space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1940 Playing with pirates

Chapter 1940 Playing with Pirates ([-])
The big landlords in the village were not interested in the small things brought by the caravan, but they still arranged a side courtyard for them to live in temporarily. The village was just outside the courtyard door, which was convenient for them to do business at any time, and a meal was provided.

The caravan thanked them, and asked what quality goods the stewards were interested in. The next time there are caravan sisters who specialize in the business of landlords and large households, if there are designated products, they can be asked to bring them in advance.

The steward became a little interested in these words, and after reporting back to the master, he brought back a list.

Landlords in the village also have the inconvenience of purchasing. On market days, they bring things home in large carts and small bundles, but they may not be satisfied with the purchases. Willing to spend money.

Then it's easy to handle, isn't it, Qi Ke's men have high, middle and low grades?
It was originally aimed at pirates, but found a huge market demand.

Let's do business!

In Qizhuang, Fuxian County, Qi Ke and Zhaolin, who discovered the business opportunity, quickly arranged the caravan. The caravan was directly named the sister caravan.

Qi Ke was stalking the pirates in the south of Zhang County. Apart from holding them back from going north, the other thing was to try to eliminate the various mobs they gathered. This kind of pest that harms the people will die one by one.

The new sister caravan was launched by Qi Ke on the second day through Qianhe Realm, from the south of Zhang County, all the way to the north.

After the southern county of Zhang County was burned, killed and looted by Cao San's team, there were pieces of ruins, homeless people everywhere, and no one in the yamen came to deal with the aftermath. refugees.

When the sister caravan passed by here, the crossbows were used to intimidate the people on the roadside. They walked all the way in Zhang County, and at the same time they were precisely surveying and mapping along the way.

Come here, do everything you can.

When there is a small village, the business is open. Salt, sugar, needlework and cloth are necessities. If someone happens to bring fresh game caught from the mountains, they can exchange for more things.

Of course, there are also villages who see that all of their caravans are women, so they want to bully them and take advantage of them. In the end, they are all honest in front of the shining crossbow, and they don’t dare to bargain randomly when exchanging things. .

Returning to the previous village, I spent a day exchanging things with the whole village, and stayed overnight in the landlord's courtyard. When the sky was dark, I bid farewell to the villagers and left.

The sister caravan stayed in the village for a day and two nights, and Cao San and the others, who were taking refuge in the wild forest, also waited for a day and two nights. They also took a special walk around the surrounding area. Except for the big landlord in this village, other villages are poor There was a jingle, and apart from robbing a few women, nothing of value could be robbed.

The village women couldn't satisfy the greed of these men, so they finally went back to the wild forest and waited. Seeing that the caravan had finally left, Cao San's pirates sneaked into the village to find out the situation.

The gangsters wanted to go too, but they couldn't compete with Cao San and the others, so they had to stay honest.

The sisters caravan who left the village stopped at the place where Qi Ke put them in the previous day, and carried the crossbow and spare arrow box on their backs. Then, Qi Ke appeared directly and brought the donkey cart into Qianhe Realm.

Without the donkey cart, the caravan sisters became a mighty women's army again. They sneaked into the wild forest again, circled behind Cao San and his group, and fired with their crossbows.

Caught off guard, he was attacked behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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