space farmer girl busy farming

Chapter 1922 Sitting and watching the tricks of the county palace

Chapter 1922 Sit and watch the tricks of the county palace ([-])

The crowd was crowded, and the princess of the county was not active, so she couldn't even catch up with her. She watched Mrs. Xue like a fish in water in the crowd. It was already bright tomorrow, but she made a few mistakes and the party disappeared.

After returning to the Taoist temple, Mrs. Xue had breakfast with her children just like yesterday, and when she was about to find a place to daze, she heard that the lady from yesterday really came to offer incense again.

Mrs. Xue ignored it. At the same time, she didn't tell others about her doubts about this noble lady. This was all her own guess without any evidence. She was afraid that others would think that she made a fuss and took herself too seriously. In my heart, I also hope that my intuition is wrong, but every time I convince myself like this, I feel awkward in my heart.

If it wasn't for a plan, why bother pretending to meet him by chance for two days in the early morning, obviously that noble lady is not in the nature of taking the initiative to chat, but she insisted on striking up a conversation with her, the other plans in her eyes can't be hidden.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Xue couldn't help fidgeting, thinking about what good things she had on her body that was worthy of a high-ranking lady to personally marry her.

What is certain is that the various behaviors of the noble lady are that the two parties first get acquainted with each other and then reveal their purpose after becoming friends. The expression on the face is different.

The family environment of their headed wives is complicated, and it is instinctive to protect their own interests by observing their words and feelings. The noble ladies who are obviously not used to letting go of their figure don't know what purpose they want from themselves. Madam Xue's first reaction is to stay away from her.

Really, it's too scary, why don't you just come to the door directly, put forward conditions, and clearly say what you want to help yourself.

Mrs. Xue murmured in her heart, and stayed firmly in the side room in a daze. She didn't know the details of this noble lady, so she shouldn't take the initiative to ask if there was anything she could do to help. What if she fell in love with the Xue family? stuff, isn't that asking for trouble?
The concubine of the county came to offer incense and chatted with Xiaotong. She wanted to meet other female pilgrims and chat with him, but Xiaodaotong declined, saying that they were guests who came to offer sacrifices. They came every year and lived in the temple. guest.

The proprietor commemorated her daughter who died young, and she did follow Qingxiu for a few days during the funeral, but the friends she invited did not have to abide by her rules, they just came to escape the summer heat.

Xiaodao saw them when he was a child, and knew that they were the wives of each family, and they came to the mountains to be quiet and quiet. At this time, a guest he didn't know asked to meet the old customers in the temple. Xiaodaotong directly cited the proprietor's rules and refused .

He's not wrong in saying that, even quite right.

Whoever pays has the final say, and the guests invited by the proprietor naturally follow the proprietor's rules.

No outsiders are seen during the ritual, and they go down the mountain after the ritual. If they want to see each other, they will naturally meet at the foot of the mountain if they are destined.

The concubine of the county lost her temper when Xiao Daotong said it. Although she didn't understand that the proprietor made a sacrifice, it had nothing to do with other friends, and she insisted on following Qing Jing, but if she couldn't see anyone here, it would be even more difficult to see her when she went down the mountain. She couldn't call people directly Go to the palace and tell her this and that.

In fact, it is not impossible to give orders to people directly, but the purpose of the princess is to let Xue Liushi take her to Dong'an Mansion to attend the banquet at the General's Mansion. After the other party knew the details, they would leak the news in advance. Rumors spread, as if her county prince's mansion was rushing to curry favor with the General's Mansion, and she did not hesitate to make such a big detour to gain a relationship with the General's Mansion.

How could the face of the county prince's mansion be so ruined.

Now it's impossible to be straight or curved. I don't know what reasonable method to use to get Xue Liu to agree to take the princess to Dong'an Mansion.

After the princess left the Taoist temple and returned to the other courtyard where she was temporarily staying, she couldn't help losing her temper, and asked people to pack their luggage, and immediately went down the mountain to go home and make other plans.

At worst, if I just go directly to Dong'an Mansion like this, I'm still afraid of being bombarded back?

(End of this chapter)

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