Detective Conan: The Missing Moon

Chapter 110 The Strange Hotel’s Playwright Crow Boy [2]

Chapter 110 The Playwright Crow Boy of the Weird Hotel 【Part [-]】

It wasn't until the morning of the third day that Beifeng's life of being idle until the grass grew was broken by a bunch of brats.

The children who were given the wonderful title of "Didan San'chun" by the majority of netizens politely invited Beifeng as an accompanying adult, allowing them to have the qualifications to explore the haunted house.

Beifeng felt that the three "pure" classmates didn't know how to use resources, and it was easier for him to set up a haunted house since he was the God of Death.

Isn't it a haunted house?

It can be done in minutes, not only the real goods are returned for free, but even if you are scared to death, you will not be compensated.

However, even in this low-profile version of the artificial haunted house, the children would enter four vertically and three horizontally.

Conan, who was the only one standing still, rolled his eyes at the side.

This level is not enough, obviously he told them before that they are all staff members, and they are still afraid after knowing the truth, which is a bit useless!

"However, the air conditioner here is quite cool." Conan pushed away the half-headed blood corpse that suddenly bounced off the wall, shook his head and walked away.

The air-conditioning thing just followed him, blowing in his ear.

Beifeng walked forward silently and threw the old pervert into the reincarnation gate.

Reincarnated as Zhu Bajie.

At five o'clock in the evening, the four little ones sitting in the car were as quiet as chickens, and a weird song was playing in the car.

black friday.

Beifeng's car was driving, but suddenly stopped moving, so he got out of the car to take a look.

Out of gas?
Ke Xue ate the energy that he could drive for three or four days from the north wind.

Surrounded by a dense forest, the sky is gradually getting dark, and with Conan on the side, the danger level of the map rises sharply, and there is a certain chance to trigger the hidden script.

It's still raining outside, it's's dark, and there are no people.

and many more…

Conan's non-scientific nature Ke's nose suddenly smelled a smell of smoke, and he crawled on the ground to observe. Conan found a row of footprints from the edge of the yellow mud.

Messy but organized.

All in one direction.

A barren mountain, inhabited by "people".


"Fortunately, there are other people living here, I hope they will take us in." Mitsuhiko muttered softly.

Ayumi looked at the rows of neatly arranged trees on the side, trembling and followed the people in front of her. She didn't know when, her left eyelid began to beat in a regular and uncontrollable rhythm.

And the rhythm of the heartbeat.


After walking for 10 minutes, the sky was completely dark, and among the shadows of the trees, a three-story building hidden among the trees could be seen faintly.

The building is not new, rather old, about half a century ago, in the dark forest, it is decayed and weird.

There is also a sign on it.

It reads: "Yan Shun Lu Guan."

Play Shun...

The body of the building is blackened, and the whole building is just a piece of bacon waiting to be roasted.

There are people living in a hotel with no people around, and the business has not stopped because the lights on the first floor are on.

"Are you going to knock on the door?"

"Of course!"

"We are the boy detective team!"

"come on!"

The reckless children stretched out their fists one after another and beat on the dull door.


The rain is still falling, the person holding the umbrella above his head disappeared at some point, and the hotel hides unknown horror, what will happen?

The unlocked door was directly knocked open by the children.

This building is indeed very old, and there is a creaking sound when you step on it. Fortunately, it is raining outside, covering up some movement.

Beifeng stood outside the window, and then quietly opened the window.

He came in through the window.

The mobile phone signal is very weak, and I can only see the location, which is in the north of Sang Street in Shunan Shandong City.

I don't know if it is raining and there is no signal, or the signal is too poor in a remote place.



The clock in the living room turned monotonously, but the surrounding area was eerily quiet. In the quiet darkness, a man's exasperated voice suddenly came: "Who is it!"

"Ah, uncle, I'm sorry, we are just lost people. I want to borrow a night here, can I?"

Hearing the clear child's voice, Yoko Chienagaki was stunned for a moment, then a little creepy.

He turned on the light, and when he saw three people in front of him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and complained: "You little bastards, you all came in by yourself, and you asked me if I agreed? You all came in, uncle can't Throw you all out?"

"Really, at such a young age, my mind is so deep."

Very scheming Conan: "..."

He smiled awkwardly but politely.

That's right, his drum washing machine is a child now and needs to be loved, you can't throw me out!
Yokochi glanced at the boy who had (stinky) eyes (smelly) eyes (smelly) and (un)steady (face) fixed (face), and finally muttered something.

like her.

The door on the first floor opened suddenly. It was a woman, not good-looking, but a simple person would subconsciously think that she was a good person, because she smiled very standard.

Hypocritical people usually only use the muscles of the big cheekbones when they laugh, and move their mouths only a little far-fetched.The orbicularis muscles around the eyes and the cheeks are elongated, which is a fake smile.

Therefore, when smirking, the muscles of the cheeks are relaxed, and the eyes will not be squinted.

And some cunning liars will deliberately wrinkle the muscles of the big cheekbone to compensate for these shortcomings. This action will affect the orbicularis oculi muscle and slack cheeks, and can make the eyes squint , thus, making fake smiles look more believable, and women are very good at fake smiles.

Her feet stepped on the floor and creaked again and again, which fully reflected the fact that she weighed 200 kilograms. No wonder she smiled like a big fat man who weighed 180 kilograms...

"Kids, where are your parents? I'm Qiandao Biluo, a passenger living on the first floor."

The door was opened again.

"Oh... Bi Luo, did something happen outside?"

This time it was a man, unshaven and unkempt.

The knuckles are very white.

"This is the small stone stalk from Qiandao, my husband." Biluo Qiandao introduced.

Ayumi nodded knowingly.

"Thank you auntie."

Then she managed to offend one.

Qiandao Biluo almost pulled a slipper on Bumei's face, what kind of aunt, she is only 28 years and 240 months old, she is obviously still young.

"That's right, kids, where are your parents? Children need to be walked, don't tell me, you walk yourself." Heng Qianyongshu said with a smile as always.

"I, the parents, are responsible for paying the money."

An indifferent male voice suddenly sounded from behind, Yoko Chienagaki was thumped against the wall, and a... banknote with a face value of [-] yen was placed in the palm of his hand.

"Don't look for it, give me Bei Shifei a face."

"Right and wrong?" Hengqian corrected.

"I don't care, I said yes, that's it." Beifeng took a last look at the blue ticket, then turned and left.

Hengqian: "You... you are making trouble for no reason!"

A foul word stuck in his throat.

He watched the "underworld" with such a beautiful back go away, licked his tongue, and a bloody smell permeated the air.


Yes, he just bit his tongue.


Hengqian finally accepted the price of [-] nights, but only provided one room.

He finally muttered: "Don't run around at night, hold your urine, and... don't go to the third floor!"

"Over there, there is the cannibal wolf grandma."

These words didn't frighten the child, but instead made him stare at him three times.

The Detective Boys are the most obedient kids, and they like to do the opposite.

Not allowed to go, but to go!

Beifeng finished making the bed, and he was discussing a question with Conan: What do I need to prepare for staying in a haunted house? "

Conan replied: "Id card, mobile phone, power bank, lighter, fruit knife, multi-tool hammer, master key, etc."

Beifeng patted the head of the chewing rice, and added earnestly: "The most important thing is missing, bricks, which are indispensable."

"Of course, maybe you can add a shovel to knock people and dig up corpses. It's also convenient to use."

(End of this chapter)

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