Detective Conan: The Missing Moon

Chapter 233 Extra Story: Myself [2]

Chapter 233 Extra Story: Myself [[-]]

When Qin Jiu woke up, he found himself lying on the bed hugging a soft body.

Bei. Kid. The wind is wrapped around his waist like an octopus, a head of black hair hangs down, part of it is mischievous and slips away from his waist, and part of it is happily entangled with the long white hair. Gin lowers his head and sees a cute Hair whirled, and a few tufts of protruding hairs trembled wildly on the flower branches.

Qin Jiu's so-called iron man's heart instantly turned into Xiaobai's soft heart. He moved his body carefully, looked at the quiet Beifeng in his arms, and continued to fall asleep contentedly.

Someone waiting outside: ⊙ω⊙

They were smiling, standing from dawn to noon, from noon to sunset, and the formatted smiles on their faces gradually turned into oil painting tones.

When he was about to fall asleep, a door slapped on the face of the human figure who was watching the door. The man didn't react for a while, and rushed towards Qin Jiu.Fortunately, Gin Jiu reacted unusually quickly, he kicked it away.

Rolling, the blond beauty rolled alluringly on the ground.

Belmode rolled halfway down the corridor before stopping. She got up smiling and asked softly, "Gin, are you feeling unwell? You didn't attend the meeting this morning. I'm worried about you. I'll leave after the meeting in the afternoon." Came to see you at your house."

Gin felt that the absinthe, which was not pleasing to the eye, became even more pleasing to the eye, and he didn't even bother to lift his eyelids.

So, the visit means that the whole person is lying on the door of my room, wishing to open the door?Gin was hehe in his heart, but his face was dull.

Moreover, the person in front of him didn't look like that woman at all except for his absinthe face.Gin has not forgotten that he is currently on a mission.

Ignoring the absinthe that stopped laughing, Gin went back to the room and brought out Beifeng, who was even more confused than him and not at all reliable.

The two left without saying a word, and the poor Absinthe, who finally got up, sat back on the floor.

"How could he be so... so rude to me, I understand, he must not be gin!" ……that."

After muttering, the woman put on her high heels and ran away steadily.

Beifeng and Gin came out together, and saw Vodka eating chicken legs with Karasuma Sunsilk in the living room. By the way, this room is still the structure of their own home, so Beifeng failed to lead Gin to get lost in the door of his bedroom forward.

"Hey, Boss, are you friends?"

Gin was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Vodka was suddenly surprised, "I've known you for so long, I didn't expect it, so you also have sexual needs. I always thought you reproduced asexually."

Gin: "..."

This nonsense thing is his stupid driver?
Gin's expression remained unchanged, but he silently put his hands into his pockets, and Beifeng held him down before he took out the thing.

"Good, don't be angry."

Qin Jiu nodded, feeling angry and happy again. "Feng, you just called good?" He stretched out his hand and wanted to do some exercise, but when he finished, he withdrew his hand again. Thinking of a novel he read a few days ago, he twitched his mouth: "Then be good for you." Once, but how many times can you press me with your little paw?"

The face of the north wind does not change color.

Heart: In the future, we must limit gin to read messy novels, and you are still a little paw?
Beifeng withdrew his hand expressionlessly and straightened it into a palm.

"With my palm, the vodka might evaporate."

Vodka didn't understand why it was the gin who said the provocative words, but the innocent him who evaporated.

How could Beifeng be willing to let the gin evaporate?So even if it is an example rather than practice, Gin does not need to be present in person.

Back in the room, Gin silently used his mobile phone to search for information.

Gin is in charge of checking, computer is in charge of reading, and Beifeng is in charge of reading.

The two have a clear division of labor.

As Baidu loaded the information, Qin Jiu glanced at it, frowned, quit Baidu, and entered some small websites.Sometimes, the information of the small website is more real than the official answer.

After 10 minutes, Gin turned off the computer.

On the whole: this world - is really a bit abnormal! All kinds of supernatural events emerge in endlessly, but people are accustomed to it. The fact that there are ghosts and monsters in the world is a completely acceptable objective fact for them. Even walking on the street, you may encounter all kinds of strange unnatural species.

The official way to deal with unnatural creatures in this world is called Tianguimen. The scanners are invented by them. Moreover, the scanners are interoperable. Only when a "ghost" that replaces a human is found, all instruments can automatically scan out this non-human being. s position.

Of course, the government takes a neutral attitude towards wild ghosts. As long as the monsters do not hurt people, the officials will not attack them. As a result, unnatural phenomena still often occur when walking on the road.

For example, a video just came out: In a dark alley, a little girl screamed suddenly. In the video, a black figure as tall as a person is approaching a six or seven-year-old girl, with sharp claws It was about to grab the little girl's head.

It turned out to be another story: the little girl suddenly showed a sinister smile, sucked in her small mouth, happily sucked the ghost into her belly, and floated away.

Of course, the point of this video is that the video is a perspective suspended in the air, and the whole process is very stable, only a sinister smile sounds at the end: "If you don't like it, I will come out and eat you."

Gin looked at the ID of the publisher: the handsome Huaiwumu.

Gin: "..."


At the same time, Conan is reporting his discovery with the code words of the bracelet: "The ghosts in this world have developed to the point where "ghosts" have been discovered and become the targets of vigorous eradication. We are the ghosts ourselves, and the "rebirth" has arrived On a certain person, this person can be said to be himself, but he is not. Moreover, the identity cannot be discovered, otherwise it will be cleared directly."

"And because of the protection of the newcomers, each has three lives."

[Main task: Find the truth of the mirror world: Exploration progress: 2%]

As Conan played slowly, the progress of the main task increased by [-]%.

The truth of this world is only the tip of the iceberg.

Can you come up with such a serious reasoning answer for Conan who snatched his girlfriend from a ghost, but it deviates so much from the truth?
This complex world aroused Conan's desire to explore.

When Conan wanted/burned himself, Kaito Kuroba was walking on the street, and he realized that he skipped class to go home today. Of course, skipping class is a basic practice for his famous "magician Dou Ye", but his Mom, every time he skips class, he will either have a meal of "stir-fried pork with bamboo shoots" or "stir-fried peppers with meat". Of course, this meat refers to the body of Kaito Kuroba.

But in this world, the parents of this world who look the same as his parents: they were so happy that he skipped class to accompany them, they even encouraged themselves to drop out, and most importantly, asked his father about Kaitou Kidd Heiyu Pirate One said seriously: "I don't know, how can there be thieves in this world? Everyone is honest and friendly, just looking at the collection, everyone will be very willing, there is no need to steal things at all."

"Why, son, do you want to see millions of collections? Come on, touch your father's head quickly, your father's smart head is also at the million level." Not knowing what to think, Pioneer actually added: "You're welcome."

At that time, Kaito: "..."

You're polite again! !

Don’t be fooled, Dad, give me a piece of tofu (weak) or a piece of Conan (hard), let me stun on the tofu (difficult)/Conan. (Simple)
(End of this chapter)

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