, and numb and strange tones were spit out from their throats, turning into bursts of ominous sound waves and passing through the blood-smelling air.

In this mysterious and treacherous ceremony, Chu Qiguang could feel that his consciousness was separated from his body bit by bit. .

He seemed to be able to see the roar of the galaxy in the distant sky, and see the countless unknown beings wandering in the void.

Every one of the world's powerful masters from ancient times to the present has used their own methods to achieve the transformation of master saints.

And one of the general methods is to travel outside the sky, or to travel the void, to obtain knowledge outside the sky and obtain some transformations that are different from common sense.

In the void that lacks the concept of time and space, from the past to the future, from the center of the universe to the border, there is a huge amount of information in each world, just need some luck and patience.

And some people with extraordinary talents, such as the Tiansheng Emperor, are able to exchange what they have learned with other people in the process of wandering in the sky, and even create a new orthodox method later.

At this moment, part of Chu Qiguang's consciousness is out of the body, communicating with the void, like a radio, constantly receiving information from the void.

And under the ritual of the future magic guide, his connection with the void is fixed in a special frequency.

In this case, the information that Chu Qiguang obtains is no longer a needle in a haystack, but all come from the same world.

All kinds of words, lights, shadows, and sounds echoed in his mind, gradually forming a picture of a different world.

It was a dark world full of gunpowder, electricity, religion, aliens, and distorted beliefs.

Although the whole world is divided into hundreds of small countries, they have a unified belief. The king of each country obeys a religious organization called Huangjiao and believes in a god named Huangtian.

Most of the people also crazily believe in the emperor, and the people of the whole world are divided into different levels according to the depth of their beliefs. Whether it is thought or culture, they are all conservative and feudal.

The deformed and demonized aliens hide in the darkness, quietly conveying strange beliefs or thoughts from beyond the sky, and are therefore hunted down by the emperor's hunters...

Chu Qiguang read the information in it, and thought to himself: "Is what the future demons said true?"Human beings are the mainstream existence in this universe...'

He recalled the information revealed by the group of friends in the Book of the Void that human beings were the first race in this universe to master the power of immortality.

And once... as the organizations named Tianting and Xudao Palace continued to conquer and expand, human footprints gradually spread all over the galaxy, creating countless kingdoms and civilizations.

'Even the civilization of the earth... originally originated from an action in the heavens, and then gradually developed into what I know. '

'In the countless worlds and pastures ruled by Emperor Tian, ​​most of them also use human beings as the main body. '

'It's not just the group of friends saying that, judging from the extraterrestrial knowledge I've read, it's true that the appearance of people accounts for the majority. '

Chu Qiguang's thoughts changed slightly, and he continued to receive information from the void. He wanted to see how strong the real emperor had become. Only by knowing himself and the enemy, and understanding the gap between the two sides, could he have a fuller understanding of future battles. Prepare.

At the same time, this will also allow him to acquire more knowledge and increase his own potential and savings.

And in the process of continuously acquiring knowledge of this world, he could sense faint calls coming from the void from time to time, as if bubbles popped up on the calm water surface, inviting him to come and talk.

'Is it that the people of that world are also communicating with the outside world? '

After experiencing a period of knowledge acquisition in the world, Chu Qiguang finally chose to respond after hearing the call again.

In the weird and vague voice, Chu Qiguang tried to decipher the other party's language, and tried to respond.

However, this attempt was not successful at the beginning. Chu Qiguang could only collect knowledge while responding to the other party many times, trying to communicate further.

In this communication again and again, he tried to obtain all kinds of information from the other party about Taoism, extraordinary power, and imperial power.

At the same time, he also tried to exchange some advanced economic theories, qi and blood theory, and management knowledge with the other party.

This is also not simple. The existence of the void constantly interferes with the communication between the two parties, so that the two parties will always misunderstand each other's meaning.

And during several months of communication, Chu Qiguang discovered many strange phenomena among them, and a sliver of understanding gradually flashed in his heart.


