Chapter 292 Return ([-])

At 06:30 the next morning, Lu Xiaoxiao got up from the bed. She opened the door and saw that Zhang Xu was already sitting on the sofa having breakfast, so she hurried to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing, Lu Xiaoxiao entered the room, changed clothes, and sat on the sofa. She glanced at the food on the table, picked up a sandwich and began to eat quickly.

"Eat slowly, the train we take leaves at nine o'clock, so there is still plenty of time." Zhang Xu said quickly when he saw the little girl wolfing down her food.

After hearing Zhang Xu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao took a sip of the milk on the table before replying, "Why didn't you tell me the time earlier, I almost choked to death on the sandwich just now."

Zhang Xu smiled helplessly when he heard the little girl's words. He remembered that the little girl was sitting next to him when he bought the ticket yesterday.

After breakfast, Lu Xiaoxiao and Zhang Xu went downstairs with their luggage. After checking out at the front desk, they walked towards the car outside the hotel.

Lu Xiaoxiao came to the front of the car and looked at Zhang Xu suspiciously after seeing the person sitting in the driver's seat.

Seeing the little girl's puzzled look, Zhang Xu said, "His name is Chen Wenwu, and he is the little girl I told you about earlier."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded when she heard Zhang Xu's words, and then helped him put the luggage in the car.

After putting all the luggage in the car, Lu Xiaoxiao climbed into the car and sat on the back seat with the luggage, while Zhang Xu opened the co-pilot's door and sat in.

"Brother Xu, is that beautiful little sister in the back seat the savior you mentioned?" Chen Wenwu looked at Lu Xiaoxiao who was sitting in the back seat and asked in disbelief.


Chen Wenwu was taken aback when he heard Zhang Xu's affirmative answer. Before Zhang Xu told him that he would bring his savior to Haishi to play this time, he always thought it would be an adult, but he didn't expect it to be an adult. The girl is still a little girl less than ten years old.

Although Chen Wenwu was surprised, he knew that Zhang Xu never told lies, so he turned his head to look at Lu Xiaoxiao and asked, "Little sister, what's your name?"

"Lu Xiaoxiao."

"Sister Xiaoxiao, my name is Chen Wenwu, you can call me Brother Wu."

After hearing Chen Wenwu's words, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help twitching the corners of her mouth. She thought that Chen Wenwu definitely didn't know Wu Dalang, otherwise he wouldn't be called Brother Wu.

"Hi Brother Wu."

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that I would recognize such a beautiful sister today. If Dapeng and Qiangzi knew about it, they would definitely envy me." Chen Wenwu unilaterally heard Lu Xiaoxiao's voice He recognized Lu Xiaoxiao as his younger sister, but he didn't think about whether Lu Xiaoxiao was willing to recognize him as a brother.

Zhang Xu saw that Fa Xiao sitting next to him was still the same as before, so he kicked him and said, "Hurry up and come to the car."

After Chen Wenwu was kicked by Zhang Xu, he just wanted to yell twice, but before he could yell, he heard Zhang Xu telling him to drive quickly, and then he remembered that he was going to send Zhang Xu off. He was going to the train station to catch the train, so he immediately started the car and drove towards the train station.

Seeing that the car was already heading towards the train station, Zhang Xu turned his head to look at Lu Xiaoxiao and said, "Just pretend you didn't hear what Wu Zi said just now. You'll know it when you spend time with him."

Chen Wenwu, who was driving, was about to refute after hearing what Zhang Xu said, but before he had time to say it, he heard Zhang Xu say, "Drive well."

Well, it's his fault for being dumb, who made Brother Xu value sex over friends.

 Huahua's book is on the shelves today, cuties, don't forget to vote for Huahua more
  Huahua's update will be updated in three time intervals. In short, today I will update all the promised cuties, so cuties, don't rush to say that Huahua didn't keep her promise.

  What's more, Huahua will change the four changes every day to six changes every day after it is put on the shelves. This is to thank the little cuties for their support to Huahua all the way.

  Thousands of words can't express Huahua's gratitude to the little cuties, so Huahua can only express her love for the little cuties by adding more code words and more updates
  Hahaha...isn't it too hypocritical
  Should Huahua learn from someone like Xiao Xiao who doesn't talk too much, just desperately updating
(End of this chapter)

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