Chapter 587 Bald Chen ([-])

When Lu Xiaoxiao came home, she saw Chen Guang chopping firewood in the yard, so she asked Chen Guang, "Chen Guang, didn't you come to my house as a guest? Why are you chopping firewood?"

"The boss asked me to chop. He said that I was too weak and needed to strengthen my training."

Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless after hearing Chen Guang's words, and then she planned to ask Zhang Xu what was going on, she believed that Zhang Xu would not let Chen Guang hack each other for no reason.

"Zhang Xu, why did you let Chen Guang chop firewood in the yard? He is also a guest." Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu who was sitting on the kang after entering the main room.

"I was testing his perseverance and patience."

"Why are you trying to test his perseverance and patience?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked suspiciously.

"The bald Chen said that he wanted to work with me, so I tested his perseverance and patience."

"It turns out that the reason is this. I said that you will never let someone chop wood for no reason."


"But what do you like about Chen Guang?"

"His brains and means of doing business."

"What do you mean, you want him to help you do business?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu.

"Yes, if he can pass my test, I plan to hand over the business to him."

"Aren't you afraid that he will ruin your business?"

"Don't use people who are suspicious, don't use people with suspicion."

"That's true."

"Boss, I have already chopped all the firewood." Chen Guang ran into the house and said to Zhang Xu.

"Is the firewood ready?"


"Go and set it up." Zhang Xu said after hearing Chen Guang's words.

"Yes, boss."

After seeing Chen Guang running out, Lu Xiaoxiao asked Zhang Xu, "What do you want to eat for lunch today?"

"It's all right, but you cook some sweet potatoes for Chen Guang."

"Aren't you, Chen Guang came to my house as a guest and you asked me to cook some sweet potatoes for him, wouldn't that be too good?" Lu Xiaoxiao said after hearing Zhang Xu's words.

"No, he's never short of food. Did you see the pile of things on the table? It's the food he gave you."

"Zhang Xu, after seeing the things on the table, I feel that I can't cook a few sweet potatoes to serve Chen Guang."

"In the future, if you have a chance, you can just treat him to a good meal. Today is my test for him, so you just do what I say."

"That's fine." Lu Xiaoxiao said after hearing Zhang Xu's words.

"Boss, I have already set up all the firewood."

"Well, you go wash your hands and prepare to eat."

Chen Guang's eyes lit up when he heard that it was time to eat, and then he thought in his heart what Lu Xiaoxiao would cook for him.

"Boss, why do you have braised pork and rice for lunch, but I have three sweet potatoes?" Chen Guang asked after looking at Zhang Xu and Lu Xiaoxiao's meal.


After hearing what Zhang Xu said, Chen Guang immediately picked up the sweet potato on the table and ate it. While eating, he said, "This sweet potato is really sweet, it's the best sweet potato I've ever eaten."

"Eat more if you like it, and if it's not enough, I'll cook it for you." Lu Xiaoxiao said to Chen Guang.

"No, these are enough for me, thank you."

"You're welcome, you are a guest and you should take more care of you."

"Have you finished your meal?" Zhang Xu asked Chen Guang.

"It's over." Chen Guang immediately stood up from the stool when he heard Zhang Xu's words.

"Since you're done eating, come with me."

"Okay." After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Chen Guang followed behind Zhang Xu.

(End of this chapter)

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