1846, New World, Louisiana.

Because Zhan Tian offended his boss, he was transferred from the bustling city to a rural town called Kaiken Town, where he became a sheriff.

This small town used to be prosperous for a period of time because of the gold mines, but it was soon discovered that the reserves of the gold mines were extremely low, and the town fell from prosperous to lonely again.

The local bumpkins spoke a dialect that Zhan Tian couldn't understand, and their eyes were full of wariness and hostility towards him as a foreigner.

At this moment, Zhan Tian misses the bars, casinos and afternoon tea in big cities very much. Even the low-quality fake wine sold in those taverns in the sewers is so sweet and refreshing in his memory at this moment.

And in this country town, there's nothing but mud and stupidity.

Every minute and every second here is such a torment for him.

Originally, Zhan Tian thought that he would be like the last magistrate, repeating the previous day in this moldy town, and end his life in the dead silent ancient well without waves.

But a strange case made him smell the opportunity to leave this town.

It was a peaceful morning.

A helper named Blessed found a female corpse in the woods.

The female corpse was naked and knelt down in front of a big locust tree. Her hands were tightly bound, her back was covered with all kinds of cruel scars, and her head was covered with a big pig's head.

Judging from the incense, lead powder, sulfur, and the psychedelic potion in the woman's body left at the scene, Zhan Tianxin concluded that this must be a sacrifice ceremony of a cult.

Thinking that there are cult members in this rural town, Zhan Tian couldn't help being excited.

He vowed to catch all the bugs in the gutter even if he gambled on his faith in the sky, in exchange for his chance to return to the big city.

In order to learn more about the case, Zhan Tian deliberately contacted the helper and his employer.

And considering the lack of supplies in this rural town, and the impoverished state of the other party.

He deliberately took the vodka he brought from the city, trying to pry the mouths of these bumpkins open.

Alcohol quickly shortened the relationship between the two parties. The servant and employer, who were originally conservative and alert, quickly became chatty and funny after drinking a whole bottle of wine.

Their imagination and eloquence seemed to have been planted with a pair of wings, and ghost stories and ancient legends in the countryside flew out one after another.

Zhan Tian scoffed at those old legends, and he simply asked, "How much do you know about that female corpse?"

Hearing this sentence, the servant couldn't help but trembled. It seemed that he had been poured cold water on him who was eloquent.

"Sheriff...I...I don't know anything."

After Zhan Tian drove away the employer and handed him another bottle of ale, the servant's voice gradually became louder.

"Hi! Curse! It's all because of the Qujiazhuang curse!"

"They opened the evil god's treasure! Oh~~ That's not a treasure, it's a path to hell leading to the sky..."

Zhan Tian thought sure enough, and immediately poured a few more bottles of wine for the helper.

The other party's voice became sharper and harsher, and the information revealed in the words began to become weird and terrifying.

"Since several centuries ago, the Qu family will use the ritual of communicating with the outside obtain those evil, dark and taboo knowledge..."

"They gathered wealth through those dark knowledges. They opened the cursed black heart bank, dug out the ancient evil gold mines, and established flesh-and-blood factories."

"And also used evil means to confuse the townspeople, turning them into zombie-like workers, and accumulated inexhaustible wealth through this..."

In the servant's narration, the Qu family held cruel rituals again and again, and they still didn't stop after they obtained wealth that was beyond rivals.

"Until that day...until that day..."

"In a ceremony a hundred years ago, they summoned that evil god...the evil god named Tongtian..."

After encountering the evil god named Tongtian, something happened to the Qu family.

The entire manor was razed to the ground, and all family members disappeared without a trace, only the shrill screams remained, lingering in the ruins at midnight from time to time.

"Tongtian?" Zhan Tian muttered some strange names: "Is that female corpse also because of the Qu family's ceremony?"

In his opinion, it was obvious that someone had found the knowledge of some evil gods from the ruins of the Qu family, and started a new ceremony again.

