after falling asleep

Chapter 593 01. Where it first started

Chapter 593 01. Where it first started
Milky Way - Sun Ring·14 Ring Area
On November 11st, the first snow after winter fell in the 1th ring area, covering the entire ring area.

The average snowfall thickness of [-] centimeters allows every child or adult to have fun, while the temperature of minus four to five degrees prevents the snow from melting.

These few days of the year are the busiest days for the municipal government, calculating the amount and frequency of snowfall, cleaning up the crushed branches and the leaky old city, but fortunately, the most important thing for the Federation is energy.


Also on this day, a man came back.

And the premiere of some super-bad TV show.

More citizens are traveling.The earth is wrapped in silver, and a group of children are playing and playing in the park, which is very lively.

A suspension vehicle drives across the cleared asphalt road outside the park.

There are two people in the back seat of the suspension car, a man and a woman, their complexion is dazzlingly pale, like snow.

If they don't feel the cold, men wear trousers and shirts, and women wear light blue dresses.

The driver looked at the back seat through the observation interface, noticed that the man's trembling lips were fighting, and shook his head helplessly.

[your hands are cold]
An irregular round mechanical pupil in the man's arms lifted up, and the clear and thin synthetic voice was ridiculed.

"Metal is a material that conducts heat very well. When the temperature in the air decreases, it will decrease at a very fast speed. Because I am holding you now, your temperature is transmitted to the electron cloud between the palm and you, the electron The cloud passed to my palm again, which made my hand very cold, not because I was cold." The man replied seriously.

The driver couldn't help but look sideways, and subconsciously glanced at the passenger's information.

The name is Musu.

[you made a long list of excuses]
"Shut up! Even a figurine wants to disobey the master's order!" Mu Su shouted.

The driver found it interesting, and subconsciously asked Musu where he bought it.

[I am not for sale]
"I'll give it to you if you want it."

Two voices sounded simultaneously.

[Hey!Don't give me away to others! ]
AIC protested loudly, patting the back of Musu's hands with two cute little hands.

When No.20 quarreled three times along the way, one person, one artificial intelligence, Ellie was staring at the passing scenery outside the window without blinking.

The cold wind poured into the suspension car, making her face reddish, especially the tip of her nose.

In the park, young people playing, father and son making snowmen, and children chasing each other.A piece of joy and peace.

She was suddenly envious.If I were human, would I have such a childhood and life?

"Don't be too envious. The life of carbon-based organisms is very fragile and short, and biology cannot develop after being restricted. The longest-lived person who didn't look at the world record is only 230 years old?"

Mu Su came over and said.

"Biology restricted?"

Musu sat back in his original position, tied AIC's two little hands together and tied them together, and said, "I'll tell you later."

The suspension car gradually left Beta City, and it took an hour to arrive at a family hotel in the suburbs.

After paying the car fare unwillingly, Mu Su got off the car with AIC and Ai Li in his arms, and came back after almost two months.

The courtyard has been cleaned.Arched the low door with his butt, and Musu, who left behind a line of snow-printed footprints, pushed the door and entered.

Ellie stopped her pace slightly, turned and looked into the distance.

A new round of snowfall begins, and the snowflakes fall slowly, making the snow-capped plain gradually blurred.

It was a general feeling of being purified from body to mind.

The living room of the family hotel is warm, the fireplace is burning vigorously, and the sound of the TV series on the screen adds a touch of excitement. The warm and familiar living room is more like a home.

"You're back--"

While pushing the door, Mu Su shouted.

The figure wearing a light gray sweater holding hot tea on the sofa turned his head and looked.

"You're back!?"

Mu Su repeated, the meaning he wanted to express was completely different from before.

Shi Qi put down the steaming teacup, got up and nodded slightly: "The Church of Nature exists in name only, and as a key figure in it, your priority has been raised. I was sent to reconnect with you, expressing friendship and goodwill on behalf of Haven."

"Your safe haven is really realistic enough."

Musu stomped his feet at the door, carried the AIC behind his back, and walked in front of Shi Qi.

Shi Qi was as cold and indifferent as ever, but also as beautiful as ever. The home wear of sweater and trousers made her more humane.

"In order to compensate you, the higher-ups bought this family hotel. Now it is your private place. It is a pity that we cannot compensate more, hope you can understand. We have too many compatriots in need of help, lack of funds and resources .”

Mu Su quickly checked the horizon, and sure enough, there was an extra set of property options in his account.

"What about the two old couples who have everything?" he asked.

"Their son came back and chose to settle on Mars after discussion, which is why we were able to buy this place."

Mu Su nodded suddenly, the haven is still very good.Not to mention giving away a house, but also giving away a woman.

His smile gradually became obscene, and he touched Shi Qi's shoulder with his palm: "It's okay, it's fine if you're here."


His fingers were electrified by the static electricity of the sweater, and Mu Su withdrew his hand.

Shi Qi shook his head and said: "In fact, in order to prevent you from misunderstanding, I will leave after expressing my goodwill."

The smile on Mu Su's face froze.

His career is completely dependent on Shi Qi, if Shi Qi is not here... who will work!
He is still busy playing games!

"No! You have to stay and continue to be my assistant!" Mu Su trembled.

Shi Qi's eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly, "If this is your request, I will report it to the higher-ups. If they agree, I will stay."

"Father, is she your friend?"

The door was pushed open, and Ellie, whose skin was slightly red from the cold, pushed the door and entered the living room.

"Ahem..." Being called that in front of acquaintances, Mu Su blushed, especially Shi Qi's eyes on the other side seemed not quite right.

"She was brought back by me from the Church of Nature. Don't get me wrong. I have nothing with her. By the way, she is still a synthetic human."

Mu Su explained clearly, and blinked at Shi Qi.

"I understand." Shi Qi nodded, bypassing Mu Su and coming in front of Ai Li.

Musu didn't know what Shi Qi understood, because he didn't understand it himself.

The two looked at each other, and Ellie blinked strangely.

Shi Qi also blinked.

A little doubt appeared on Ellie's face, but after a while she revealed it and blinked.

Shi Qi calmly blinked and replied.

Mu Su looked at the two suspiciously.

[I understand their communication, they are discussing how to get rid of you]
AIC started the old business of destroying the world: provoking a war between human beings and human beings.

"Do you like snow?" Mu Su suddenly asked an irrelevant question.

[I hate everything that might hurt my body]
"Then do you think it's very suitable for you to be the head of the snowman?"

AIC's reply became crisp and lovely.

[Musu, you are a good person, I believe you would not do this, right? ]
(End of this chapter)

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