Detective Conan: The Missing Moon

Chapter 133 What a witty ghost

Chapter 133 What a witty ghost

"Come on, give me the pot." Bei Feng stretched out his hand to Tu Feimi.

The disobedient Fei Mi started to resist, and the next second he lost his pot.

"Go and find your Red Wolf."

The man solemnly pushed Tu Feimi towards Hui Yuanai.

Haibara Ai:"?"


She is no red wolf!Xiao Huihui is almost the same, uh, why does it get darker the more you aim?
Haibara Ai had an idea, and she decided to give up the exclusive title "Little Huihui" to Conan.

very suitable!
The girl smiled slightly and silently withdrew from the battlefield.

Then he stuck his head back through the crack of the door and added earnestly: "This is the women's toilet."

Beifeng: "..."

Well, it's not the first time anyway.

Belmode struggled to get up, and asked suspiciously, "Isn't it the kitchen?"

The head hit just right on the passing pot.


There was just a sound of pumping water in the cubicle, and an aunt's voice sounded: "Are you filming outside?"

"Why do I seem to hear a man's voice?"

Just as the door was pushed open a crack, a blurred red figure came into view: "Crack!"

The aunt rolled her eyes and flipped back and fell to the ground, causing a splash of water. The white eyes faintly revealed dissatisfaction with this world full of crises.


"I'm sorry." Beifeng looked at Aunt seriously, and then at the cell phone "buried with him".

The mobile phone fell into the water, sparks sparked, and the white smoke dispersed. This amazing mobile phone finally received a lunch box.

Beifeng didn't collect its body.

Let the hero machine float quietly in the toilet.

In front of it, Beifeng took out a new mobile phone, skillfully installed the card, and threw it in his hand.

That was the cell phone that used to play gin and Conan.

This one doesn't hit them.


There is a little Ah Cao in Gunma County. He is carrying melons and driving to Tokyo in a car. He is going to pick up a batch of goods. These goods are not plates worth tens of dollars, but plates worth [-] yen.

After getting out of the car, Shancuncao walked steadily, arrived at the trading place, and went upstairs...

As he was doing it, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He touched the sweat on his head, and the timid Yamamura Cao confirmed that he had heard correctly. The sound of high heels behind him became more and more clear.

Of course he didn't suggest having an encounter with the beautiful young lady.

The problem is, the sound of the fucking high heels coming from... from the top of the wall.

Touching the bald head under the bangs, Yamamura turned around mechanically, no one was behind him, and the sound of high heels hitting the wall suddenly stopped.

Just breathed a sigh of relief.


A pair of clean and white hands climbed onto the shoulders, "she" stared at his bird with a strange smile, and the curly hair on her legs was very beautiful.

Shancuncao rolled his eyes: "Ghost!"

"Little brother, don't get dizzy, she is so beautiful, you have to open your eyes and take a good look at her." Kazilan, a male ghost with red high heels, flaming red lips and big sausage mouth like a stainless steel barbie, flashed her big eyes and suddenly revealed a red mouth Grin up to the neck.

"Little brother, are we sleepy?"

Yamamura Cao's eyes showed despair, and he shook his head frantically.

Something under him lifted up uncontrollably.


Why am I usually so timid, but what I want to do most now is: piss on it and let him wash his face?
When Yamamura was puzzled, his trousers had already slipped off, and something was facing the face of the male ghost in disguise: Hey.

Yellow overwhelms the swing.

Xiao Xiaocao even turned in circles.

Yamamura Cao opened his eyes again, and the sky finally brightened again.

Everything was like a dream, except for the yellow patch left on the field, Shancun Cao lifted his pants, selectively forgot what happened just now, his legs were weak, he walked to the door of the trading place, the key opened the door, just in time to see A hanged male body.

Xiao Xiaocao lifted it up again.

However, there was no water.

Yamamura took a deep breath.

"Moses, is the police, fast, dead!"

So Mumu police officer started to work again.


Coincidentally, this building is opposite the coffee shop, and the siren of the police car attracted Conan and Kogoro.

The big one ran in front, the long-horned one ran in the middle, and the small one clenching its fists followed closely behind.

All chasing police cars.


Beifeng mentioned Belmode to move away, and the sickle kid followed closely... The three of them evacuated the women's toilet perfectly.

Suddenly, a page was opened in the Reaper's Handbook, revealing that there were omissions and unharvested souls.

Beifeng glanced at the building, sighed, then ran silently, following the one that could tweet.

Just be silly, anyway, he's not the only one.


Two people, two gods of death, race in the sunset.

It really feels like a marathon.

Belmode, who was passing the "torch", jolted blankly.


Finally, before Kogoro's sudden death, the police car stopped, and the long-lost big belly fanned and jumped out of the car, followed by the "human weapon" Miwako Sato and the "Master of Epiphany" Takagi Wataru.

"Brother's you again?"

"What do you mean again... Huh, we just happened to be dining in a nearby coffee shop. Here, is there another murder case?"

Police officer Mu Mu felt that he had been sent to the army.

What do you mean dead again?

Sighing, Mu Mu stretched out a clean hand.

The little man Conan was patted on the head by the big belly, and the oil was wiped, of course, literally: Conan's hair oil got on his eyes and hands.

His eyes were startled, and then he rubbed the oil on Mori Kogoro calmly, and turned around and said:
"Well, how about going up together, we may need help."

"That's exactly what I mean." The uncle with a sense of justice was satisfied with his vanity, and then he saw that Conan Xiaolan and Beifeng were invited to the front by Mu Mu.

Mu Mu was talking to Bei Feng just now.

Maori Kogoro:"……"

So today the third man sighed, and then (╯°Д°)╯︵┻━┻.

Mori: Megure will regret it.


Mu Mu didn't look back.

In fact, why Mumu chose young people is very simple. First of all, detectives have advantages and disadvantages. It’s okay for the police to use it once or twice. If you use it too much, the reputation of the detective will overshadow the police. Even what the police say in the future, It will have no weight in the hearts of the people. From a long-term perspective, this is a big deal, but from a current perspective, it is a hidden danger.

As for these three young people.

They are all very promising!

Mao Lilan: The daughter of Mori Kogoro, she also has some knowledge of detectives, the emphasis is on force, and she has a sixth sense for women. She is very powerful!

Beifeng: He is knowledgeable, calm in situations, quick-witted, his observation ability is no less than that of a detective, and his force is no less than that of a policeman. He is a character.

The finale introduces Little Conan: This is a biochemical weapon, and the oil production is no less than that of an oil field. It can be seen that he is very smart and courageous. He has also helped the police solve many problems. He is the pillar of the empire on which the sun never sets!


Halfway up the stairs, the north wind suddenly stopped, looking at the wet slide, the wet ceiling, the wet area ahead, and the yellow breath spreading across the surface.

The hood slid down a little more, Bei Feng retreated, frowned and said: "There is an internal smell."

Everyone: "?"


Beifeng felt that he had met his opponent.

This ghost is very witty, he has a north wind, and there are not many things to be afraid of:

One is afraid that the unfilial son Conan will make a fuss. (will increase business)
Second, I am afraid that the winery will be flooded and the model workers will be flooded. (the pennant has not been issued yet)
Three fears...


(End of this chapter)

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