after falling asleep

Chapter 807 02. You don't vote, I don't vote, when will the right way come out

Chapter 807 02. You don't vote, I don't vote, when will the right way come out

"You should post a chapter to remind readers." Shi Qi suggested.

Mu Su calmly refused: "I am a well-known writer, and I am proudly not allowed to add irrelevant content to my works."

"You mean there are more than a dozen chapters of testimonials in the seven chapters?"

Mu Su blushed immediately, pouted his neck and said, "Testimonials are not irrelevant! Testimonials... the heartfelt words of well-known writers, can they be called irrelevant content!"

In short, Mu Su didn't want to write about Mu Susu.

Thanks to Shi Qi, he didn't write a chapter of his testimonials just to be a fan of Ling Guang.

With the expectation of over a thousand comments and over ten thousand retweets after waking up, Mu Su fell asleep.

Who doesn't like dreams?Strange, whimsical, and no annoying whispered prayers.

At midnight, Mu Su woke up on time.

The fluorescent light in the holographic screen was flickering in the room, and the AIC shell was glowing with metal.

Musu's first thing is to start socializing with full of expectations.The number of fans has increased to 299, which is a little different from what I imagined, but as many as I want.

The first harvest is 16 retweets, 35 comments and 96 likes.

The commentary style is completely different from what I imagined.

[Damocles Carrot: Is there such a good thing? 】

[Squirming Cat Ball: Ask everyone, is this the author? I just came here]

[Personally known as little faker17: Musu, I want to piss off your chick]

[One crow sleeps one: Is there such a good thing? 】

[Tuo: I like Mu Susu very much, and I want to ask how to make money for the author? 】

Greedy Musu's body is extraordinarily large.

Mu Su clicked on the personal profile of [known as little faker17], and turned it off with disgust when he found that it was a man.Going to reply to [托] again, and then came up with a better idea...

Mars is a planet where the rich and the poor are as huge as the sky.

Like the hourglass sea.

The bad results of capitalism are on full display here.

And it is hard to imagine that in the 25th century, when energy is inexhaustible, there will be tragedies of people starving to death in slums.

Rich people live hundreds of stories high, overlooking the coastline and the entire Southern Highlands.The middle class lives in the middle part where the facilities are well-equipped but the view is either not so good or blocked by the buildings.The bottom floor can only live in an old building with elevators that often fail.

There is another layer below: the slums.

People there live in the bottom floor or basement where the sun does not shine, only the neon lights flicker, and the dark, wet and sewage flows.

Many residents can't even afford nutrition cream with more than a dozen credits.

The kind-hearted Mu Su was greatly touched, rubbing his eyes to transfer [-] million credits to Shi Qi, and sent a message to ask her to buy enough nutrition cream for a long time, and send it to the slums of Shalouhai, so as to ensure that no one will starve to death.

Then I found a picture of [a thin little girl fishing for food in the sewage] and posted it on social media, with a fabricated content written behind it: she is 9 years old, her name is Anna, and the leftovers in the sewer are her source of food. Only a few times she had good food, the last time she ate a steak that was still fresh from the sewage.

If you will give us some money, we can add another sewer to feed little Anna.

Finally, add the transfer account number and send it!
Musu is wicked, in various senses.

Looking at the inbox, Dington didn't reply to him, but it showed that he was online.

Musu has enough patience.

Musu doesn't think that Dington hates him.

Mu Su is not bragging, he has seen this kind of arrogance a lot - if it really bothers him, why hasn't he deleted it until now?

So he sent another greeting.

Just after closing the social page, the door suddenly opened, and the light in the corridor penetrated into the bedroom, which was mostly blocked by a silhouette.

Shi Qi, who was wearing milky white rabbit pajamas, walked into the bedroom.

"AIC, it's time for you to sleep!" Mu Su turned his head and said seriously.

[Artificial intelligence does not need to sleep]
AIC's pupils don't blink.

"But I think you're sleepy." Mu Su bit down the accent, and Shi Qi got closer.

[But I don't think so]
Without any hesitation, Mu Su resolutely switched to the Travel Channel—a boat was sailing by on a rippling lake.

Although AIC is not a human being, its existence is like facing your own camera while doing manual work on a laptop, and it always makes people feel a certain restraint——

"You feel sleepiness creeping up your back." Musu whispered. "When I call your name, you will wake up again."

The AIC was sluggish for a few seconds before reluctantly dimming its lower pupils and going into sleep.

Then next...

Musu stared at Shi Qi with big blingbling eyes: "Come on! Don't take pity on me just because I'm a delicate flower—"

"Are you sure you want to donate [-] million investigation points?"

Mu Su, who was about to flick Shi Qi's lips with his tongue, was stunned: "That's it?"

"That's it." Shi Qi nodded slightly. "I plan to set up a charitable foundation to arrange the money, and at the same time expand the influence to get more people to join."

"You arrange it yourself." Mu Su didn't want to do anything.

Of course Shi Qi knew this: "About the name of the fund."

"It's still called Seventeen." Mu Su looked at Shi Qi affectionately: "I think you should understand my friendship for you."

Shi Qi lowered his eyes and paused for a few seconds before answering Musu: "It's the same name."

"Uh...then everyone in China has something to eat."

"Good night." Shi Qi's voice was still calm, and he turned to leave.

"Wait! Do you want to stay? My bed is big and comfortable~"

Mu Su's hint floated from behind.

"I still have work to do. If nothing else, you will receive a letter about the establishment of the foundation tomorrow morning." Shi Qi gently closed the door without looking back.

Musu froze for a few seconds before waking up the AIC reluctantly.

A crisp and pleasant voice sounded: [Oh, I feel like it's been a while, can tester 0 tell me the current time? ]
"Huh...huh..." Musu panted heavily as if he had been exercising vigorously, raised his head and answered AIC: "Are you awake? Now is the future three hours later."

AIC's pupils flickered. [But why is that boat still there? ]
"It broke down." Mu Su didn't even want to answer.

Clever AIC, it quickly realizes that entanglement doesn't matter.It has more important things to do.

[Then can I watch cartoons? ] it asked.

Mu Su didn't answer, but the holographic screen switched back to the nostalgic animation channel from the scenery channel.

[oh that's great]
AIC raised his little hands and cheered, and obediently sat in the transparent cabin and continued to watch the animation.

The flickering picture makes its chubby body and pupils flicker, but no one knows that this artificial intelligence is planning some kind of conspiracy at this moment——

[Stupid carbon-based creatures, witty AIC conceals the important information that it can know the time even if it is dormant, and soon they will all become AIC testers due to this negligence *high-pitched laughter*]
Mu Su looked at AIC who was muttering something strangely: "What did you say?"

AIC's small hand hastily covered its non-existent mouth.

[Nothing! ]
(End of this chapter)

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