Back to 90s she made a fortune from scientific research

Chapter 1709 There is really a difference between a man and a man.

Chapter 1709 There is really a difference between a man and a man.

Qin Hongfei thinks that our country pays too little attention to women's physique. According to comprehensive data, as long as women generally have urinary tract infections, because it is a small problem that can be cured by taking medicine, it becomes a chronic disease without paying attention. Illness is not fatal, but life that can be tortured is better than death.

But in the world she traveled through, there was a vaccine for urinary tract infection, and girls could get the injection at the age of seven, and 90.00% of them could prevent the occurrence of urinary tract infection very well.

Mingyue's mind was instantly opened: "Why didn't I expect to have such a thing?"

Qin Hongfei said, "There are too few female urology specialists in our country. More than 95% of women who study medicine will not choose urology. This also leads to a disadvantage in researching female urology in this respect."

She said to Mingyue again, "Now that you think about it, you can try it. Don't you always want to do a project by yourself? If you do it, it will benefit the majority of women."

Qin Hongfei has many projects in hand, so she has no time to do this project.

But Mingyue is different.

Mingyue's eyes lit up, and she reached out and grabbed her, "Baby, help me!"

Qin Hongfei readily agreed, "Try it, I can help you with whatever you need in the process."

The study of vaccines requires the approval of the drug regulatory department, but this will not be a problem. The first institution already has this condition. As long as Mingyue has enough theories and research to apply, it will definitely pass.

She has this ability.

Ming Yue hugged her bouncing Lao Gao, "Baby, I really love you to death!"

Qin Hongfei asked, "Love more than Jiang Chen?"

Ming Yue said, "Then he can't compare with you at all. Love is indeed expensive, but friendship is more precious."

Mingyue has a hot temper, Qin Hongfei provided her with ideas, she did what she said, formed a group, and attracted Shumin into the group. At the same time, she mentioned this project in the group of graduate students in S Province, and asked who Interested in joining together, but received very few responses.

Just a urinary tract infection.

In the eyes of most people, taking medicine is enough.

It's meaningless to go out of your way to develop a vaccine.

in the group.

A graduate student sent a dog-headed emoticon package: "Senior Ming, this is too talented."

This is straight to the point.

He said tactfully, "It can't be said that overqualification is just completely unnecessary. It's just a urinary tract infection. It will be fine if you take a few medicines."

Mingyue said, "Then if it doesn't get better after taking medicine, it keeps repeating."

"That is, the amount of antibiotics is not enough, increase the dose of antibiotics,"

There was a lively discussion in the group on this issue.

I don't think it's necessary for boys.

Most supporters are girls.

Mingyue was a little frustrated, but she became more and more courageous as she became more and more frustrated. She was determined to develop this project, and said, "We need to increase the dose of antibiotics. The types of antibiotics are limited, and one day they will be resistant?"

"Use a super antibiotic?"

"Then when I get seriously ill, super antibiotics won't work anymore."

"That's assuming it doesn't exist!"

"Mingyue, your idea is good, but everyone is very busy, no one has time to develop this, and with this funding, it is better to research other things."

It is mainly a vaccine for urinary tract infections. Even if it is developed, there is no sense of accomplishment.

There are a lot of arguments in the group.

However, there are still quite a few supporters; "Senior sister, I am a little interested, can I join?"

is a postgraduate woman.

Mingyue felt that it must be women who understand women best, and quickly agreed: "There are still people who want to join us."

"I'll join. Boys who have never had this disease have no right to speak. Only those who have had the disease know the pain of urinary tract infection. It will kill you, but it will make you want to jump off the [-]th floor."

One after another, several little girls are willing to join.

But they are all just graduate students, Mingyue asked again, the group was quiet, she was a little discouraged.

Qin Hongfei said, "Everything is difficult at the beginning. Graduate students and Ph.D. students in the province of S must not be interested in such a project, but those who have just graduated from a bachelor's degree should be interested. This is a matter of adding credits, and in the future it can also be used in academic qualifications. Add one more."

The current people of the first institution are all directly recruited by the school.

When enrolling, it is very important whether there is any separate research project bonus item in school.

Mingyue was awakened, and instead of looking in the graduate group, she went directly to the undergraduate group. There were many people who responded, and the small group was quickly assembled. She went to Feng Ming with her things again. "Brother, give me an office in the laboratory building."

Knowing that she was going to develop a urinary tract vaccine, Feng Ming agreed on the premise of not interfering with the operation of the hospital. The empty studio and laboratory on the third floor were freed up for her use, and the hospital's resources were also used by Mingyue.

Some people like it and some people don't.

Lin Shao also felt that Mingyue was too hot-tempered.

Qin Hongfei glanced at her senior brother.

Lin Shao felt that that look made him a little nervous: "Did I say something wrong?"

Qin Hongfei thought for a while, and said, "I can only say that you can't feel her pain, brother." Although she couldn't feel it, but the young lady who can make Ming Yue cherish her life as much as gold is going to die, that means It's really painful enough for this to happen.

Fang Siyi sat on the stool, "Is there any shortage of people for her project?"

Lin Shao and Feng Ming looked at him in unison.

Jiang Wan said, "A shortage is definitely a shortage. Who cares too much? You wouldn't be interested, would you?"

Fang Siyi said, "I checked the information, and more than 45 percent of women in our country have suffered from this disease, and the disease will go up to the bladder and kidneys, and when it is severe, it will be resected in the end, and there are very few studies. It’s a problem with the urinary tract again, and the vicinity of the urinary tract is related to the large intestine, small intestine, uterus and pelvic cavity, which is extremely complicated..." As he said, he kept sliding the screen with his thumb, obviously very interested.

"A seemingly minor problem..."

"In fact, it will lead to deeper problems, such as nephritis, pelvic inflammatory disease, and uterine ectopia, which will eventually cause mucosal lesions, but these are far from being popularized. Ordinary people only know that urinary tract infections can be cured by taking medicine. I don’t know about the series that will follow.”

"There is a need for research."

Fang Siyi finally made a conclusion.

He's a study lunatic.

He is interested in the research and development of the heart.

He is also interested in the development of kidneys.

Now even the urinary tract is interested.

Feng Ming is familiar with his temperament, he is really interested in research, if someone who is not familiar with him, a research genius poached from Yangcheng is interested in urine flu vaccine, it is likely that he is interested in Ming Wyatt has some more ideas.

"But it's impossible to join." Fang Siyi has a project in hand, and regrets that he can't spare it: "But if necessary, I can help. It seems that there are related vaccines in foreign countries. I can help to check the information."

Feng Ming sent the news to Mingyue.

Seeing that Fang Siyi was interested, Mingyue greatly increased her confidence and said at the same time: There is really a difference between a man and a man.

(End of this chapter)

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