Improper cannon fodder for fast wear

Chapter 233 A World With More Men and Less Women 25

Chapter 233 A World With More Men and Less Women 25
No wonder they have no confidence in the mansion along the river and the mansion next door to Yunyang mansion. You must know that at the beginning of Dingxi mansion, the imperial court summoned famous generals and a lot of supplies to defend them, and they were all broken by Zhang Wentian. The next two Dingxi Mansion was not as fully prepared as Dingxi Mansion was at all. Dingxi Mansion was breached, not to mention these two mansions. It is no wonder that Yunyang Mansion felt pressure from top to bottom.

According to An Ran's conjecture from the two civil and military officials, the magistrate of Yunyang Mansion and the garrison, they all felt that after the new year, in less than three months, Zhang Wentian would probably kill Yunyang Mansion, and then they would be killed. Ready to escape.

Although the level of these two people is average, the results of the analysis may not be accurate, but judging from the information that An Ran has inquired, it seems that Zhang Wen will cross the river next year, it seems that it is really a certainty, which makes An Ran feel a sense of urgency. No matter what, it is best to expand the number of troops to 1000 before Zhang Wentian calls. At that time, if the Yunyang Mansion is in trouble, the officials will run away. With so many troops, it will be easier to guard Li. home village.

She had already figured it out, if Zhang Wentian didn't make trouble for her, then she would live on her one-acre three-point land and slowly accumulate strength for greater development; if Zhang Wentian dared to stretch out her hand , then don't blame her for being rude.

Anran developed step by step, and Zhang Wentian's troops on the other side, as Anran thought, quickly broke through the prefectures and counties at the narrowest point of the river after the year, and then crossed the river from the narrowest point to the south bank of the river. .

Hearing that Zhang Wentian had crossed the river, several prefectures and counties along the river were terrified. The civil and military officials were afraid that their lives would be handed over here, so they all ran away, and those who did not escape also surrendered, encountering very little resistance.

The same is true of Yunyang Mansion. I heard that Zhang Wentian is here. The magistrate and guards of Yunyang Mansion, as they usually discussed, took the civil and military officials with them, and they all fled without a trace as soon as they heard the news. trace.

And the residents of the city who got the news also fled in fright.

At this time, An Ran had brought the guard team, which had grown to 1000 people as she wished, to the city wall and began to take over the city defense.

Li Family Village is her base camp, so naturally there is no room for loss, but before that, if Zhang Wentian can be kept out of Yunyang Mansion, that would be the best.

If he can stop Zhang Wentian this time, An Ran will prepare to take over Yunyang Mansion as his first territory.

Seeing the residents in the city fleeing in panic, An Ran didn't stop them. He only asked his subordinates to post notices to let people know that Li Family Village dispatched guards to protect Yunyang Mansion. Those who believed in Li Family Village's ability could stay temporarily and help defend the city together. If she didn't believe it, she didn't force her to stay, and fled with everyone.

After more than a year of development, there is a very powerful den of thieves nearby—although the people in Lijia Village never think of themselves as bandits, but people outside don’t know it and think it is a den of bandits—Yunyang Mansion The residents have heard about it, otherwise more and more people would not have defected to Lijia Village.

At this moment, the guards of Lijia Village are wearing uniform uniforms, and marching forward in a uniform and solemn manner. The formation like cutting tofu, and the solemn spirit are much more powerful than the real officers and soldiers. Yes, the residents of Yunyang Mansion were whispering, but they couldn't help feeling a little more confident. Some people who had seen Zhang Wentian told the people around them that at least from the outside, the guards of Li Family Village were more powerful than Zhang Wentian. Wentian's troops looked more airy, and Zhang Wentian's troops looked like a large bandit group.

Some people who have heard about the achievements of Lijia Village said that the people of Lijia Village have never been defeated, and Zhang Wentian’s Department had won many battles in the West Mansion last year, and it took a long time before they won. On the other hand, he also said that it is not necessarily who wins and who loses.

However, some people also said that there are too few people in Lijia Village, and they may not be able to deal with so many enemies.

But those who understand military affairs know that defending a city requires far fewer people than attacking it. Therefore, a small city like this has 1000 people, and if you recruit some people from the city as assistants, it can be defended as long as it is properly matched. It's really hard to say, Zhang asked Tianbu if he could really win.

For this first battle in the true sense, An Ran had already rehearsed it countless times, and had also told the guards how to fight, so when the situation came to an end, it was natural to arrange it in an orderly manner.

First, the newly established transportation team in Lijia Village moved the defense supplies that Anran had prepared long ago to the places that Anran and the intelligence department had detected and were suitable for storing supplies.

In order to win the first battle perfectly, An Ran actually started to prepare these supplies since he brought people to Lijia Village last year, so it is very sufficient, bows and arrows, arrows, grenades, big knives, and other supplies, everything that one expects to find.

While the transport team was transporting supplies, An Ran began to deploy city defenses.

Because they had already discussed the countermeasures with the guard team on the map, so the guard team members also had a bottom line in their hearts, and they immediately took their positions one by one according to An Ran's instructions.

At this time, the people who should leave have almost left, so An Ran ordered the city gate to be closed and wait for the enemy to come.

At this time, the Zhang Wentian Department is still unaware of the changes that have taken place in Yunyang Mansion. No wonder they don’t know. In fact, not everyone attaches great importance to the development of the intelligence department like An Ran, so the Zhang Wentian Department only accepts them for the time being. Arriving at Yunyang Mansion is the same as other prefectures and counties, the people in the city are fleeing everywhere, they don't know anything else, even the magistrate and guards have escaped, they don't know yet.

Although no news was received, the Zhang Wentian Ministry also knew about the local performance in various prefectures and counties during this period of time. Most of the civil and military officials in Yunyang Prefecture had almost escaped, and those who did not escape were probably ready to open their doors and surrender.

So when their large group of people came to Yunyang Mansion, seeing that the city gate of Yunyang Mansion was closed tightly and the suspension bridge was raised high, unlike other prefectures and counties, when they opened the gate to welcome them, they couldn't help looking at each other, thinking about this Yunyang Mansion Who are the magistrates and guards? They are quite courageous. Knowing that it is their King Zhang who is coming, they still dare to resist.

At that moment, someone came forward to persuade him to surrender: "The imperial court is immoral, and the emperor is fatuous. Why do you help the tyrant to do evil, and why don't you surrender quickly?"

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a clear voice from the top of the city. Someone laughed and said, "You say that the court is immoral and the emperor is stupid. Are you good people? Last year you failed to attack Dingxi Mansion, and the food and grass were sold out, and you robbed the surrounding area everywhere." The matter of the food in my hometown is nothing compared to what the court does. I have the face to say that the court is immoral and the emperor is stupid? Let’s not talk about whether the court and the emperor are good or not. Anyway, you are not qualified to talk about it .”

"Demonic rumors to confuse the crowd! We obviously traded fairly, and we all gave money, so why talk about robbery?" the lobbyist said.

(End of this chapter)

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