after falling asleep

Chapter 836 07. Go to the Book Friends Circle to participate in the event! )

Chapter 836 07. Go to the Book Friends Circle to participate in the event! (I'm going to explode (shock sound)) (first update)
"Don't sit on the ground... If you spread your legs too far, it will break..." Mu Su continued to mumble in his sleep.

Jun Moxiao couldn't help imagining an abstract picture of a woman spreading her legs apart and drawing circles with her feet spinning in place.

The sanity value that is falling at a constant speed begins to accelerate.

"If my leg is broken, I need to change my leg..."

The imaginary picture returned to the compasses drawing circles on the paper, and Lord Grim's sanity value returned to slowly decreasing.

"But I know a shop called Film Machinery Workshop... We can change into slender legs with a mechanical style..."

Compass turned into a woman again, but this time the woman had the obvious characteristics of a synthetic human, as well as a pair of cold mechanical legs, drawing circles.

The mechanical legs and the circle are not so visually impactful, and Lord Grim's sanity value decline rate doesn't change much.

"Then we can use it..."

The murmur of sleep gradually subsided, and Mu Su returned to a peaceful and deep sleep.

Lord Grim waited anxiously for several minutes, but there was no more sound, Musu probably fell asleep.

Hmm... Suddenly I am a little concerned about the content behind...

Mu Su's dream talk was just an episode, and no one except Lord Grim knew about it.

Sailing until the afternoon, the land has not yet appeared on the edge of sight.Players have to face a choice: do not change direction, and gamble on luck to reach the main island of Lennon Islands before the arrival of the weird fog.Or spend the long nights leaning against the cliff near Wanghai.

"The advantage of the former is that we can reach the main island as soon as possible, provided that we are lucky enough. The latter is safe enough, but it is easy to be caught first... We are not the only ones exploring the world."

"Don't worry about the former." Mu Su proudly signaled everyone to look at Jun Moxiao: "We have the chief food abuser, Jun Moxiao, so don't worry about being taken away by others for the first record."

In short, to be on the safe side, they decided to choose the latter—it had nothing to do with what Mu Su said.

Even if only some of the props are carried, it is very distressing to lose them in the Dead Sea.

The two wooden boats that will only arrive at "the place in the heart" changed their course and sailed towards the Wanghai Cliff closest to them.

"The course deviates only by 23 degrees." Blazing God said.

Even if they didn't change their course, there was a high probability that they would encounter the sea-watching cliff.

Wanghai Cliff was closer than imagined. Ten minutes later, the outline of Wanghai Cliff appeared at the end of the sea level, but...

"We don't seem to be sailing straight there." Wen Xiang said strangely.

The sea-watching cliff became more and more obvious, but the two wooden boats were not heading towards the island.If the direction does not change anymore, they will pass Wanghai Cliff.

"Maybe there's a reef," Blazing God said, like the sea-watching cliff that had once been a gathering place.

"Maybe not." Transparent Bridge replied.

As they got closer to Wanghai Cliff, they could already see the players on Wanghai Cliff.If there is a hidden reef nearby, it is impossible for the players looking at the sea cliff to not notice——

"Something's wrong..." Yinghua, who was looking into the distance, suddenly said softly.

For unknown reasons and incomprehensible reasons, all the players on Wanghai Cliff stood still and waved at them.

"It's not true."

Musu's dark eyes gradually narrowed, realizing that things were not that simple: "The unexpected enthusiasm of this group of players...they must know that I'm coming!"

"How can-"

"Hello!" Mu Su interrupted Wen Xiang, lying on the side of the boat and waving to the silhouettes on the cliff.

"Stop Musu! Everyone keep quiet!"

The transparent bridge suddenly let out a low shout.

She finally saw the players waving on the sea-watching cliff, but what she saw made her hair stand on end.

Those scattered around Wanghai Cliff are not players, or even human beings, but a bunch of agitated clothes. They stand like scarecrows on the beach, reefs, and open spaces, waving their right hands—their sleeves—in unison.

The bone-chilling fear is not because of them themselves, but because of the cloth strips fixed with branches on their heads, with illegible words written on them.

Like a player's name.

The strange thing about pretending to be a player is horrible and indescribable.

Musu was controlled by Chishen and others.A calmly sailing wooden boat, a slightly swaying wooden boat, slowly passed by only a few tens of meters away from the beach.

The players held their breath and quietly watched the scalp-numbing scene.

The scarecrow clothes stood motionless, and as the two boats passed by the island and drifted away, the welcome seemed to turn into a farewell.

"What the hell is that..." Lord Grim kept turning his head in fear.He is the same source of fear as Clear Bridge.

The island was disguised as Wanghai Cliff, and a group of scarecrows in clothes disguised themselves as players with nicknames that only players had.This stream-of-consciousness horror scene is far more frightening than a scare scene.

"You have already given the answer." Transparent Bridge suddenly felt unwilling.

Just now, Mu Su should have been let go and let him land on the strange sea-watching cliff to try.

Although what happened just now had a psychological impact on the players present, but their Sanity Points did not drop fast, and they still had nearly 80.00% of their Sanity Points.

Lord Grim is the lowest, already whispering 80.00%, because he was attacked by the nephew of the ancient evil god.

Some auditory hallucinations caused by low sanity points are already lingering in my ears——

"Don't worry, we can stay in other players' huts when we get to Wanghai Cliff, and restore sanity points." Transparent Bridge said comfortingly.

A few minutes later, a sea-watching cliff emerged at the end of the sea.

This time there are no more weird scenes, only the figures wandering around and exercising their skills fit the group of players.

Unsurprisingly, Mu Su and others, who were slowly approaching the shore, attracted the players' onlookers.When it was about to run aground on the shore, the transparent bridge talked about negotiating with the players to borrow the hut.

"I come!"

"I'm going to negotiate with the players."

Musu and Transparent Bridge said at the same time.

"Then I'll leave it to you." Chishen said to the transparent bridge, then pursed his lips and endured Musu's stepping on his feet.

After stepping on Blazing God, Musu complained to Lina and Karen about her grievances: "I don't know why the transparent bridge is so wary of me... What evil could Susu have?"

The wooden boat trembled under them, and they ran aground on the shallows.

The transparent bridge stepped off the wooden boat first, shouting requests to the surrounding players, and easily exchanged the right to stay at the cost of telling them their sailing experience.

That is a female player named Crow's Feet, and the reason for choosing her is simple-the game does not restrict players from attacking each other, so it is safer for them to stay in the female player's hut.

After staying overnight for a short time, the next morning, when there were still a few ten minutes before the strange fog receded, Mu Su and others went online one after another, and walked out of the hut when the fog cleared.

"Good luck~"

Crow's feet waved goodbye to Musu and the others.

They were a step slower, and another wave of players arrived at the boat first, preparing to push the stranded wooden boat into the shallows.


The transparent bridge shouted with akimbo.

Mu Su jumped out from the slanted ground in response to the sound, and rushed in front of the players, with his pockets filled with sand, he spoke with a friendly expression.

"Let's explore the front area later~"

(End of this chapter)

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