after falling asleep

Chapter 575 35. AIC's gift

Chapter 575 35. AIC's gift

Residual water droplets fell from the hole, the air was no longer stuffy, and the hole brought fresh cool air from the soil.

"Why does it help us?" Lina touched the edge of the magma with her toes, and the solidified black shell was somewhat elastic, like rubber.The gel temperature of the magma bomb has completely cooled down.

"Artificial intelligence." Mu Su teased the little black-lined hands of the AIC figure, and answered casually. "We are always used to turning things into people, such as a bunch of film and television novels. It is always artificial intelligence that produces intelligence and produces emotions. We can't wait to take revenge on human beings. Over time, AIC may bring itself into it."

The sensual Lina reached out to touch the AIC figure, but was dodged by the stingy Musu.

"this is mine!"

"I won't snatch it..." Lina groaned dissatisfiedly, and muttered: "There are always other AIC figures in the base, and I will take them all when the time comes."

"Mine is a gift from AIC, and you want to compare with me for the same item?" Mu Su dismissed it.

Lina gritted her teeth secretly for a while, her mood suddenly became depressed, and she stared blankly at the wreckage of the AIC.

"Are you saying what the AIC said was true? Did it just disappear?"

Mu Su pouted towards the twisted metal platform and the AIC: "It's all burnt."

Lena was silent, looking at Joyce who was also silent.

She sighed softly: "Although we survived, we still failed..."

"Hiss———" Mu Su imitated the sound of sprinkling salt.

Lina glared at Mu Su, also felt that this sentence was inappropriate, and said instead: "It's a pity that Shadow of All Evil was destroyed, and we didn't fulfill our promise."

This 90-year-old girl is surprisingly sensual and committed.

"Don't worry, it's alive and well."

Mu Su softly coaxed the AIC figure in his arms, and the latter resisted and tore his face with his small hands.

"But it clearly..."

"Why don't you think ofTum destroys such a dangerous item, but put it in an underground valley thousands of meters away?" Mu Su, who was teasing AIC, took the time to give Lina an evil look.

When Mu Su said this, Lina realized the problem, and the next moment, she puffed up her chest in anger, "I don't know what you guys are crazy about!"

"Hmph, the wisdom of mortals..." Musu pushed the non-existent glasses on the bridge of his nose with his middle finger. If he didn't sneak a peek at Lina's neckline, it might be more believable.

"One of the characteristics of ofTum-2113 is a normal piece of parchment paper, which can be damaged. But it will reappear anywhere on the earth at the moment of being damaged. When ofTum was destroyed several times, it was only discovered. Why should I tell you !"

Lina clenched her fists tightly, and her delicate face looked up at Musu angrily, almost bulging into a bun.

[Beep - you have a message, do you want to check it]
Lina's attention was attracted, and she angrily said for Musu: "Yes."

[Why don't you ask me? ]
Mu Su turned over the AIC figure and was about to remove the battery.

[Wait a minute, no!Well, well, I don’t want you to beg, so I’ll tell you! ]
The AIC figurine waved its two small hands indiscriminately, and called out in a slender and clear voice.

Only then did Mu Su turn over the figure of AIC with a bad personality.

[wait a minute I don't seem to be using batteries *mutter*]
"Let me see!" Mu Su trembled.

【I'm back again, I will rule over mankind!Oh, just kidding, are you scared?]

After a sound like the installation of a video tape, a familiar voice suddenly came from the figure.

Lena looked over, and Joyce silently concentrated his gaze here.

The audio played, and the voice of AIC continued to sound: [I have already thought about the reward for tester 0, but there are three of you.Maybe so, if you don't mind, why not divide the figure into three?Then I won’t have to use the algorithm to think about what to give you]

[Hey you can't do this! ]
The AIC figure protested.

i beat myself
[Just kidding, it's very funny hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha*big laugh* No surprises, the gift is already on the way, you can look up and wait. 】

The three raised their heads when they heard the words, just as a drop of water fell and hit Musu in the eye.

When Mu Su was covering his dog's eyes and screaming, there was a hole in the top of his head, and several mechanical arms protruded from the hole like spider limbs.Wind a test chamber each.

"It wants to give this as a souvenir?" Lina said to herself.

The three stepped back a few steps to allow the test cabin to land in an empty space.

The test chamber landed, but Joyce saw someone in it.

More than a dozen test cabins landed in a circle, and the robotic arm that completed the task drooped and lost energy.

[These are the ones I secretly hid for fun... I mean for testing, but it’s useless now, so I’ll give it to you. 】

Lina approached quickly, and a familiar face appeared in front of her eyes.

Anthony, Ringo, members of the Eternal Society who should have died during the first Earth operation were lying in the test chamber.

The people inside were also looking around in confusion, and they were shocked when they saw Joyce and the others.

[They may not be in good condition...but I confirm that they still have vital signs.As long as you don't mention the word nutrient solution in front of them. 】

Joyce and Lena stepped forward to open the test cabin and rescued the members.

"You..." Anthony staggered when he got down on the ground, with a confused expression: "It must have been a month outside, why are you still... Aunt Lina, why are you here?"

Lina suddenly felt that she should not be let out.

【At last--】

The voice of AIC in the AIC figure interrupted everyone's reminiscence.

[The self-destruction procedure of the base is being activated - 300... 299... 298...]

"AIC is issuing an eviction order, let's leave first and explain later."

Joyce briefly said something to them, checked the metal platform to make sure that everything inside was burnt, and began to lead the way back to the trial meeting, took the bodies of Duncan and others, and returned to the ground.

There is still electricity in the base. They took the elevator back to the ground, picked up the protective clothing that was discarded in front of the building, and put it on their bodies.

"Qiao Qiao, is this also in your plan!" Mu Su was shocked.

"It's been a month, Mr. Mu Su, you haven't changed at all." Anthony smiled wryly, his mood full of the joy of the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

Leaving the lead coffin, they saw a huge black shadow hidden in the turbid fog.

The door of the reconnaissance ship was open, and there was no movement inside. Everyone stepped on the ship and easily came to the control room. They didn't see any members of the Church of Nature along the way.

Joyce checked the surveillance and found that the confused believers opened the hatch, jumped off the spaceship, and walked into the depths of the fog.

Shadow of All Evil thoughtfully brought the cooperation to a successful conclusion.

Lina took off her protective clothing, looked around the clean and tidy space, and breathed a sigh of relief: "It's just... like a dream."

Her mind was extremely relaxed, and she felt the silence as if all things were lonely.

At this moment, it looks like a battlefield after the war, like a city in the middle of the night, like a ship parked with flames out, making people peaceful.

In short, everything came to an end for the time being.


The countdown to AIC suddenly became clear.

(End of this chapter)

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