Detective Conan: The Missing Moon

Chapter 210, The Story of Xi and Dong Mu

Chapter 210, The Story of Xi and Dong Mu

Didan High School...


The roof door, which was supposed to be locked, was open, and two people in school uniforms stood facing each other.

Soraime looked at the "girl" with a "calm" expression in front of her with a funny and playful side eye.

"Xi...senpai, how can you blame me for all this? It is obvious that you are too kind to the dog you raise! You have to believe me, we!" Soraime played with the ghost in his hand , lifted it up, and sucked it into his mouth at once, his face showed an expression of enjoyment, and the back figure gathered by the moonlight was elongated, and the outline of a human being could not be seen at all.

Nozomi Busujima held the long sword in his hand and cut the neck of the smiling man in front of him without any hesitation. "I regret it now, buddy? I just want to kill you now."

"Tsk, you're so cruel, you actually turned your sword against me just because of an insignificant "little pet"~ Aren't you afraid that I will reveal your secret?"

Nozomi Busujima didn't answer, the sword he kept waving was his answer.

"Did I ever say, don't touch the people around me? Not only did you move, but you also used my appearance to touch your hands, and even let her see your dirty things! That's why you should be damned!"

The "girl"'s sword stabbed at Soraimu's throat.

Soraime let out a smile.

Black and red blood from his wound was all over the ground.

Nozomi Busujima watched in disbelief, the man with a sword stuck in his neck pulled it out again with a smile.

"Hey, did you see that? How about it, isn't it cool?" He still had a hole in his neck, which looked creepy. "Now you've exhausted your anger, anyway, that Dong Mulingzi has seen everything."

Nozomi Busushima looked at Sorame fiercely.

How could he mess with such a monster!


I'm Nozomi Busushima, as you wish, I'm... a man.

My past, nothing to say.



Made many dirty puddles.

It was raining, but those hateful faces were surrounded by a puddle, full of smiles.

What are you laughing at?
Maybe you are laughing at me?

Because I'm lying in that cesspool.

A mouthful of phlegm flew in front of me, it was so disgusting.

want to leave here,
Can't do it.

want to get up.

It hurts.


I can't stand up anymore.

I don't know who beat my legs hard. They wanted to take a look at my clothes, but I resisted desperately.

The leg was already broken at that time?

I want to keep tears, but I don’t allow myself to keep them, maybe I still have self-esteem, I can’t cry because of those scumbags, they don’t deserve me to cry.

The nicknames they call me are ugly, so I won’t say them.

Well, the only difference between me and others is that I don’t have a mother anymore. Half a month ago, she heard that my illness required a lot of money and was difficult to cure, so she left without hesitation.

My dad, he was hard so I can understand him beating me up after drinking.

But... am I too cowardly?
Can rebellion end it all?

But isn't this too much trouble for others?

Like a clown, a people-pleaser.

No matter what is done, it is their joke.

Eyelids are heavy.

They watched me die, and finally felt panicked.

A bunch of muggles.

Human life is of course very fragile.

Strange thoughts kept popping up in my brain, my broken leg twitched, and my hand slowly threw out a small stone that had been hidden for a long time.

I had no idea that the stone would have that effect.

The stone fell on a person who bullied me, wounded him, bled, and his pained expression pleased me.

"My god, this monster, how dare he! Go find the teacher!"

I was ready to be beaten again, but they only looked at me with fear.

It's just a little blood, isn't this what you often do to me?

They ran away in a flash.

I didn't notice that a person was already standing in front of me.

Rain, suddenly it stopped beating my epiphany head.

White and slender fingers, a handsome face wearing gold-rimmed glasses with a smile. "Student, why are you sitting on the ground? Did you slip and fall? Let me take you to the infirmary."

"I'm Hanajirai, and my current name is...Soraime." You held out your hand with a serious tone.

I didn't know what you meant by your current name at the time.

However, I already guessed at the time that this was a deliberate conspiracy on your part, and your expression of hiding a knife in your smile betrayed you, but there is nothing I can be deceived by you.

you treat me well.

In fact, it doesn't have to be like this.

At that moment, there was nothing else in my eyes...

I know I already like you.

I want to be a man who can match you.

Yes, seeing this, you must have understood again.

My a disorder of gender perception.


Nozomi Bujima hooked her lips.

It's better to be sexually disabled than zhizhang.

And, I just love wearing skirts,
You feel sick, so what.

It’s good that I’m happy, don’t you get used to it:
Please poke your eyes.

Well, as for the incident with the stone later, it was judged as an accident by the school because there was no monitoring and no witnesses!

There were obviously many people who saw it at the time.

Nozomi Busujima entered a higher school for no apparent reason.

