after falling asleep

Chapter 537 45.ofTum575

Chapter 537 45.ofTum575
Number: ofTum 575 (Devil's Deal)

Form: The main body is a carved dark wooden chair, "Satan" will appear on the wooden chair, and the form varies from person to person.Currently, the most known forms are: goat, pig, and human male.

Containment/Destruction Procedures: Contained in Containment Cell 7, Sector C3.

Level: 06 (research value) yellow (communication is offensive, but not harmful in itself.)
To launch 575-related test items, level 04 blue or 04 red or higher is required.

Participation is unlimited, but assistance from the 05 Licensing and Conservation Group is required.


It was first discovered in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK in 1934.A perfect chair that no one cares about in the flea market (it was worn out, but it was traded by 575, which changed the worn out to perfect.)
A local resident spent a lot of money to buy it back (it was originally picked up, but it was traded by 575, and the price was changed to cost a planet, but was rejected. It was changed to cost a lot of money.)
Residents discovered the usefulness of 575 that day and used it for private purposes.When ofTum agents came to the door, the owner was dead.

specific description:

ofTum575 is a carved dark wooden chair made of birch.The chair itself has no features and can be damaged.The scars all over the body also prove this point, and 575 cannot be repaired.It is unclear whether 575 can be traded to repair the wooden chair.

Anyone sitting across from the wooden chair will inspire 575 to appear.Non-intelligent creatures are excluded from this list.Interestingly, in one experiment, an orangutan managed to exchange a handful of bananas, at what cost it is unclear.

Except for the person opposite the wooden chair, no other person, creature, or device can observe 575, only the person concerned can see it.

During follow-up animal testing, an incident was recorded in 1962-F, resulting in the deaths of three 08s and one 06.At this point, all animal experiments were terminated, and the animals involved in the experiment were detained for observation.And the goal of re-participating in the experiment requires observation time calculated in weeks.

We didn't find anything unusual about this chimpanzee, maybe Satan doesn't understand the language of "orangutans"?Or maybe its ideas were misunderstood by the orangutans? ——Dr. peters (Peters) (06 cyan
When the wooden chair of 575's body is damaged, 575 will be forcibly called out, but he has no ability to stop it. 575 can only make transactions, but can't do anything else, including moving chairs.

575 will trade with anyone, and the trade is not equivalent, and it can only trade objects that belong to itself or are related to itself.

List of known transactions so far:

For 575, its value depends on the importance of the target.But most of them are not waiting.The target can use relatives in exchange for its own lifespan, but if the target does not value relatives, even if the whole family dies, it will not be able to increase the lifespan by a few minutes.This rule applies to other fields.Knowledge such as scholars.Unfortunately we were unable to observe how the 575 stripped these after the trade.

But it can be confirmed that after the transaction ended, the experimental individuals paid the price that should be paid in the transaction.

All in all, 575 is only interested in the part that you value in your heart, and the others will be greatly reduced to blank paper, and you will spit very unceremoniously.


Bastards, stop trying to trade me for a fucking cup of coffee or a Coke! --ofTum575 (Satan)
2009 was relocated to containment in August 8 due to a price increase.

[Related experiment records][Expanded]

Observation record A
Video [unexpanded]
Audio [unexpanded]
text [expanded]
Mode: normal

Test personnel: 10-7262 Chinese, male, 21 years old.No special history.

"Am I going to go up?"

【Current sound】

"No, 7262, your chair is the one opposite."

"My name is [DATA EXPUNGED], can you stop calling me that string of numbers?"

"Yes, 7262."

[7262 rolled his eyes and sat down in his seat]

"What did you observe?"


"What's it like?"

"Ugh... spiral horns, black hair... it spit on me again! Talking!"

【7262 wants to leave the position】

"Calm down! It can't hurt you. Now follow the previous plan and say what you want."

"Okay... okay, I'll try. I think this sheep is laughing at me... what?"

"what happened?"

"It, it says it's called Satan."

"Leave it alone and keep trading"

"Yes... I want a copy of The Three-Body Problem."

[A few seconds of silence, 7262 is listening. 】

"Satan said... I need a finger in exchange"

"No, ask a second question"

"No, I don't want three-body problems anymore. I wants me to exchange my kidney"

"Uh...that's a bad idea. Decline, and move on to the third question."

"I don't want it anymore, I want to..."

[7262 make a dodge action]

"What's wrong 7262."

"It called me a slut and spat at me, then disappeared. There was a bang sound effect."

"Understood, you can leave your position now."

575's patience is limited. In previous experiments, 575 would often disappear when the transaction was proposed for the third time.Unless a transaction is successfully made, 575 will change its attitude towards the target according to the value of the transaction.

According to the current observation record, 575 has enough intelligence.

Mode: normal

Test personnel: 10-15247 Chinese, male, 32 years old.Has a history of drug use.

"I need drugs!"

【Current sound】

"15247, what did 575 answer?"

"I need drugs!"

[An accident happened, and everyone present heard Satan's distraught voice. 】

"Don't fucking find me this kind of selfish, penniless, tuberculosis ghost who has been living for a few years and has no fucking internal organs!"

Remark 1: You can rest assured that it cannot hurt us.

Remark 2: We encourage those who trade whimsical objects, like a goat with eight eyes, a planet the size of a fist.A house of quark units.Transform the moon into an extraterrestrial living zone.But those exchanging for personal items are discouraged.For example, talking inflatable dolls, meeting the dead, an iPhone 8, the soul of Jobs, and lifespan. ——03 committee group

Remark 3: The person who wants Jobs' soul is not Bill Gates, but he must be the director of Apple Corporation——Dr. Cecil (Cecil) (05 cyan)

Note 4: You guessed it. ——03 committee group

Remark 5: Some old diehards have suggested to us that the ofTum575 file should not be so playful.We accept it humbly, but ofTum doesn't need to be dead.Some lighthearted ofTum items like 575, we can have some jokes. ——03 committee group


Remark 152: We regret it, this is the last remark, don't add any more! ——03 committee group

Remark 153: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

(End of this chapter)

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