space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1950 Playing with pirates

Chapter 1950 Playing with Pirates ([-])

Cao San and the others didn't have the idea of ​​sympathizing with the fragrance and cherishing the jade. The waist knife was unsheathed and rested on the neck of the mistress.

"What about your man?"

The mistress waved her hands in a panic, opened her mouth and struggled to catch her breath. After a while, she finally squeezed out a weak word "No..." from her throat.

Cao San impatiently grabbed the mistress' collar and skirt with one hand, lifted her up and shook her.

The mistress was so dazzled that she had a full understanding of the man's strength.

But this shaking made the breath in her chest go down, and she was able to speak normally.

"Forgive...forgive! Forgive the hero!"

Cao San didn't listen to her nonsense, let go of her hand, and fell back to the ground, screaming in pain again, trembling.

"I'll ask again, where's your man?"

"He's in the room of the new concubine."

"When did the concubine come?" Cao San was a little displeased. The few people who stepped on the spot didn't mention the concubine, only that the couple slept together every night.

"Just at noon today, I went out for a drink and brought it back after eating."

For the night's action, Cao San and the others were sleeping during the day, so naturally they didn't pay attention to this new situation, but luckily they had time to remedy it.

"Get up and lead the way."

"I...I..." The mistress didn't want to go, and the head wife ran into the concubine's house, feeling resistance from the bottom of her heart, this resistance was so strong that she completely forgot about the current situation.

"It's okay if you don't want to lead the way, but you have to make it clear that you are not important to me compared to your man."

"Heroic man, spare your life! Good man, spare your life! I'll go, I'll go!"

The mistress came back to her senses, got up from the ground tremblingly, put on a coat, put on her shoes, lowered her head, and walked out with her arms folded.

Stepping out of the bedroom door, and seeing that there are also five big and three thick men with dark skin and fierce eyes outside, the mistress' heart suddenly seemed to be hit hard by a huge rock.

Terrible, the strongman has entered the house!
"Be honest, don't think about calling for help, or you will be chopped off and your children will be killed."

"No, don't touch my child, I will lead the way! I will lead the way!"

A woman's weakness is always in her children, and the mistress didn't dare to think about it, let alone where all the nurses in the family were.

It wasn't that she hoped that someone would come to save her quickly, the strongman's knife was right behind her, and if someone really came to rescue her, she would definitely not be able to escape the knife.

Just like what these strong men said, in their eyes, the head of the family is more valuable, and women and children are nothing.

He Fuhu's new concubine is fresh, and she lives not far from the main house. Once she falls out of favor, she will move out.

A few people walked there quickly, the courtyard door was bolted from the inside, and someone was sent directly over the wall to open the door. After entering the courtyard, there was not even a night watchman in the exquisite courtyard, which shows that this is what the owner of the house used to make fun of every day. place.

No one could do better, the mistress was immediately thrown in the courtyard and ignored, the others kicked open the door, and after a burst of mixed screams, a middle-aged man who was naked and just wrapped in a coat casually The man was brought out. As for the concubines and maids in the room, they were knocked unconscious by the scabbard, and they didn't care how they screamed when they woke up.

The mistress glanced away, not wanting to see her husband's ugly appearance at this time.

"Heroic man, spare your life! Good man, spare your life! Have something to say! Easy to say!" He Fuhu shouted loudly.

Cao San ignored him and kicked him hard on the buttocks. The small courtyard is too small to be a place to talk, but the courtyard of the main house is spacious.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

He Fuhu was kicked staggeringly, and when he looked up, he happened to see his wife standing at the gate of the courtyard, watching him making ugly appearances.

(End of this chapter)

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