Detective Conan: The Missing Moon

Chapter 203 School Festival

Chapter 203 School Festival

Conan sat on the ground and rubbed his ass.

Gin has been taking Beifeng non-stop to organize and change the code name.

What is used is a kind of Chinese wine. Not long after it came out, the people who use this code name in the organization can at least be unprecedented.

The new codenames are:

Fen wine.

Xinghua Village Fenjiu.

Taking on this code name is to take over my gin~
It doesn't matter whether you are down-to-earth or not famous, it doesn't matter if you are not famous when you go out, as long as you leave a name in my heart.

Gin thought so at the time.

So I changed it manually.

Beifeng wanted to point out that Yinlong's claws were frozen in place.

Yes, he still couldn't forget Yinlong.

That's the romance of a man.

However, Fen, at any rate, is still a little bit better than Moet, this bottle of wine.

I, the north wind, have degrees from today.

So Beifeng was very happy,

Left the gin at the distillery.

I drove my little electric donkey home.

A lonely wind blows all the way.


After Gin worked, he opened the door and found that the windows were intact, but there was no sign of the north wind.

He finished watching the surveillance.


So, with a cigarette in his mouth, Chia Jiaqin gently kicked the door shut with his foot.

Shortly after he left, the door... cracked open!
Belmode passed by the door and squatted down to watch curiously. Passing Bourbon and Passing Kiel also came to watch when they heard the movement.

"Hey, Belmode, you broke the door of the gin?" Bourbon just came back from get off work, and he hadn't taken off his apron. He looked carefully at Belmode, and then at the broken door.

She is so fierce.

He had threatened this woman before, would he be pierced through like a door?

"As expected of absinthe, it's amazing!" Kiel didn't know what to say anyway, so he was right to praise.

Belmode smiled mysteriously.

Although I didn't do it, but you all think so, I'm right to laugh.

It's just that she didn't expect that Rum was there and overheard the whole conversation.

He had just returned from Italy and Eastern Europe, and what greeted him was a rotten door lying on the ground.

"Absinthe, intentional damage to official duties, remember to pay ten times the fine."

The sound came from the corridor, and then the clear footsteps went away.

Belmode held out Erkang's hand.

"not me……"

Her mysterious smile stuck at the corner of her mouth.

This is a kind of plant, and the Belmode of civilized language will not say it.


North Wind is standing at the door of the house now.

I haven't been home for a long time.

Startled once.

At home, a girl with an expressionless face stepped on a high chair, and the girl's vicissitudes of life were reflected on the snow-white knife.

Yes, this girl is holding a scythe that is not suitable for this age and height.

Hui Yuan mourns...

Pat the garlic.

The tea in her hand smelled of sadness.

He was very happy when the north wind came in.

When Beifeng walked around him, the knife that was handing over to Suan trembled.

(つ)つ Don't go, come back!
"You are finally back, and I have some bad news to tell you. Six days ago, the house was attacked by burglars, and Tu Feimi was kidnapped." Hui Yuanai poured the crushed garlic in his hand into a bowl of red soup in front of him, Pick up the mushrooms in the pot to collect the juice, and sprinkle some chili oil on it.

"I went to the police station to call the police. Through on-site comparison, they speculated that the perpetrator was not alone."

Hui Yuanai said while picking up the quick-frozen dumplings boiled in the pot.

Two pairs of equally cold eyes finally collided.

Ice blue versus rich black.

Beifeng: "Oh."

"Why aren't you in a hurry at all?" Hui Yuanai raised her eyebrows, although she was as stable as an old dog now, when she actually went to call the police, she panicked.

Waking up from sleep, he found that the house was in chaos like a "typhoon", and the poker friends who played cards with him were missing. In this place where the death rate is so high, Huiyuan Ai had to think about the worst.

The knife on the chopping board trembled.

Beifeng: "..."

He wags his fingers.

Tell Haibara the truth?This knife is insane.

The knife shook again.

Beifeng understood.

"I'll do a magic trick for you." Bei Feng carried the girl off the high stool and placed it on the sofa. He took the knife that Hui Yuan Ai had placed on the table, and flicked at it.

"Become Tu Fei Mi."

With a flash of white light, Tu Feimi's sharp hair was buckled on the ground.

He looked up at her fiercely.

The telepathy is all deceptive, and the story on the Internet that "the vicious female lead turns the heroine into a pig, expecting a beautiful self to become the heroine, but the hero falls in love with the pig" is all fake.

He ran straight into the toilet.

Hui Yuanai opened his eyes wide.


In fact, the garlic smell that Tu Feimi exudes all over her body is caused by her.

"Tsk, I can't even imagine how many indescribable things you have done with his head for so many days." Beifeng leaned on the surviving furniture at home---the table, read a newspaper, and drank slowly. saliva.

"Have you ever read a fairy tale book?"

"Well, my sister read it to me when I was young."

"He's actually a knife."

Hui Yuanai's eyes were wide open, his mouth was wide open, and his brown hair stood up.

