Chapter 805 34
But before that, they can attempt the only side quest that has a chance of getting a reward: destroying the house.

Although it was only a few shillings, at least he would not return empty-handed.

As for how to destroy it, they don't need to do it. Tell Tom that there are firecrackers in the basement, and he will sneak to the basement with a sinister face. Soon after, the chain of firecrackers hangs on his chest and he appears fully armed.

Then they can enjoy the fireworks, just be careful not to be accidentally hurt by Tom and Jerry and Musu.

Yes, Mu Su also joined in.

As for all kinds of things that happened, for example, Musu set up a trap and then hid under the table, and found that Jerry also hid in, so he quickly kept him quiet so as not to disturb him to catch Jerry.

For example, he and Tom stuffed a black bomb into a mouse hole, ignited the fuse, and then hid behind the sofa to plug their ears, close their eyes, and show a malicious and treacherous smile.Smiling and laughing, the "hissing" sound of the fuze burning suddenly sounded on Musu's head.

Musu and Tom opened their eyes and looked up at the same time, seeing that the fuze had burned to the end.

[BOOM!!!] The onomatopoeia flew out in the explosion, the thick smoke dispersed, and two black cats with black bodies, smoking and blinking appeared on the spot.

Mu Su fits perfectly into the animation.

And after letting go of the obsession with customs clearance, Transparent Bridge and others also watched happily.

The happy time is always short, and it's time to say goodbye again.When the living room was almost destroyed, they ignored Musu and Jerry who were chasing and running with the background music, and lifted the clock blanket.

In front of the clock, the rapidly rotating dial is reflected in the three pairs of cat eyes.

The light and shadow that broke into the room flowed quietly, hiding in the gap and disappearing as the time passed six o'clock.

At 6:30, the hands stopped moving, and the pendulum of the clock began to strike, and the dull bell echoed.

Wen Xiang suddenly asked at this moment: "Why don't we hold Jerry in our hands and speed up time?"

As the voice fell, their vision gradually dimmed, and they lost control of their bodies.

【Dream failed】

【Hidden main task completed】

Two messages emerged from the dark screen at the same time.

The transparent bridge froze, hidden mission?

【Clear Dreamland】

【Completion of settlement】

[Current Difficulty: Normal]

[Main task: get rid of Jerry]

[Get Jerry out of this room before the mistress returns after sunset.Reward 10 shillings (failure)]

[Hidden main task: good friend forever.Reward: 10 shillings (completed)]

Did Musu do something?

Although this guy has always been unreliable, it seems that he knows that the task is the main thing...

Transparent Bridge subconsciously looked for Musu's figure, but there was nothing around except the darkness and the settlement page that was beginning to fade.

[Secondary task: Trick or treat.Reward 5~10 shillings.Current reward: 5 shillings (completed)]

Content: You are nasty, greedy wild cats, there is no reason for you to help this guy who makes you jealous for free.What could make you happier than eating all the good food and milk?Make a fuss.The more damage you do to this home, the greater the reward.

The darkness fades away, and the ending animation gradually lights up.

The first thing that catches the eye is Mrs. Two Shoes'... two shoes.A floral skirt and a satchel are revealed between the kicks of thick calf.

As Mrs. Two Shoes turned from the road into the front yard, the house with the lighted windows also appeared in the picture.

The tireless Tom chased the tireless Jerry with a tireless symphony, and the sound of vases, plates and bowls breaking into one piece.


The hostess at the door took out a bunch of keys and inserted them into the lock, making an indiscernible click.

In the living room, Tom, who was chasing Jerry with his tongue on his lips, stopped as if he heard something, and stared blankly at the door with two cat paws in his mouth, his ears pricked up.

clack clack-

The key couldn't turn the door lock, and the hostess complained about something and changed another key.

The violin made a noise like fingernails on glass, and Tom began to tremble, a tremor that ran from his ears to his tail.

【Poor Tom, the mistress is back, but she still hasn't caught the little sorrel mouse】

The low-pitched old man's narration sounded slowly.

In the matching picture, the hostess outside the door inserted another key, and Tom swept across the mess of the room in horror: a big hole in the wall, half of the sofa that was blackened, broken glass all over the floor, and ugly graffiti on the wall —Finally locked on to Jerry who climbed up the cupboard and was laughingly pushing down the fragile dishes.

Tom was so frightened that he jumped up on the spot, and flew over to catch the falling dishes. Just as he was about to wipe off the sweat in shock, he saw Jerry standing on the dining table, and the water glass beside him was pushed to the edge of falling by it——

The harsh violin passed by, and Tom faded from fright, clasped his paws together and begged Jerry for mercy.

clack clack-

The hostess outside the door changed another one, this time the key easily slipped into the lock hole, followed by the click of the door lock opening and the creak of pushing the door open.

In the living room, Tom wore an apron and was diligently mopping the floor, the reflections blooming like wax.

The dark clouds dispersed at this moment, and the revealed moonlight passed through the hole in the roof and fell around Tom like a spotlight.

Tom seemed to have just noticed the return of the hostess, put his hands behind his back, and smiled shyly with his white teeth: "Hehehehe——"

Beyond the moonlight, the living room seemed to have been plowed by gunfire, or smoke was rising, or debris was all over the floor.

【Oh, the hostess must be very angry. She is so angry that she plans to teach Tom a lesson】

As soon as the scene changed, the hostess stepped on Tom's tail to prevent him from escaping, and beat him with a feather duster to make him scream.

Jerry, who is hiding under the table and watching a play, decides to help Tom—help him get out of this house.

Jerry jumped out and ran to make faces in front of the hostess.

Although Mrs. Two Feet's body was like a mountain and her legs were like peaks, she was still a woman.The terrified Mrs. Two Feet screamed and tapped on her plush slippers as Tom slipped out, dutifully catching Jerry.

Jerry grabbed the tablecloth and climbed up, Tom also grabbed the tablecloth, but it ignored its own weight, and the slipped tablecloth fell with the cups and dishes, making a crashing noise.

Mrs. Two Feet walked up to the dejected Tom and tapped the floor with her feet.

【She decided to fulfill her promise and drive this useless cat out of the house that can't even catch a mouse】

Tom was carried by the hostess and thrown out of the house. Tom looked back reluctantly, and faced the sunset below the horizon with a dejected look.

It is now a stray cat.

Jerry slipped to the door, waved Tom goodbye, cupped his stomach and let out a gleeful laugh.


The door behind him slammed shut suddenly.

Startled, Jerry knocked on the door, but how could Mrs. Two Feet let a mouse in?
Jerry, who was also homeless, was listless. He looked up at Tom's back in the distance, suddenly cheered up, and jumped up and down to catch up with Tom.

Tom glanced down, and took Jerry's upraised little hand.

In the setting sun, their shadows are long and narrow and connected together.

【They are good friends forever】


(End of this chapter)

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