Back to 90s she made a fortune from scientific research

Chapter 104 This student has a bad style

Chapter 104 This student has a bad style

Grandma Qin was in a fit of anger. She wished she could take off her shoes and beat her rebellious granddaughter. She was interrupted. She suppressed her temper and looked at the other party. She dressed very decently. The Qin family didn't have such respectable relatives. "You are..."

She didn't recognize it, but the female teacher did, "Isn't this Director Xing?"

The words Director Xing made everyone present tremble. In the eyes of ordinary parents, those who can be directors these days are the most cultured and extraordinary people.

Aunt Qin was also slightly surprised, and soon she thought she was dignified and polite, "Hi, Director Xing, my name is Ye Ru, and I'm a teacher at No. [-] Lieutenant Colonel."

Grandma Qin didn't expect that this was a director-level person, and she felt awe in her heart. She thought it was her own business that attracted the other party's attention, and quickly apologized, "Is it because we were too noisy, sorry, I told you to watch a joke."

Father Xing stretched out his hand and said, "Actually, I should say I'm sorry. I was delayed when the little comrade asked me to do it before. This little comrade didn't lie just now. It was indeed I who agreed to help her go back to school." Those who read, I testify."

Grandma Qin was taken aback.

Aunt Qin and the female teacher were also stunned.

Qin Hongfei thought to herself, this work was not in vain.

Director Xing is a kind person. He could have just mentioned it to the school and left, but now he came over to explain, which can be regarded as indirectly repaying his innocence. She said neither arrogant nor humble, "Thank you, Uncle Xing."

Director Xing said, "Go ahead and sign up, don't delay."

"Director Xing." The female teacher hurriedly said upon hearing this, "You may not know that this student has a bad style."

Qin Hongfei was in no hurry to sign up.

While she was worrying about this, the other party came at gunpoint.

Director Xing looked at the female teacher, a little serious: "Teacher Liu Yu, right, let's go, let's talk in another place."

The crowd shouted to see what the joke was about, the female teacher was determined not to let Qin Hongfei enter the school, and immediately led the way.

Qin Hongfei also followed, and was caught halfway, it was Aunt Qin, "What are you doing here?"

Qin Hongfei tilted her head slightly, and there was a bit of sarcasm in her beautiful eyes, "Auntie, you are asking a funny question, this matter has something to do with me, so I naturally want to go in, otherwise it's up to others to decide whether it's right or wrong. Don't want to call me in?"

Aunt Qin really didn't want to ask her to go in, but Qin Hongfei didn't listen to her plan and went straight in.

Director Xing asked the school to vacate a space, and the vice principal, Teacher Liu, Aunt Qin, Qin Hongfei, and several teachers all stood together.

Director Xing asked someone to move a stool for Grandma Qin, and Qin Hongfei sat on it, "Mr. Liu Yu said that this student has a bad style of work. Now I want to hear what this student has done."

Teacher Liu excitedly told about Qin Hongfei disrespecting her teacher and her parents taking the lead in causing trouble.

Grandma Qin said with a face full of shame, "They are all my children, aren't they..."

Director Xing raised his hand to stop him, and said, "I've already heard about this at the school gate, what else?"

Teacher Liu Yu sensed that something was wrong. She wanted to add fuel to the picture, but Qin Hongfei was here, so it was hard to add, "No, there are dozens of students in the class. I can't affect other students because of her."

Aunt Qin said, "This child is usually disobedient at home, and so is her mother..." She had an indescribable expression.

Grandma Qin couldn't blame the youngest daughter-in-law, so she quickly assured her, "Director Xing, this child is not bad in nature, but she is easy to get confused sometimes, please give her another chance."

Director Xing was speechless, very speechless, he signaled Grandma Qin not to worry, then turned to Teacher Liu and shouted violently, "It's just nonsense, just because the student made a little mistake, a teacher stood in front of dozens of students at the school gate. The face of hundreds of students is embarrassing to the students, Teacher Liu, how did you get into the normal school?"

(End of this chapter)

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