Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 426 No money and not bad money 39

Chapter 426 No money and not bad money 39
On the contrary, her granddaughter felt that what An Ran said was a bit reasonable. Before she came here, she still had high hopes for this trip to the Earl's Mansion. She really thought that her grandmother came to ask her aunt for help and take care of her grandfather. In the end, her grandmother turned out to be like As usual, she came here to beat the autumn wind, and she didn't even think about taking care of her grandfather, which made her feel chilled, thinking that the family has reached this level of land, and grandma still blindly caters to her grandfather and doesn't plan to take care of him. What will the family do in the future? it is good!
Thinking about the current situation at home, just like what my parents and other uncles said, even if the grandmother is not good, if the grandmother does not stand on the side of the children and unite together to manage the grandfather, the grandfather will not take the 3 taels Yinzi lost the bet. After all, without the support of the grandmother, only their juniors objected, and they were afraid that their grandfather would say that they were rebellious and unfilial. But if the grandmother objected together, the grandfather would not be able to drive the whole family out. Just take 3 taels and go and find another place to live. In that case, it would be equivalent to driving their grandfather out.

As a result, grandma didn't stand on their side at all, just like my uncle said, she continued to cater to grandpa blindly, and grandpa asked for money to gamble, so he gave it to him, resulting in less than a year, the money was spent by grandpa, This makes Sanfang up and down, can you not blame Mrs. He San being caught in the middle, not only did it not work well, but also played a bad role?
And if the grandfather hadn't lost the 3 taels of silver betting, their family's conditions are still good now, not to worry that they will be sold by the grandfather to get money to gamble - now that the aunt and grandmother can't persuade the grandfather, she is even more worried , I will be sold. After all, my grandfather has no money to gamble. In order to be able to gamble, he must either sell the house or sell her. He may still live in the house for a while, so he can only sell her. When she thinks of this, can she not worried?

Mrs. He San didn't know about the complaints of her granddaughter or even her own children. If she had to know, she would probably be aggrieved. After all, how could she control Master He San? If she dared to control him, what would he do if he beat her?As for uniting with your children to deal with Master He San, maybe you won’t be beaten, but this is something Mrs. He San didn’t think about—so with Mrs. He’s thoughts, it’s no wonder Sanfang complained about her. The bad is bad on her.

In fact, even if you are afraid of being beaten, so you don’t dare to take care of it, you can still find a way to hide some money for emergencies. After all, there are things like bank notes in this world. Can Master He San find it?
In fact, fundamentally speaking, when she got married and found that Master He was addicted to gambling, she should remarry after divorce. No matter how bad it is, it can't be worse than him.

But just like Mrs. He San said, even if it is not for her face, but for the children's face, An Ran has decided to make a move——An Ran decided that as long as Master He San really intends to sell the girl who came that day If he got money to gamble, An Ran killed him.

It was because of the pitiful little girl that day that she was going to do this. Otherwise, how could she take care of other people's family affairs? There are too many people like this in the world. How can she manage it, she is not the world's policeman.

And that girl's worry was right. After Master He San had no money to gamble, he began to think about ways to raise money. The house would still be lived in for the time being, and he would not sell it unless it was a last resort. Finally, he planned to sell the girl who came that day Well, not to mention the high status of the girl in the Earl's Mansion, she can sell it for 1 taels, and she can always sell it for 1000 taels--yes, in the past, the loyal and brave girl in the Earl's Mansion accepted 1 taels of nurturing money from others, and others were willing to give it, but To Mr. He San, because they left the Earl's Mansion and lost the golden signboard of the Earl's Mansion, even if their girls want to sell, they can't sell them for the price of the Earl's Mansion girls. Others are willing to give 1000 taels of entitlement Not bad.

Seeing that Master He San really planned to sell the girl, An Ran had no choice but to act quickly.

So that day Mr. He found someone who was willing to want him, and was going to go home to discuss the matter. When he sold the girl that day to that family to earn money for support, An Ran made a decisive move—it was also very simple. An Ran attacked He with mental power. In the brain region of the third master, the third master He suddenly became brain dead.

So when the carriage of Master He San came to the door of He Mansion, the servant saw why Master He didn't get out of the carriage for a while, and when he opened the curtain of the carriage to look, he saw Master He crooked in the carriage, motionless, He took a breath, and the frightened boy rushed into the mansion to report the matter to Mrs. He San.

When Mrs. He San heard that Master He San was dead, she didn't know how to react for a while.

According to common sense, a gambler who gambled excessively, occasionally had violent tendencies, and brought harm to himself and even his family passed away. Mrs. He San should be happy, but the happy mood only lasted for a while, and then she She became a little panicked, thinking that her husband was dead, and she had no one to rely on. At home, if her son and daughter-in-law were not filial, wouldn't she be bullied? You must know that when your husband is around, although he gambles excessively, he will always be The backbone, if her son and daughter-in-law dare not be filial to her, she told her husband that he will definitely support her. Now that her husband is gone, if her son or daughter-in-law bullies her, who will support her, so Mrs. He San is naturally only happy After a while, I couldn't continue to be happy, so I let out a howl, and rushed out of the door, lying on the body of Master He San and screaming.

"Old man, you just left, leaving me alone, how can I live!..."

Seeing Mrs. He San crying bitterly, the corners of the mouths of the others in Sanfang couldn't help but twitch.

Because compared to Mrs. He San who was more frightened, the others were more surprised.

If Master He San was not their elder, they would not be easy to discipline him. If it were their son, they would have already hit him.

Of course, what's more, if he didn't commit a crime by murder, or if he didn't, the sons of Mr. He San would probably have killed him long ago.

It was better when they were in the Earl's Mansion. At any rate, the mansion was in charge of food and drink. They didn't feel this deeply, but after leaving the mansion, what happened this year made them really want to kill him, and they wished to kill him immediately.

So now seeing Master He San died, the brothers didn't feel sad at all. On the contrary, they were still thinking about how to die. If they died earlier, he wouldn't have gambled away the 3 taels, so their days would be better. It can also be better.

None of the sons felt sad, let alone the daughters-in-law who had long been looking forward to the death of the bastard Master He San. At this time, seeing the death of the bastard Master He San, they almost laughed out of excitement. Although they couldn't express it on their faces, they privately I put my hands together and called the Bodhisattva to bless me.

After the death of Master He San, no one else in Sanfang was as jerk as Master He San, so slowly, life was able to live on, and the little girl was not sold.

(End of this chapter)

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