"Of course it's impossible."

The north wind added lightly.

Hui Yuanai withdrew her wide mouth and looked at Beifeng with her half-moon eyes.

"I have a friend, she is a witch, well, as for the one who turned Xiaomi into a knife, it should be her colleague."

"I see." Hui Yuanai walked into the room with a calm expression.

It's really a knife.

You can shoot garlic.

As for too many things, as a smart person, she won't ask what shouldn't be asked.

Those who are surprised at everything are children.


It's been like this for the past two days.

It is impossible for Ke Xue to be honest.

There is a girl with a headband and a girl with sharp horns blocking the door of Beifeng's house. They are carrying a green birdcage, and Xifeng, a green parrot, is looking around inside.

"Yes, it's also for Xiaolan to relax. After all, we have recently experienced a terrible and bizarre thing."

"So, you want me to visit your school on Saturday."

"That's right! Our class is going to play a stage play. I'm the director, starring role, and screenwriter!" Yuanzi smirked and handed over the script.

"It's a mystery drama written by myself. It should be, probably, not bad? Well, actually, I know that... Mr. Feng, you are the Chinese teacher of that kid Conan. I hope you can help revise the script if it is convenient for you." .”


Beifeng opened the door, and Xiaolan and Yuanzi came in after changing their shoes.

Beifeng's family has already bought a new set of furniture, sitting on a new chair, he reads the script.

Script Name "Death of Snow White"

Scene [-]: lights, on stage: the former queen sits silent.

Narrator [-]: "The queen sat by an open window, and the winter snow pricked her finger like a needle, causing three drops of blood to drip on the snow and on the ebony window frame. She admired the mixing and changing of the three colors, Say to yourself, "Oh, how I wish I had a daughter with skin as white as snow, lips as red as blood, and hair as black as an ebony window frame."

Narrator [-]: "Soon afterward, the queen did give birth to a child. His skin was indeed as white as snow, his lips were as red as blood, and his hair was as black as ebony. Unfortunately, he was a boy."

Beifeng looked here and took a look at Yuanzi.

Sonoko rolled his eyes.

Beifeng: "..."

Narration [-]: "The queen is very sad, but looking at the exquisite and lovely child, she has a plan, is it a child~ I am still young and can't tell a man and a woman. If this is the case, it is better to be a girl and raise it first. So, originally The little prince became the little princess in the eyes of the officials, so they named her Snow White, but the good times didn't last long, and the queen passed away soon."

Girl, have an idea.

This role seems to be reserved for Conan.

Narrator 15: "After a year, the king married a new wife. This wife was very beautiful, but she was arrogant and proud. The new queen had a magic mirror. Every morning she asked: "The mirror is in my hand , who is the most beautiful person in this land?". The mirror always replied: "My queen, you are the most beautiful in that land. "The queen is always happy because the mirror never lies. But when Snow White grows to [-] years old, he becomes as beautiful as an angel, and really looks prettier than girls, with almost no masculine features, he, Even more beautiful than the queen. When the queen asked her mirror, it replied: "My queen, you are the most beautiful here.But Snow White is a thousand times more beautiful than you. "

(Note: At this time, the queen has a big mouth... Panda eyes, revealing a big forehead...)
Scene [-]: "The queen was shocked, her face turned green and yellow because of anger, and her heart was full of jealousy, from that moment her heart began to resent "Snow White". Jealousy and pride grew in her heart like weeds , kept her awake at night. The queen ordered a hunter to take Snow White to the deepest part of the forest and kill her. She asked the hunter to bring back Snow White's heart and liver to prove that Snow White was dead. The hunter took Snow White into the forest, but when After he raised his knife, he found that he could not kill her. Snow White saw the hunter's action and sobbed and begged the hunter: "Oh, dear hunter, please don't kill me! Let me take my own life, I will run into the forest and never come back!" The hunter thought that after he left Snow White, the girl would be eaten by wild animals. He asked a cook for the heart of a wild boar and gave it to the queen."

Scene Three: "After days of meandering through the forest, the White Princess discovers a small cottage that belongs to the dwarves. Since no one is home, she eats some food, drinks some wine, and puts all the beds together. Finally The bed was large enough for her to lie comfortably in, and she fell asleep in it. When the dwarves came home, they knew immediately that someone had sneaked in, because everything in the house was a mess. After they talked loudly about who had sneaked in At last he found Snow White sleeping. When he awoke, he explained to them what had happened, and the dwarf took pity on her, saying: "If you keep the house clean, cook, make beds, wash Clothes, sewing, and knitting, and keeping everything clean and organized, you can live with us and you will have everything you want.But they warned her to be careful when she was home alone, not to run around in the mountains alone, and not to trust strangers. "