But Zhan Tian didn't take it seriously. As a senior believer in Huangtian and a graduate of Cam City University, he believed that most of the so-called evil gods were just aliens living outside the sky.

They are like those monsters and ghosts in the dark, they are also mortal things that can be eliminated, far from the realm of gods.

The servant let out a deep laugh, tears and saliva flowed out continuously, and his expression became more and more frantic and fearful: "He's back! He's back!"

The helper stood up, waved the wine bottle in his hand and ran to the outside of the room.

"The stars are calling!"

"When the promised day comes!"

"A sea of ​​blood will engulf the world."

"People eat each other!"

"Give Him everything in this world! Give Him!"

"Tongtian! Tongtian!"

Zhan Tian watched helplessly as the other party fell from the balcony on the second floor with a thud.

He hurried to the balcony, and saw the servant's head hit the ground, and his neck was bent at a strange angle.

But until he died, the other party still kept that weird smile on his face, and his eyes fixed on Zhan Tian's position, casting a shadow over his heart.

However, the opportunity to return to the city stimulated Zhan Tian's nerves. He decided to organize a team to explore the ruins of the Qu family and look for traces of those cultists.

Once successful, the feat of destroying the cult is enough for the Emperor to give him a gift, allowing him to return to the big city and live a good life again.

However, the death of the servant also made Zhan Tian pay more attention to the ruins, and because no one in the local area responded to Zhan Tian's call, he had to go to Ma County dozens of miles away to call for helpers.

He first went to the local Pope Church and invited a priest with a seventh-level faith, a nun with a sixth-level faith, and two expert-level hunters.

Then he invited a bounty hunter, a master-level swordsman, and an expert-level stun gunner from the black market.

This expedition spent all of Zhan Tian's savings, but he didn't care about it. As long as he could destroy the cult, he would get ten times as much. The Holy See has never been stingy with rewards for resisting evil gods.

They stepped into the ruins by moonlight, and explored the dark secrets hidden in history in the ancient and deep mansion.

Using the power of belief, ritual and blood, they deciphered the long-hidden secrets in the ruins, and they opened the secret passage leading to the ground.

Finally, in a huge underground space, they discovered the ancient evil from another world, and disturbed the dark power that had been sleeping for a long time.

Death, madness, and distortion swarmed out from the ground, engulfing the entire ruins.

Only a figure escaped howling, and brought the frightening news to the city.


"I was the only one who escaped."

The white-haired Zhan Tian murmured, "We are the ones who opened the gate to hell."

For the past 20 years, Zhan Tian has been spending time in the Cam Nursing Home.

Every day in the past has been tortured by the endless regret and fear in my heart.

He dared not go near any darkness, and only the all night electric light could barely make him fall asleep every night.

And every time he wakes up from the nightmare, the endless blood will appear in his eyes, as well as the crazy and distorted faces of his companions before they died.

"The ruins... are a hideous curse that festers and rots."

"Go and stop him."

"Please, save our world."

"Time is running out."

"That rapacious evil must be driven out of our world."

Looking at the old man who was gradually going crazy in front of him, the hunters around looked at each other in blank dismay.

If it weren't for the recent series of cult cases in Luzhou, they would not have come to this nursing home to talk to the old man about the case 20 years ago.

The hunter Kang Shounuo said: "It seems that whether it is the massacre of the Qu family a hundred years ago, Kaiken Town 20 years ago, or the recent serial murders and sacrifices, they are all related to the 'Tongtian' evil god."

The investigators on the side nodded secretly, as if they all saw that for several centuries, that evil god had been watching their world in the dark, and bewitched believers of Huangtian one after another, making them commit unthinkable crimes. forgiveness of sins.

Kang Shounuo said solemnly: "According to the archbishop's investigation, these cultists used evil tricks to deceive the people's wealth and make them crazy about tulips."

"Cities are going bankrupt, countries are becoming turbulent, and those cultists are trying to summon evil gods to deal with creditors who are chasing their debts."

"For the peace of this world, we must stop them at all costs!"

(End of this chapter)

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