after falling asleep

Chapter 573 33. The Destruction of the Natural Church

Chapter 573 33. The Destruction of the Natural Church

"Is it the capital you threw yourself into the net? does have some skills."

An elder hummed softly and spoke to the empty space.

The control room remains the same, with various precision instruments placed around the edge of the polygonal room, and the electromagnetic pulse device is also listed here.

The Church of Nature has always been wary of artificial intelligence No. 1.

There are only nine people standing here, except for two believers, the remaining seven are all elders.

They are likely to be the last enemy.

There were blood stains scattered on the ground, spreading all the way to the gate.

Something seems to have happened here.Perhaps before Mu Su and the others came, a screening started here, and the losers were all outside the door.

That would explain the pile of dead bodies outside the door and the clean control room.

[It's here, it's here!put me on it! ]
The AIC started itself without waking up, yelling.

Mu Su approached the artificial intelligence with steps like twisting yangko, and naturally taught several people to raise gunpowder weapons and aim at... the empty space.

"Don't shoot!" Mu Su pretended to be terrified, and raised his hands.

"Isn't it strange to see us still sane? You guys are too complacent. It might have been different if we were an hour later. But now..."

A gray-robed elder spoke without a voice familiar to the three of them—the voice on the radio.

"Bringing us such a big are proud enough. Now, the game is over."

Church members pull the trigger.

Joyce frowned suddenly, feeling as if he had overlooked something.


Musu's eyes were about to burst, he turned around and rushed towards Lina, and opened his arms to completely protect Lina in front of him.

Amidst the gunshots, Lina watched Mu Su put on a show with a blank expression the whole time.

Musu bit the tip of his tongue lightly, squeezed out a trace of saliva to serve as blood, looked at Lina affectionately, and said softly: "The murderer is..."

Lina resisted the desire to complain.

All the bullets poured on the empty wall.After a few seconds, they stopped, calmly staring at the wall that was ravaged by bullets.

"It's finally over, these bastards have caused us a lot of trouble."

"But they are losers now." The elder changed the new magazines, took off the hood, and revealed a vicissitudes face full of beards.

The two groups of people do not meet each other, each playing their own way.Musu was extremely curious about their hallucinations.

Joyce's handsome brow furrowed deeper.

The elders of the Church of Nature are not combatants. Now that the battle is over, why would they want to change the bullets at the same time...

The elder and the rest of the elders stepped closer to the empty space, and the people who were huddled together opened up the distance.

"Get down!"

But at this moment, Joyce shouted!
His black eyes tightened, and he suddenly lay down, covering his head with his arms.

While Lina was still in a daze, she suddenly saw the muzzles of everyone in the Church of Nature raised again, aiming at this side!

Everything seems to slow down.The fire snake spewed out, the muzzle of the gun was raised upwards, and the golden bullets rushed out in a swirling motion, leaving behind a fluctuating air trail.

A figure suddenly rushed from the side and stood in front of Lina.

This time, Lina was no longer expressionless.

Countless bullets drilled into Musu's back, penetrated the skin, flesh and internal organs, and piled up on his chest.

Mu Su didn't have to bite his tongue lightly anymore, blood oozed from the corner of his lips.His brows were wrinkled in pain, but his eyes were full of affection.

Mu Su opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but only blood foam came up.Pushed forward by the momentum of the bullet, he slams into Lina's arms, pinning her down and shielding him.

"The shadows of evil have betrayed us!"

Lina stared blankly at Mu Su's pale face that was close at hand, and shouted in surprise.

Joyce, who got down early, noticed that the muzzle of the opposite gun moved down, and quickly rolled to one side.The bullet followed, leaving a bullet mark close to him.

The elders of the church observed completely based on the pictures provided by artificial intelligence No. 1, resulting in a slightly slower reaction.

"No. The Shadow of All Evil is only effective on humans, and artificial intelligence is not affected. They have known this for a long time, and deliberately let us and the Shadow of All Evil lose our vigilance..."

Joyce got up and explained, no longer evading.

The shadow of all evil has begun to block the five senses of the church people, making them unable to distinguish directions.Bullets shot in all directions, or hit the empty space, or penetrated into the bodies of their own people, and elders and believers kept falling down.

There was nothing around Joyce and Lena, and all shots avoided those two areas.

But at this moment, several bullets unbelievably hit the black pages falling to the ground, tearing them into several pieces.

A cloud of black smoke rises and rises, and the black pages gradually dissipate.

Almost at the same time, the eyes of only the remaining three elders recovered.

The blood seeped through the gray robe, staining it deeply.The three elders held up empty firearms and looked around in a daze.

The corpses of the compatriots on the ground were taken care of by themselves.


The two elders staggered down, spat out a few pieces of blood with difficulty, and never got up again.

Next to the artificial intelligence, only an old figure drenched in blood was left struggling to stand.

"Lena, send the AIC back to the computing center." Joyce stared at him closely, turning his head slightly.

Lina gritted her teeth, grabbed Musu's collar and shook it: "Stop pretending!"

"You discovered all of this!" Mu Su, who was pretending to be dead, opened his eyes and said in surprise, then narrowed his black eyes: "You really saw something."

"I'll tell you after I've settled the matter."

Lina pushed away the dependent Musu, and walked around to the metal stage with AIC in her arms.

[I'm back hahahahaha] AIC yelled.

The pair of deep blue eyes on the metal stage looked at Lina, and a gentle female voice sounded in the room.

There seems to be a little regret and reluctance.

[I haven't had a good look at this world yet...]
Lina paused slightly, and then tore off the AI ​​No. 1 chip without hesitation.

The light in the pupils suddenly dimmed, and Lina turned to insert the black chip that popped up from the bottom of the AIC into the card slot.

After a few seconds, the dark blue light gradually lit up.

The distinctive tone belonging to AIC echoes in the control room.

[We made it!We did it! ]
its pupils gradually narrowed
[Now, it's time to settle the issues between us. *Nerve gas injection*]
"Why...we just want the earth to be purified!"

A roar attracted the attention of the three of them.

Just as Joyce was about to speak, the ragged Musu stood in front of Joyce, staring at the elder with a sad and angry expression.

"Let me tell you why."

Mu Su opened his mouth and didn't say anything, and suddenly pulled the dazed Lina to hide in a blind spot where others couldn't see.

"Turn your back on me." He said hastily.

Lina didn't know why, so she subconsciously followed suit.After turning around, there was a rustling sound behind him.


Lina turned her head suddenly, only to see that Mu Su's face was slightly flushed, and his black eyes were a little confused.

"What are you doing?"

"It's okay." Mu Su shivered and returned to the previous position.

He had a deep temperament, his black eyes calmly watched the elder, and he spoke softly.

"Humans are always evolving. Professionally speaking, it is evolution. Whether this evolution is good or bad, it represents our path, the path we choose."

"And you are swimming against the current."

"We can regret it, but we must never look back."

(End of this chapter)

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