after falling asleep

Chapter 556 16. Flag Encyclopedia

Chapter 556 16. Flag Encyclopedia
The reporter is live broadcasting the scene of the construction of the base, and various scholars are busy moving instruments, testing and collecting soil and air.

The follow-up to the Church of Nature is still ongoing.

A large number of trees and vegetation native to the earth were planted on the inner edge of the protective cover, and small creatures such as insects, birds and animals were released.

This modification will last for days or even months until the shield forms a miniature ecosystem.

Even if the AIC program fails, the base will last forever.

Mu Su joined the group of people from the Eternal Life Society, and Joyce nodded to him.

There began to be billowing muffled thunder sounding in the misty shield.

There was a faint commotion on the reporter's side, and the scholars were very excited about it.

Mu Su suddenly said: "Thunder will rain, Leo!"

"What?" Lina turned to look at him.

Mu Su's eyes lit up, and he stared at Lina: "It's raining, you need an umbrella, Leo!"

"I know that too!" She said angrily.

Mu Su was facing Lina, looking at her with burning eyes: "It's cold and wearing a padded jacket, Leo, Leo~ It's hot and fanning, wisdom is—"

Lina looked up without fear, crossed her arms and said, "Say it!"

"So simple."

"Psychopathy." Lina sneered, turned her head to look at the construction area, and ignored Musu.

She still doesn't know that she perfectly matched Musu's stalk by accident.

Going to the Black Mesa tech base is a covert operation.While the reporters and scholars were wandering around the base, the believers scattered to inform the personnel, gathered behind the base, and prepared to land on the reconnaissance ship.

Ellie is not on this list.The Church of Nature noticed Musu's special treatment of Aili, and intentionally left her to threaten Musu.

The more constraints you have, the more assured you are.

It is noticeable that, except for Elder Yidi who sits at the base, all the elders of the Council of Elders of the Natural Church must go there.

Lina muttered something about the elderly tour group in a low voice.

Musu had the same idea. If he got off the hook and released the AIC, the upper echelon of the church would die.

But think about it, even if they don't go.If you play off the AIC and release the AIC, the Church will also be wiped out, and by the way, humans will be brought along.

So Musu was going to get some things...


NTC Manufactory of the Unowned Conglomerate-Type III Stealth Reconnaissance Ship, 103 meters long.The maximum number of people loaded is 99, and the load capacity is 2300 tons.The spaceship sold to the outside world has cut off the attack and engine power, but the stealth and camouflage ability is retained.

When everyone from the Eternal Life Church rushed away, the Natural Church was already waiting here.

Musu is missing now.

The believers who secretly guarded Musu passed the information to the elders in real time.

Mu Su was tinkering with some strange things at this time, because the things were messy and the purpose was unclear, and the believers guarding him did not stop him.And instead of Mu Su, conveyed a sentence to the council of elders: "You go first and I will come right away."

Lina suddenly felt something was wrong.

If Mu Su didn't come, of course they couldn't leave.

A few minutes later, Mu Su came late.

"Prepare—" an elder said.

"Wait a moment--"

Not far away, Mu Su who was walking this way interrupted him.

The door of the reconnaissance ship was opening, and everyone looked at him strangely.

Mu Su walked towards the crowd with a bright smile on his face: "I will go back to my hometown to get married after completing this mission."

Everyone was confused.

Musu came to the crowd, squeezed into the group of elder council, and nodded to an elder as if he was familiar with it: "I will wash my hands after finishing this task."

The elder turned to look at him without saying a word.

Mu Su took out a photo from his pocket and showed him: "This is a photo of my girlfriend Frieza, isn't she beautiful? She has already agreed to my marriage proposal."

The elder looked sideways, and Mu Su put away the photo before he saw it clearly.He took out another photo and showed it to the elders on the other side.

"Here's a picture of my daughter Ellie, she's cute, isn't she?"

"This guy..." Lina whimpered, covering her cheeks in pain.As one of the few older members in the team, and she was still very idle, she completely understood what Mu Su wanted to express.

Now she wants to quit the team.

Lina still doesn't know that this is just the beginning.

Everyone boarded the scout ship.Musu stood in front of the cabin door, turned around and looked at the empty space.

"I will definitely be back!"

He yelled and disappeared into the hatch without looking back.

After all the crew landed, the shell of the reconnaissance ship flashed, and the color gradually faded until there was nothing there, only the bottom flame of the engine rose.

The reconnaissance ship took off, matched the code of the protective cover from an angle that no one at the base could see, and left through the protective cover quietly without causing any waves.


Montenegro Science and Technology Base
This place where the last immortality will return without success still remains the same.The cut entrance stood there quietly.

The light power of the reconnaissance ship was turned on to the maximum, and the hazy fog with visibility less than tens of meters was forcibly diffused to nearly a hundred meters.

Several small reconnaissance planes landed, and after confirming that there was nothing abnormal around and inside the lead coffin, the spacecraft landed.

The people who had already changed into protective clothing left through the hatch.The scout ship's bay was opened, and the EMP launcher was pushed off the ship.

There are nearly 40 people in the team, and the total number of Musu and Yongsheng Club is less than ten.

Except for the elders, the believers held gunpowder weapons and said nothing indifferently.

The spaceship closes all hatches, turns off fire and lights.The surroundings suddenly darkened, turning into a giant beast crawling in the thick fog.

The cultist activated the transmitter, and the metal needle at the top flickered in an arc.

With the searchlight turned on, everyone surrounded the launcher and entered the lead coffin one after another.

The internal and external air circulation is no longer sealed, and the visibility inside the lead coffin is very low.

A layer of dust has accumulated on the ground, and messy footprints and traces of tracks can be faintly seen.

That's what they left behind from last time.

The beam of light swayed, and a dark silhouette could be faintly seen standing in front of it.

The sound of chaotic footsteps and breathing sounded around.After walking a certain distance, everyone arrived at the building facilities.

The moment before entering, Mu Su suddenly turned his head to look at the dark place.

"What... it turned out to be an illusion."

He muttered and walked through the door.

EMP emitters are too large to enter the interior of the facility.The believers simply used tools to dismantle and expand the gate, allowing the launcher to pass through smoothly.

Mu Su leaned over and pointed to the spring that he had repaired last time: "That loose."

"You don't need to take care of this kind of thing."

A believer coldly pushed Musu away.He looked down at the clockwork, hesitated for a moment, and tightened the clockwork.

"All right." Seeing that he had fulfilled his wish, Mu Su didn't mind his offense, and returned to the Eternal Life congregation.

"I feel something is wrong." Lena looked around suspiciously. "It's as if there are two eyes watching us."

"Women's intuition is always scary, especially old women." Mu Su nodded. "My beautiful sixth sense is also telling me that something doesn't feel right."

Lina was about to have a fit, but Musu suddenly expressed sadness: "Promise me, you must live a good life."

(End of this chapter)

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