Unexpectedly, the person he likes went to Didan High School with him.

When he was happy, when he was filling out the school files, he accidentally fell ill again.

He wrote the gender as female.

So from that day forward, he had a reason to do what he always wanted to do.

Thus, Xi, the women's clothing tycoon, was born.

Well, and, finally, I know how the incident at the beginning was lost.

Yes, he killed them all!

What's more, he didn't know what method he used, but everyone didn't remember the existence of those people, except for him, Nozomi Bujima!

If it wasn't the world that stripped him, then it was the devil who brought him into a different world with his own hands.

The classmates in the class, their faces are unfamiliar, and they always feel that their faces are constantly changing. In his world, only Soraime sitting next to him is colorful, and no one else is aware of the change and reduction of personnel. .

Hee was scared,
The smiling face he likes has changed, and it feels...

Like layers of shackles.

Sora well mesh!
That day he smashed him and killed him, him!He actually asked with a smile on his face, "Do you want to be together?"

The tone was as gentle as saying good morning.

His soft voice calling Xiaoxi clearly made his soul tremble, a bone-chilling chill.

I'm not the same as him.


I may be crazy.

But he……

It's a higher level of madman.



As for Dong Mulingzi, she was just another poor little girl, the same person he used to be.

In the beginning, I didn't really pay much attention to her, because her eyes were too pure and stupid.

It was she who provoked herself on her own initiative.

That day, the person who bullied her went too far and cut a hole in her school uniform where she could see the clothes inside. It was summer.

Special reminder, there is not much cloth in summer clothes, and, in very hot summer, most people don't wear coats.

Dong Mu hugged his clothes and squatted in the women's toilet wearing only a vest, crying.

Nozomi Busujima frowned, a normal man would not be indifferent when seeing a girl cry.

However, Nozomi Busujima, he is a boy who wears a skirt as a girl and enters the women's restroom naturally.

He planned to change to the first floor upstairs.

However, a hand suddenly grabbed his sleeve. "Student, can I borrow... your spare school uniform..."

"I'll wash it off when I'm done."


He frowned viciously: "You can just wear this hole suit, it's as fashionable as jeans."

The girl was stunned for a moment.

"This one……"

"It's really a mother-in-law's. Give me the clothes. I'm going all night, so I didn't bring a spare school uniform." Bu Daoxi snatched the Dongdong clothes from Dong Mulingzi's hand, walked into the toilet cubicle and closed the door.

Then, he actually came out in a hole suit, throwing his good school uniform to Dong Mulingzi.

Inside the hole is of course not the six-pack abs that a girl can have at first glance, but a white silk scarf with words that are very embarrassing.

It read: The one who cut my school uniform was Silly B.

There is also a funny drawing behind it.

It was Nozomi Busujima's tie.

Dong Mulingzi looked at "her" stupidly.

Nozomi Busujima entered the cubicle again.

There was a long sound of water splashing.

He gracefully opened the door and washed his hands.

"Remember, my name is Nozomi Busushima."

Her clothes are excellent.

That funny is right at Lingzi.

Lingzi didn't expect such an operation.

Moreover, this beautiful girl, she is so flat...

Dong Mu dared to borrow school uniforms with Xi because the girls in the class who bullied her were very aggressive, but this girl was different from them.

She's not mean at all.


very handsome.

A person who can be relied on.


If she knew I was sick, would she still accept me?
Then, the next second:
Dong Mulingzi fell ill in happiness. She rolled her eyes, curled her tongue, and fell down in a squatting position. Even a ballet dancer could hardly do a full 180, and her head hit the ground with a bang.

Nozomi Busujima: "..."

He has a stupid sentence, I don't know if it should be said or not.

It turns out that touching porcelain has become a favorite activity of the eighty-year-olds and eight-year-old teenagers.


The kind-hearted man took her by one leg and dragged her backwards into the infirmary.

In the end, the doctor gave Dong Mulingzi a dislocated jaw and a diagnosis of falling into a coma due to a strange disease.

Xi rummaged through all of Dong Mu's clothes.In the end, he found a coin in Dong Mu's shoe, and poured the coin that smelled of salted fish to the school doctor whose eyes were splitting and hair standing on end.

"Teacher, I'm so pretty and she's so pitiful, please accommodate me."

"I am accommodating to your sister! I just want to clear the smell of feet in the house!"

The teacher frantically ran to open the window, and Xi Dan, who was carrying a mask, put it on calmly and took the opportunity to escape.

After all, he is not a good person.


 This item is the third special god of death.

  Dad is Zilaiya. 【Yes, you are not mistaken, it is the old Sebi】

(End of this chapter)

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