At the same time, the queen asked her mirror again: "The magic mirror is in my hand, who is the most beautiful in this land?" The mirror replied: "My queen, you are the most beautiful here. But you are seven miles away. Snow White of the dwarfs is thousands of times more beautiful than you." The queen was horrified to learn that the hunter had betrayed her and that Snow White was still alive.She thought how to trick Snow White, and then she disguised herself as an old peddler.The queen went to the dwarf's villa, claiming that she could provide brightly colored and silky shoelaces, and persuaded Snow White to choose the best shoelace as a gift.Then the queen tied the magic shoelace tightly to Snow White's foot, and Snow White fainted.But when the dwarf came back and found out about this situation, he loosened the magic shoelace and let Snow White wake up again. "

The next morning the queen asks about her mirror, which again tells the news that Snow White is still alive.The queen was outraged, and she dressed up as a comb seller, claiming to bring a beautiful comb as a gift for Snow White.While she was brushing Snow White's hair, a poisonous magic comb made the girl faint, but the dwarves came back and pulled out the comb to wake Snow White up again.And the next morning the Mirror tells the Queen that Snow White is still "more beautiful than she is." The Queen's shock and rage at hearing this nearly stops her heart.

As a third and final attempt, she surreptitiously consulted the darkest magic, using a poisoned apple and disguising a farmer's wife, with which she found Snow White.This time, the girl was unwilling to accept it because of the previous situations, so the queen cut half of the apple, ate the white (harmless) part of the apple herself, and gave the red (poisonous) part to Snow White.Snow White just took a bite and passed out, never to wake up again, the Queen finally won.When the dwarves returned to the villa, they found that they could not revive the girl, because they could not find the reason for Snow White's fainting, and they could only think that she was dead. The dwarfs couldn't bear the pain of losing Snow White, so they placed her In a crystal coffin, she can be seen every day.

"Time passed quickly, and one day a prince riding a white horse passed by here and found Snow White sleeping in a coffin."

"Prince White Horse" strode in front of "Snow White"'s coffin, was deeply attracted by her beauty, and couldn't help but kiss "Snow White".


Scene [-]: The lights turn on, something miraculous happens, and the comatose "Princess Snow White" wakes up faintly.

Narrator [-]: "Snow White looks at the handsome man in front of her, and feels her heart beating wildly.

Then, I heard the "Prince" on the white horse say: "I'm sorry, I kissed the girl just now. The girl is so beautiful, I can't hold it back for a while. I... will take responsibility."


Narrator [-]: "Princess Snow White is already in a daze at this time, and his first kiss was taken away by a "man"! Although he is now wearing women's clothing, he knows his true gender well."

Frustrated, he yelled, "I'm a man!"

Scene [-]: Prince Charming on the stage was stunned for a moment, then pursed his lips, and kissed with red lips: "It's okay, I'm a woman." It turned out that the "Prince Charming" was originally a daughter, but was caught by a neighbor who didn't have a man. The king of the country raised him as a man.

"Two young hearts collided instantly, "Princess Snow White" looked at the "Prince" on the white horse in surprise, and agreed to her request."

"They quickly worked out a wedding plan. The couple invited every queen and king on the continent, including Snow White's stepmother. Meanwhile, the queen, still convinced that Snow White wasn't alive, asked her magic mirror again , who is the most beautiful person in the land. The mirror said: "You, my queen, are beautiful.But Prince Charming that young queen is a thousand times more beautiful than you. "

The queen was horrified by this incredible news, and her heart was filled with fear and doubt.Hesitating about the invitation, but she finally decides to go.Unaware that this new queen is indeed her stepdaughter, she arrives at the wedding with her deepest fears in her heart.When she realized the final truth, she could not escape.

However, the kind "Princess Snow White" forgave her, because her stepmother was very kind to her before she was nine years old.

Scene [-]: So, "Princess Bai Xue" hugged her stepmother indifferently, poured Ke Xue brand makeup remover on the queen's face, then took out a handkerchief and wiped her face, the makeup on the ugly queen's face After being wiped dry and putting down her bangs, she is indeed a beautiful woman.

As we all know, the visual difference of suppressing first and then raising, and first ugly and then beautiful, will bring great shock.

Scene [-]: Bai Xue: "Mother, in my eyes, you are the most beautiful." The queen was shocked, looked at the magic mirror, looked at the lovely "daughter", and smashed the mirror, she knew she had done something wrong.She hugged Snow White "Princess" fiercely.


Then, on the fourth day of Snow White's wedding, he died.

An apple dropped at the scene of the crime.

Q: Who is the murderer?

The famous Maori detective comes on board to identify the killer.

Maori: The apple belongs to the queen, and the murderer must be the queen.

Oh, the queen is so beautiful, it must not be her, someone must have framed her, is it a dwarf?

Look at the lines that allow Mori Kogoro to act in his true colors.

Beifeng: "..."

This plot is quite excellent, he, after listening to it, is actually a little bit, and he doesn't know how to start to change it.

The first is gender inversion.

Then there's logical rigor.

Coherence and rigor of language.

Beifeng brushed it off and handed the manuscript to the expectant Yuanzi.

Xiao Lan leaned her head over to watch.

(End of this chapter)

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