after falling asleep

Chapter 854 25. Saint Seiya will not play the same stalk!

Chapter 854 25. Saints can't play the same kind of stalk!

The clouds never dissipate, and the waves never stop.

The players jumped off the stranded boat one after another, and walked onto the beach in the water.

There were still some who stayed on the deck with a better view and safety and did not follow.

"Is there anyone who doesn't know the Lennon Islands?" Qianye looked around at his companions.

She is one of the players left on the deck.Despite knowing that Lennon's Island would be where the race would begin, she didn't want to leave the familiar ship.

"We've all done our homework." Damian, who rolled up his trouser legs beside him, straightened up: "But you can tell the audience players, I'll go down first."

Damian slipped to the shallows with the hemp rope thrown from the side of the boat. Qianye watched his back as he walked towards the beach, and briefly introduced: "The Lennon Islands are the land of the main world, which is completely different from the Wanghai Cliff where we were born. In the background information , the Lennon Islands were destroyed thousands of years ago and were broken into what they are now. Our landing point should be west of the Lennon Islands."

He probably thought it was stupid to talk to himself in the air, or most of the players left the ship, leaving only a few people on the deck. among some people. .

The two-day voyage allowed the players to enter the state, and they didn't do anything to spoil the atmosphere by "explaining to a camera that didn't exist". Everyone played a good role, observing and exploring the island cautiously and curiously.

Soon, the last player leaves the ship.

At the same time, the task slowly appeared in front of their eyes.

【Loading tasks...】

[Main task: Pioneer]

【Explore the first island (unfinished)】

Content: You carry people's hopes; you are looking for a new home; and this moment has finally come.You arrive in a land familiar yet unfamiliar, filled with unspeakable emotions, and those of you who have returned to your homeland vow to take it back, no matter what lies dormant.

"Hmm... have you found out?" After reading the main story line, Wang Wen Wenqie raised his head and asked his companion.

"What did you find?" The companion asked curiously.

"The task is written as a 'main line' task rather than a 'main' task, and with the information disclosed in the task content, maybe exploring the island is not our only task."

"Are you saying that there will be follow-up main missions or side missions?"

"Probably both."

Wangwenwenqie replied ponderously: "I tend to have a main line for each island, and exploration behaviors will trigger branch lines."

"A very reasonable guess." Qianye walked aside and said.

The players who were investigating on the beach not far away suddenly waved in this direction.

They found something strange.

Players who are standing in the shallows and players who are ready to explore gather together.

The anomaly was next to a huge rock on the shoreline: there were two rafts covered there, and a sandpit half-hidden by the rafts.

The two players moved the raft away, the gravel on the edge rustled down, and a layer of forearm-deep sea water accumulated at the bottom of the muddy bunker.

"Raft, bunker..." Dream showed wisdom when he looked at the sailing: "What did you think of?"

Observing the edge of the bunker, the traces of cleaning tools: "Intelligent life."

It's more weird and concrete than human.

"The raft and bunker are brand new, they should have been left within a dozen days." Qianye continued.

Other players are thinking, someone is exploring around the bunker, looking for footprints.

However, the footprints on the beach are like memories in the long river of time, which will always fade with the passage of time.

The players get nothing.

It's hard to say whether the discovery of traces of "intelligent life" is good or bad, but one thing is certain.

On the first island, they were not alone.


"I feel like we did the same thing as Musu."

Transparent Bridge said softly with reddish cheeks.

Seeing the players in the tournament earnestly investigate and analyze the traces they left behind, Transparent Bridge was inexplicably ashamed.

"We didn't do it on purpose." Blazing God always answered briefly.

Lord Grim said optimistically: "Thinking on the bright side, excluding coincidences, maybe we triggered the fourth round of the tournament."

Mosquito Coil, who was watching the game and listening to the conversation of his companions, suddenly stopped belatedly: "That means we are the first to set foot here...?"

Lord Grim whispered, pretending to be cool on purpose: "If my guess is right."

This side shows that they stand in the first echelon in the exploration of the main world.

More importantly, the next situation is clearly in their favor.

Tournament players land on the island that they land on.Everything the players explore can be easily attributed to them - because they can get there at any time.

But not now, the voyage will take more than two days, and by the time of the tournament, players will either have completed the phased mainline exit, or they will all be wiped out.

"...Will they find our bodies?" Lina asked suddenly.

She remembered that she died in a terrible embarrassment, and Mu Su would not kindly dig a hole to bury herself.

Transparent Bridge thought for a while: "On the bright side, maybe our corpses are all eaten."

The crowd was silent.


"My suggestion is to explore here according to the main line first, and at the same time look for habitats that allow us to hide through the night." Wangwen Wenqie clapped his hands to attract everyone's attention.

He seems to have washed away the fear of life when he first met Mu Su.

"We can spend the night on the boat." A player points to the stranded boat.

"It's also possible...but I always feel that bad things will happen if I stay on the boat." Wangwen Wenqie replied.

They didn't get too entangled in this issue, and the top priority was to explore the island.

The players left the bunker, spread out and kept a short distance, and walked towards the withered forest behind the beach.

The gloomy sky is like evening, and it is difficult to do anything in the dark forest. Only the sound of footsteps around can disperse the loneliness and gathering.

They are lucky, or unlucky.

Players who stepped into the woods soon found a camp.

A figure sat in front of the campfire, quietly stirring the burning branches.

The firelight licked his outline, and the long and narrow shadow kept beating.

Encountering the situation so quickly, excluding the coincidence, perhaps the seemingly desolate island is far more lively than expected...

Of course, there are also small NPCs that may serve as guides for players, so they are arranged here.

The scattered players quietly rendezvous far away from the camp.

"Is it human?"

"Not necessarily... who dares to be alone..."

"Maybe a local..."

After talking in low voices, they decided to let one person go to test it first. "

"Let me do it."

Cat Nine volunteered.Players and spectators watch as they walk through the woods towards the camp.

The silhouette in front of the fire was that of a scavenger, dressed in shabby clothes and a cotton cap.

"Excuse me--"

The figure slowly raised its head, revealing a dirty face with a beard.

"The quality of the newcomers this time is good..." The scavengers stared at Mao Jiu, and gently threw the branches in their hands into the fire. "My name is Zhang Jie..."

Lord Grim stood up in front of the screen!

Is it—

The scavengers continued to whisper: "You can call me Brother Jie."

(End of this chapter)

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