after falling asleep

Chapter 505 13. Many Projects

Chapter 505 13. Many Projects
"What's the matter with you?" The referee jumped in front of him.

Phantom pointed at the audience angrily: "He has a gun in his hand!"

Mu Su, who was pressing the bullet into the magazine, kept moving, looking up innocently.

The referee turned to Phantom, "Did he shoot you?"

"No." Phantom shook her head, still thankful that she shouted in time.

The referee said: "That's not an interference with the game."

Phantom was stunned, and then said unwillingly: "But he will interfere with my concentration!"

Seeing that the referee's red eyes were suddenly unkind, he took two steps back, his left and right long legs alternated quickly, and then fell forward, supporting his body on the ground of the ring with both hands to make a big roundabout.

After some extremely difficult moves, the referee got up, stroked his long ears and asked Phantom: "Then am I also interfering with the game?"

Phantom nodded in a daze: "Forget it."

The referee snorted coldly: "Nonsense, the game continues!"

Phantom, who just wants to play a good game, has never seen such a situation.Under such mental pollution and interference, coupled with Karen cheering up, Phantom lost the last game.

"I won!"

Karen rushed off the stage and slammed into Musu's arms.Two idiots celebrating like they won the finals.

Kallen has eight wins and two losses, and Mirage has nine wins and one loss.

The list will be updated after a short wait.A total of 86 players entered the semi-finals.The remaining 14 players will advance to the stage with the most points among the nine winners.

Surprisingly, Phantom was among them.

In the side rest area, Phantom took a deep look at Musu, and said coldly: "If we meet in the semi-finals, I will never let you go."

Mu Su never loses when he speaks harshly, he stared back and said viciously, "I will beat you to death!"

"Woof!" Karen bared her teeth in unison, looking super fierce.

The phantom froze, the envy flashed away, and he left in despair.

The next two games are gymnastics and high jump and long jump.In view of the fact that these three events extremely test the flexibility and overall quality of one's own ability, and cannot win by slightly excessive means, Musu, who is already an old man, can't handle it at all. next game.

These are the last three projects. The two came to the park from the standby point and met them at the transparent bridge.

After being a player for a long time, I was finally able to enjoy some leisure time, listening to the passionate commentary of two commentators, and watching other players suffer on the screen.

Karen and Transparent Bridge clapped hands one after another, and pulled Musu to sit on the open bench in the park.

The chair was as long and wide as a deck chair, big enough for six people to sit side by side.

There are quite a few citizens around the monitor, and they either glance at them when passing by, or stand by and watch quietly, which is very harmonious.

Chatting while watching the live game, Transparent Bridge rarely relaxes, ignoring those complicated points data, and be a spectator with peace of mind - because all the events she participated in have been eliminated.

Mu Su suddenly sighed artificially: "Sure enough... the teammates I met in the game form a team, and it turns out that everyone is super powerful, and the plot of successfully standing out from tens of millions of people is all made up."

What Mu Su said was the truth, except for Mu Su, everyone fell in the rematch, not to mention the top few thousand, even the top tens of thousands were very reluctant.

And the more this is the case, the more inexplicably upset the transparent bridge is, always feeling that Mu Su is showing off...

The standings will be updated after each match ends.At present, Musu and all seeded players are tied for the first place with 34 points, but after all the competitions are over today, the standings should change.

Musu suppressed his emotions and waited for a while, but no one asked him how he was doing today, so he winked at Karen, this idiot thought he was trying to seduce him, so he leaned forward and kissed the corner of his lips with a reddish face.

In desperation, Mu Su coughed lightly again: "You don't want to know which ones I competed in today, and which ones have successfully advanced?"

"I don't want to at all." Transparent Bridge rested his chin, stared at the screen intently, and then opened his head bit by bit: "I can guess that a lot of bad methods must have been used."

"Secondary." Wen Xiang raised her hand to express her position.But she was still very curious. It's a pity that except for the triathlon and weightlifting Mu Su who showed his face, everyone else was absent and was not photographed in the live broadcast.

Mu Su's black eyes narrowed slightly, whether she was not coquettish enough or she was brave enough, an ordinary female high school student would dare to offend her.

Lord Grim snorted like a mosquito, fearing that Musu would come to him and want to express his opinion.Sitting next to him, Chi Shen couldn't help coughing lightly and showing a smile.

After looking at the display screen opposite the park chair for a while, Mu Su suddenly caught a glimpse of something behind him reflected in the corner of the screen, and couldn't help but look back.

The green leaves of the trees cover most of the scenery. In the city outside the park, a spider ↗Spider↘, about the size of a seven or eight-story building, climbed to the top of a dark building, pulled out a long silk thread to the next building, and then wove a web in the middle. Come.

Mu Su opened his mouth, and asked his companions in a daze, "Hey, tell me, why doesn't Spider-Man spit silk from his ass?"

When he is gossip, no one pays attention to him.Musu watched Weaving the Net for a while, but felt bored and stopped watching.

After chatting for a while, Wen Xiang walked away, and when she came back, she was holding a bag of snacks and soda.

"You dare to eat the food here, you don't even know what it's made of." Transparent Bridge said, reaching for the things in the bag naturally.

"No, I'm not enough." Wen Xiang avoided the transparent bridge and said forcefully: "As long as I don't pay attention to the ingredient list, I won't be burdened, and the food in the federation is not much better. Drink The water is purified by urine, sweat, sewage and other messy liquids."

Transparent Bridge didn't expect her to say such a thing, and pointed at her with a look of disgust: "Wen Xiang, you... evil..."

Mu Su was depressed, when suddenly his shoulder was patted, and he turned his head to look, and Wen Xiang, who was on the other side of Kalian, handed over a bag of French fries: "Do you want to eat?"

Mu Su quickly took it, and was about to thank you, when suddenly an impulse came to him: "I suddenly want to say a tongue twister."

Wen Xiang suddenly felt ominous, and before he could refuse, Mu Su had already started talking to the bag.

"Eat pou grapes but don't spit out the skins, don't eat pou grapes but spit out the skins!"

"It's amazing~" Kalian raised her hand and patted Musu's head.

After saying a word, Mu Su handed the potato chips to Wen Xiang with a bit of shyness in embarrassment.The appearance is so sincere that it seems that it is not intentional.

"No... No need, I'll give it to you." Wen Xiang froze back to her senses, and shook her head repeatedly to refuse.

Musu said happily: "You are such a nice person."

Then he started eating.

Wen Xiang suddenly remembered the scene when she first met Mu Su.It was the same at that time, when he obtained a bag of potato chips by improper means.

There was a look of reminiscence in her eyes, and she was caught in the memories of the past.

When I saw Mu Su, I missed my life.

(End of this chapter)

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