after falling asleep

Chapter 863 34. Musu's fear

Chapter 863 34. Musu's fear

Lord Grim trembled all over.

"What happened to him?" Lina, who was still a newcomer, moved away from the screen.

"It may be post-traumatic stress disorder, and you have the same reaction when you visit Wen Wenqiu." Transparent Bridge waved his hand indifferently, and most of the others did the same.

No one knew about the [Countdown to quit the game due to abnormal rise in blood pressure] warning that popped up from Lord Grim's perspective.


"What is Internet addiction?" Qianye asked Wangwen Wenqie.

"We should stop him more than this." Of course, Wangwen Wenqiu still remembered the story of the last tournament, and also remembered the story of the super power dungeon when he first entered the game.

The complicated mood made Wangwen Wenqie want to say something, but it was difficult to speak.

"When I saw Mu Su, I missed my life..."

Wangwen Wenqie turned his head suddenly, looking at Yinghua who was whispering quietly.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a weird little story. I really want to know what Musu wants to express." Qianye replied, folded her arms and listened to Musu's story. She could barely put Musu in the position of a wise man—probably— Maybe—sometimes.

"Compared to the prevailing trend of men marrying women, men marrying men, women marrying women, men marry trans men, trans men marry women, women marry trans women, trans men marry trans men Gender people marry, trans women marry trans women, trans men marry trans women…”

A player asked his companion in a daze, "Is this some exhaustive method?"

“…transgender women marry transgender women, transgender women marry transgender men, transgender men marry transgender men, transgender men marry transgender women, transgender women marry transgender people— And the computer is a similar companion to my friend.

Mu Su, who controls the rhythm of the story, returns to the story itself in time: "He relies on the computer to order food, buys daily necessities through the computer, and solves his physiological needs through the computer."

"And we all know that when a thing looks like a woman, looks like a woman, and has the ability to be a woman, then she is a woman."

"Is he objectifying women?" Angrily murmured from the crowd.

"My friend loved it so much that he wanted to get married and be with him for the rest of his life. But his diabolical parents prevented the relationship from happening and he only had a few 10 minutes a day with him."

"In order to spend more time with the computer, he tried many methods. For example, skipping school, pretending to be sick, and falsely claiming to be depressed..."

"I think he's talking about someone addicted to the virtual network." Someone replied to the aggrieved player.

"This struggle has been with my friend for almost all of his teenage years. In the end, it ended with a strategic compromise by the tired parent: "They allowed him to use the computer, but on the condition that he must use the computer from 9 am to 9 pm every day, Use seven days a week. "

"The short-sighted friend was complacent and thought he had won the final victory. But he didn't last long, and the routine and 12-hour restrictions soon made him bored, frightened, vomiting, and incontinent. He began to think of ways to escape, Faking sickness, lying about depression . . . like it was once wanted."

"At the end of the story, he doesn't want to touch the computer anymore. Now he wants to go outside, in the sunshine."

"And this is the story I want to tell."

Mu Su looked around at the players who were listening quietly, and spoke slowly.

"The human heart is like a river, it can never be blocked, forcibly blocking it will only make the river accumulate until it is vented again..."

"Okay! Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp—"

Except for Ying Hua who applauded and applauded, everyone else looked at each other in blank dismay.

"So there's no need to tell a story at all, right?" Someone complained.

"It's necessary." Sakura lowered her hands. "Human fear comes from the unknown, and human obsession also comes from the unknown. The more you know about something, the harder it will be to be interested in it.

"So you suggest that we provide it with fear?" Qianye asked, ignoring Yinghua, who was amused.

"I think Musu's words should be listened to the other way around." Wangwen Wenqie reminded.

"This is a danger but also an opportunity." Qianye said thoughtfully.

They have almost finished searching this initial island.Except for the praying monster, which should have been solved, there are only two monsters, the eyeball in the forest and the stained stone.

"And we haven't downsized yet, so we can take risks and give it a try."

Mu Su suddenly said faintly: "Jerryda from heaven is watching you."

In any case, most of the players want to know what this stained stone is, but they don't want to reveal what they fear in their hearts.

"I don't want my secrets to be leaked everywhere." Wangwen Wenqie also refused.

"Secrets are like excrement everywhere in an abandoned building, they are worthless," Mu Su said.

"Philosophy." Yinghua gave a thumbs up.

Wangwenwenqie was moved suddenly, and after exchanging glances with several other players, he deliberately asked: "Musu, don't you want to try?"

If Mu Su didn't dare, he wouldn't be so arrogant in the future, and they won.Mu Su dared to get fear from the stained stones, and they still won.Then they will be able to...

"Just use it to threaten and laugh at me?"

Mu Su sneered at the embarrassed player: "Do I look that stupid?"

Wang Wen Wen Wen cut his eyes and replied to his companion: It seems that this is not possible.

At this moment, there was a shout from the crowd: "I don't think you dare!"

"I can not?!"

The not-so-stupid Musu caught the trick in an instant and approached the stained stone.

"At the same time: Federal Presidential Palace, the incumbent president sat upright in his seat; the Minister of Security who was playing with his lover stopped moving; the commander of the Fifth Battleship cruising in the meteorite belt frowned; the Tess on the frontline planet prepared for war The king pushed away the attendants, thoughtfully..."

"...There is no need to have so many mental activities." Wangwen Wenqie said helplessly.

"It's just a description of the current situation for you."

Mu Su who came to the side of the stained stone shrugged, waiting for the hallucination to appear.

Corresponding to Musu's arrival, a group of silhouettes arched slowly.

Its outline reminded Mu Su of something, and he was stunned and imperceptibly flustered.

"How is it possible..." Mu Su's dark eyes gradually shrank, staring at that hideous and unknown existence, like a nightmare.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time... Musu..."

The wet and viscous whisper made Musu's heart tremble, and its hated outline fully emerged: the low, petite, terrifying demon who devoured hundreds of millions of lives—the Great Demon King Lena!

Lina licked her lips and approached Musu with an evil smile.

"Jie Jie Jie... Let's see where you are going this time..."

(End of this chapter)

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