space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 676 Encountering Pirates at Sea

Chapter 676 Encountering Pirates at Sea ([-])


"my eyes!"

Caught off guard, the pirate who was sprayed with pepper water screamed in horror.

The narrow aisle of the cabin is only wide enough for two people to pass by each other. If there are too many people walking, they have to line up. Qi Ke's sneak attack makes the three of them lose their fighting power in an instant.

They staggered and fell down in the aisle, blocking the narrow place in an instant. Coupled with the irritating and choking smell, the pirates who were not sprayed with pepper water all held their noses and retreated. , as far away from this small place as possible.

So with the middle of the cabin as the boundary, the people behind cannot go out, and the people in front, except those who have already stepped onto the deck, are still in the aisle. While they were in a daze, Qi Ke turned around and picked up the bottle and faced them There was another sharp blow, and amid all kinds of angry cursing and screaming, two more people fell down, and the rest immediately ran to the deck.

The pirates who choked on the chili water and fell down on the aisle temporarily lost their mobility, and the pirates who were blocked behind and couldn't get out also didn't know where to hide because they were avoiding the choking smell, but it also meant that they couldn't leave the cabin up.

Qi Ke's task is to guard the cabin, and the trick she adopts is to catch the turtle in the urn, cut off the only passage for the pirates to the deck, and if they run to the deck, they will take care of them, and the cabin will belong to her. It was for her to practice her courage.

True or false dare to see the real chapter here.

Thanks to the practical experience of killing people before, Qi Ke was really not too frightened when things came to an end. She first put away the chili water bottle in her hand, and then took out a hatchet to kill the pirates who fell on the ground. The hands and feet were cut off to prevent them from recovering their fighting power after the stimulation caused by the pepper water subsided.

The specially polished hatchet is extremely sharp, and Qi Ke's surgical first aid skills are not in vain. He cuts precisely on the vital parts of the limbs of the human body. Soon these people can't stand up at all. When Qi Ke left this passage to the cabin, When he walked, there was blood under his feet, one step at a time, and in addition to the choking smell of pepper water, there was also a salty smell of blood in the air.

Qi Ke holds a hatchet in her right hand and a bottle of chili water in her left hand while walking and spraying. Anyway, she is well protected and not afraid of choking people. The filter cotton in the mask can be used for several hours at a time. Even if she can’t stand it, she still has enough spare parts It can be replaced in time to fight this protracted battle, but the hidden pirates certainly cannot hide under this high concentration of choking smell for several hours or even longer.

Hide, keep hiding, sooner or later you can't hide and you have to escape.

Qi Ke walked along the aisle first, spraying pepper water on all the door cracks she saw while walking, and changing one bottle after spraying. Anyway, she has a lot of these things, and she can continue to make new ones when they are all used up. .

After spraying everything, Qi Ke found a corner where he could hide and waited patiently.

Sure enough, the pirates hiding in each room seemed to have quieted down in the aisle outside. After waiting for a while, they couldn't bear it anymore, because they couldn't bear it any longer. The pungent and choking smell came from the crack of the door They kept drilling into the house, and the smell made people cry and runny noses. They all desperately needed to breathe fresh air.

Qi Ke nestled quietly, using the space to overlap and monitor the situation of the entire lower floor. She didn't want to peek inside each cabin, she just waited to see who couldn't stand it first.

Then, she guarded the first person.

(End of this chapter)

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