after falling asleep

545. Chapter 05

545. Chapter 05

Musu was bound to a chair.

He was very quiet, tilting his head and watching the faces in the RV one by one.

A group of people in robes, an old man in robes, Joyce, and the girl in white.

Seeing her, Mu Su became excited and struggled to shout to Joyce: "I found him! When will you pay the final payment!"

"...Chen Yue will give it to you later." Joyce replied after a brief silence.

The 100 million credits came in just a few minutes, and Musu was extremely satisfied, imagining the scene where he slapped someone with banknotes.

Wait, is there something wrong...

Mu Su suddenly reacted, and looked down at the rope on his body.

I... I was kidnapped...?
Elder Yi Di bowed slightly: "We meet again, friend."

The RV started and was gradually leaving the Empire State Building area.

Mu Su complained with a dark face: "Why are both of them like this? They tied me up and said we are friends with a kind face. Is this how your friends greet you?"

Elder Yidi smiled lightly: "This is just in case, in fact we don't want to hurt you."

Mu Su didn't want to talk about serious matters, and looked at Joyce sadly: "Is the commission fake?"

"Yes, Mr. Musu."

"Then she..." Mu Su turned to the girl, and his salivation flashed away: "...Is it a lie that she likes me?"


Musu feels melancholy, but fortunately, he has those 100 million credits that can warm people's hearts.

The girl who didn't understand the content of the plan showed a little bit of bewilderment.

Of course, Mu Su would not be caught like this. He raised his head morosely: "Joyce, you want to cooperate with them? Then you have to be careful. The Church of Nature is all heresies who advocate homosexuality as true love."

Elder Edi looked as usual, ignoring Mu Su's trick: "Mr. Mu Su may have misunderstood our Natural Church. But I think we will have enough time for you to understand us."

"Oh huh?"

Mu Su suddenly laughed lightly, and lightly glanced at the crowd: "I'm very confident, you think I really have no backup..."

In the end, he narrowed his black eyes slightly, calmly sweeping across the crowd.

The hearts of everyone in the caravan sank, could it be...

The scenery outside the car changes, and the inside of the car is stable without a trace of bumps.

Elder Yidi smiled slightly: "We understand your style, why don't we be more sincere to each other."


Mu Su showed the annoyance of being seen through.

The floating caravan came all the way to the loading area of ​​the airport, and entered the interior of a huge cargo spaceship that almost occupied the entire field of vision.

The elder led Musu, Joyce and other members of the Eternal Life Society to visit the spaceship.

The cargo spaceship belongs to the Church of Nature, and it is one of the spaceships to deliver the necessary supplies to Earth.The rest of the spaceships are on standby in various places to collect supplies.

Dozens of believers of the Church of Nature are manipulating machinery to move materials and equipment.

After arriving on Earth, one of the teams will go to the Black Mountain Technology Base with Immortals.All the rest of the cargo ships went to a continent in Oceania to transform it into a suitable environment for human habitation.

400 years ago, it was called Australia.

"What a big move."

In the conference room, after hearing all the plans of Elder Edi, Eugene said with emotion.

"It's just hard to hide."

Elder Edi smiled slightly: "In the eyes of most citizens, the Church of Nature is just one of many nature protection organizations. With this cover, we can enter the earth area without being suspected."

"If you tear up your face here, the Eternal Life Society will be wiped out~" Mu Su, with his hands tied, whistled to provoke dissension.

Elder Edi stopped walking, turned around and told the followers: "Send our friend to the upper room."

The believer nodded and wanted to take Musu away.

At this moment, the girl took a step forward, hesitated and said, "I go with me."

Elder Edi thought for a while, then nodded in agreement: "You can go too."

Watching Musu leave, Joyce, who was silent for a long time, started talking about business.

"My members are on their way here, let's talk about the specifics of the cooperation now."


The cargo spaceship is divided into three layers.The lowest level is the cargo hold, which occupies eight-tenths of the size of the spaceship.The remaining two-tenths are the upper two floors, which are composed of rest cabins and various functional rooms.

Mu Su was taken to the single rest cabin on the upper floor, and there were two synthetic guards outside the door.

He complained loudly: "Shouldn't you be wearing grass and wooden clothes, digging wood to get fire and mud to paste walls, wandering in the jungle all day like a druid, killing whoever cuts down the tree? This high-tech what's going on."

Musu's status is special, and believers who follow Elder Yidi all day long know this.So he just smiled and didn't refute anything.

"Then you can rest here first, I think Elder Edi will come to you soon."

He left a word and went out to leave.

Only Musu and the girl were left in the room.

The two sides looked at each other in silence for a long time, and Elder Yidi appeared at the door.

"I have something to tell him." Elder Edi looked at the girl.

The girl nodded and walked towards the door without saying a word.

When she came to the door, she suddenly turned her head and said firmly, "Whether you admit it or not, I am your daughter. Please rest assured, I will definitely let you understand the truth of the world."

After the girl left, Mu Su turned to look at the elder: "Is there something wrong with this child?"

"I will talk to you slowly about her. I want to talk to you about the Deism."

Mu Su confronted each other: "I want to talk to you about our heavenly father, Cthulhu."

Elder Edi didn't care about his good personality, and said with a smile: "You have lived for 444 years, you were born and raised on the earth, and you must have a deeper affection for the earth than we do. Look at the earth now, it is full of radiation. Pollution, dirt, anything No creature can survive there... Can you really keep calm."


"The earth is the cradle of mankind, and now the cradle is dead. The entire federation cannot afford the cost of purifying the earth. Only artificial intelligence, the AIC with infinite possibilities, can do this. We have no selfishness, we only I want the earth to return to what it used to be, to return to that cradle."

"You said you villains are really annoying." Mu Su changed his sitting position impatiently, staring at the dead fish eyes very uncomfortable. "Just learn from other villains honestly. Is it okay to do evil or be bad without a reason? You have to make these excuses!"

"There is no pure evil in the world, it's just a different idea."

"Anyway, I was kidnapped, so you can say whatever you want." Mu Su smashed his jar and fell down on the bed.

Elder Edi still had a smile on his face: "Actually, we know something about you, so...we decided to hire you. As a reward, you will be protected by us, and your freedom will no longer be restricted...and you will also have generous credit points."

Mu Su stood up suddenly, and sneered: "Even if I, Mu Su, die, die outside, I will not die for you if I jump from here!"

"500 million credits."

"Cash or transfer."

(End of this chapter)

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