space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 251 Start to make money

Chapter 251 Starting to Make Money ([-])
Imagining what the wolves had caught in the mountains, Qi Ke washed his hands carefully with soap, and went back to the kitchen to continue working.

Hearing voices outside through the fence, Qi Ke built a fire under the stove to boil water, and then opened the door to greet the vegetable harvesters to come in.

"Eat dumplings? If you want to eat, wash your hands with soap."

Qi Ke doesn't want to be polite to them, and they don't need to be polite, both of them regard each other as familiar people. Hearing that there is a hot breakfast, many people are holding dry food in their hands. Wash your hands with soap while fetching water.

Bowls of dumplings are delivered from the kitchen, and there is no table or stool, so I find a place to leeward and stuff them into my stomach, mouthfuls and cheeks are so full that I am not afraid of choking. After eating the dumplings, I have a bowl of noodle soup. People hiccup again and again.

After a while, Ding Lin and the others also washed up and came out from the back, wondering why Qi Ke knocked on the door and answered, they saw people all over the yard eating, and Qi Ke slapping flour on his body outside the kitchen.

"Hey, you guys didn't stay in bed, you woke up so early."

Seeing Qi Ke covered in flour, and then seeing the hot stove in the kitchen, there is nothing that I don't understand.

"You haven't slept all night? No wonder no one answered your knock on your door just now. They thought you were too sound asleep."

"I always prepare breakfast for you when you work in the early morning." Qi Ke smiled and moved out of the way, "Go to the kitchen and serve dumplings."

"have you eaten?"

"Eat first, I'll wait until you leave before eating. It's time to catch up on sleep after eating."

"...All right, then we're welcome."

The five people rushed into the kitchen, and they saw that the soldiers who came with them were busy in the kitchen now, taking over Qi Ke's work, one of them was cooking dumplings in front of the stove, and several people were behind the table rolling out leather dumplings to make new dumplings. Judging by their movements, it can be seen that they are learned now.

"It's coming? It'll be ready soon. It will be ready when the pot is boiled." The soldier in charge of cooking the dumplings greeted, "There are bowls and chopsticks over there. If you don't have enough, go outside and shout to see who hasn't washed the dishes after eating. Send it back."

"Have you all eaten?" The five of them went to get bowls from the wall. There was water on the bowls and chopsticks, which were obviously freshly washed.

"Eat, we ate the first batch. Qi Ke was tired all night and we came to replace her. This stuffing is really good, you will know after eating."

"That's right, Qi Ke's cooking is delicious." Yesterday's food was so delicious, my friends salivated after thinking about it.

"She can also make medicine. She has newly made a chilblain ointment, and she is looking for someone to try it to see the effect."

"Look for us!" The soldiers in the kitchen yelled immediately.

"Hey hey hey hey, the ointment is already in our hands." Fu Xiaoli and the other three boys smiled so wryly that one really wanted to slap them.

"Are you a brother? Are you a brother? If you are a brother, two cans will be given out!" The soldier who rolled the leather rolled his rolling pin loudly.

"Hey, hey, roll out the leather well, the flour is everywhere! Don't waste food!"

"What are you doing?" Qi Ke from the courtyard suddenly appeared outside the door, "I heard you shouting loudly."


"Are the dumplings ready? There are still people queuing up behind."

"Okay, okay, this pot is ready."

The soldiers in front of the stove lifted the lid and saw that a pot full of fat dumplings was floating in the boiling water. They quickly filled them out for the five of them, and then served new ones to the people behind them.

(End of this chapter)

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