after falling asleep

Chapter 84 01. In order to make up for my fault, I have to update more today!

Chapter 84 01. In order to make up for my fault, I have to update more today!

A period of time after Mu Su uploaded "The Biography of Mu Su Su".

"It's qualified in terms of word count, what's the content..." After Musu submitted the application for signing the contract, the preliminary editor who suspected Lord Grim had to show up and read the refined version.

"Do you care about the full screen hahahaha called text?"

"I think one or two can't explain how funny this joke is." Mu Su said seriously. "Besides, isn't there Hehehehe and Houhou here?"

"...As long as you are happy." The editor replied in a self-defeating tone: "But when do you plan to delete the previous chapters."

"Why delete it, it's not very good! Let readers clearly see my progress and know that I am a serious and responsible writer."

"You can do whatever you want...then please continue."

"Wait!" Mu Su stopped the editor who was about to quit the chat.

"Is there anything else?" The words were polite, but there was a hint of impatience inside and outside the words.

"You know I'm playing a game called Gaze into the Abyss."


"There is a player named Lord Grim."

"If it has nothing to do with the content of the work, forgive me-"

"That day I saw him and the dog grabbing the shit to eat." Mu Su interrupted the editor of the preliminary review: "And it's always fun to eat!"

[E78 first review editor quits chat]

"Hmm..." Musu, who was lying on the bed, rubbed his chin. "Isn't it him?"

He still felt that Lord Grim was pretending to be the editor, so he couldn't help but get excited.

It was about to be fruitless, Mu Su took the game mask that was thrown aside, put it on his head, and landed on the valve platform.

There are only two friends in the game library and friends list.

[Smell the fragrance and know the woman (in the game: stare at the abyss)]

【Blazing God (offline)】

Musu clicked on the chat box and sent a message: "I'm going to be on TV!"

After more than ten seconds, Wen Xiang replied: "TV...? Do you mean the media?"


A lot of things happened in the week of the madhouse dungeon, for example, Mu Su passed the interview and became a contestant on a variety show.And a price reward of 10000 credit points was offered.

There are really people who are willing to let a mentally ill be a contestant on the show.

"Then congratulations..." Wen Xiang's reaction was a little disinterested, and her copy was at a critical time.

"I'm here to invite you to see it!"

It took three or four minutes this time before Wen Xiang replied: "Why do you want to find me?"

"Because I don't have any other friends."

Even in the middle of a fight, Wen Xiang, who saw this passage, remained silent for a while, and replied for a long time, "...What program is it, I can ask my friends to watch it together."

"The [-]th Ring Star Entertainment Channel, "Superstar" at [-] o'clock tomorrow night."

"Are you in the sun ring... Anyway, I'll take a look when the time comes."

"By the way, remember to ask Lord Grim to come and see!"

"I try my best……"

After speaking a few more scenes, Wen Xiang quit the chat.And Mu Su was excited by the provocation, lying on the bed unable to sleep.

Everything is going for the better.Not only has the novel been recognized by the editor, but it has also become a star.The realization of your dreams is just around the corner!

Excited, Mu Su was determined to work hard to get on the right track, so he called up the writing pad in his vision and began to write Chapter 2.

"The Biography of Mususu" the second -

Writing this, Mu Su fell into a deep sleep.


Before the revision, "Super Star" was a quiz variety show: "Super Genius".This time, the broadcast schedule and names are almost the same, so at a glance, there are two programs that are sisters.

"Superstar" adopts a selection system.That is to say, in each period, the champion will be selected from the four contestants according to the popularity ranking.After the fourth period, the four period champions will compete together, and the monthly champion will be selected according to the popularity ranking.

The Fourteenth Ring Star Entertainment Channel's move can be described as Sima Guang's smashing heart. Everyone knows: Poor ratings?We keep whoever the audience likes.This is always possible, right?

The show has been revised, and the content naturally changes.In the proposal provided to Musu by the "Superstar" production team, the program is one hour long and is divided into two parts.The end of each session will be voted by the live audience and the audience watching through the live broadcast.The championship will be held until the contestant with the highest total number of votes is finally selected.

Part of the program content is disclosed in the plan book, one part is a super quiz, and the second part is a super game.

As for the specific content of the link, it is confidential and will not be disclosed.Rules details will be handed out only after admission.


Fourteenth Ring Star Entertainment Channel Headquarters
Studio 3
The audience seat off the field was filled with holographic images.

Today, most variety shows don’t require the audience to be present in person—especially for shows that aren’t much-watched.

The holograms are enough to pass the real, except they can't be touched.And one point, the audience who choose to appear in the auditorium as a hologram can adjust the appearance - so at this time, except for a small number of humans who greeted the host from the stage, most of them are humanoids of various shapes.

Maybe there are really aliens mixed in, maybe.

On the stage, the searchlight beam was shot down from a height and focused on the host.The other areas were in darkness, and only the player seats could vaguely see the four silhouettes.

After the director team shouted, after the camera started shooting, the female host with long brown hair in a ponytail, dressed in a white suit under the beam of light, smiled at the camera: "Welcome to 'Superstar', I am the host Clark. "

The audience burst into applause.It doesn't matter if there is no applause.The live broadcast adopts a 30-second delay playback setting.This time completely allowed the post-production time to match the sound effects.

"As the host of the first issue of "Superstar", I'm a little flattered." The host patted his chest, showing a hint of luck.A qualified host will usually say something unrelated to the show at the beginning to shorten the distance with the audience and reduce the strangeness of each other. "I think everyone is looking forward to who the players in this issue are now. Of course, there may be viewers who are fans of the players already know."

"So without further ado, let me introduce you to the four players in this issue."

As the words fell, the beams of light that originally focused on the host swayed, making people dizzy. At the same time, accompanied by the cheerful accompaniment and the cheers from the live director, the first beam of light fell from the sky and landed on the first place in the contestant's seat. on the player.

Mu Su, who was watching secretly, stared at the dead fish, thinking that it was like this 400 years ago, and it will still be the same 400 years later. There is no progress at all. No wonder no one watches this show.He wouldn't want to come if he hadn't given [-] credit points for participating in the show.

The host, Clark, came to the player's seat and read the player's information in the field of vision: "The first player: Charles, a well-known game player in the 14th ring, and now holds a number of game speedrun world records."

After a pause for a few seconds, Charles waved to greet the audience.

Charles is in his mid-thirties, with the unkempt appearance of a gamer.He's handsome, so the messy blond hair and stubble look a bit uninhibited.

(End of this chapter)

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