Chapter 46 03

earlier in the day.

"So that's all for today. Let's see if there are any suitable players." At the interview site, the older man watched the last interviewer close the door and leave, and said calmly and slowly: "But let me say a few words first. Sentence. You are also aware of the current status of the program. Last week, our average audience rating was 0.11%, which was only better than the [-]-episode drama "Mother-in-law boiled into powder", which was broadcast on the bottom-to-bottom Bronze TV station. This is still broadcast during our prime time. Out, the results without a strong program at the same time."

His blue eyes were a little cloudy, and his dark yellow and dull hair was once golden when he was young.No matter how well-maintained your face is, sagging and wrinkles cannot be avoided because of age.

"This is poor. Very poor. It means that during the period from 19:20 to 10000:11, there are only 1 players for every [-] broadcasting platforms. That is to say, there are only eleven or even fewer viewers for every [-] Fourteen Ring citizens And I have reason to suspect that some of them are the viewers who were attracted by the contestants in the previous round, and the viewers who were too late to switch channels.”

There was a sharpness in his voice.

"You know, I'm 93, and I'm still two years away from retirement. I want to look good. So." The old man leaned back and closed his eyes: "We need to change. The goal is to increase the ratings... …play hard."

"Okay. I'm a little tired. You talk, I listen."

The other three you look at me, I look at you.They looked at each other for a long time as if they hadn't seen other people watching the fresh, and finally the middle-aged examiner spoke.

"Since the director said so, I have some ideas. Even if you haven't watched the bad luck or lucky moment of the HYC TV station next door, you should have heard of this program that has always been in the top [-] of the [-]th ring."

"There's nothing mysterious about the reason. The core of it is that every episode will set a lucky or unlucky script, and then randomly choose a passerby on the street to spoof it, which is harmless."

"This kind of idea captures the bad taste of today's young people. We can't copy, but we can use similar methods."

"Associate director, what should we do?" asked the only young man present.

The middle-aged man glanced at the old man who was taking a nap, and seeing that he did not express his opinion, he calmed down and continued: "I think we need to find some famous celebrities first. They'd better be in the Fourteenth Ring, or It is well known by most people in the Fourteenth Ring, and the audience is mostly young people. The setting of the celebrity + link will increase the ratings. "

"There's not a single famous person in the interview today." The director's assistant, the middle-aged woman with a good face, quickly browsed the list of horizons in dismay.

"Then pass them all, let's go get them."

"What about the link?" The magnetic deep voice suddenly remembered that the three of them all looked at the place where the voice came from.

The old man still closed his eyes, but his knuckles tapped the table unconsciously.

"I will be responsible for this. I have some ideas for the time being. The general structure of the program remains unchanged. The question-and-answer system and scoring system are still used. But there will be a change, that is, from recording to live broadcast. In this way, we can set each link according to the performance of the contestants. Scores by all viewers - we can use a real-time simultaneous participation system in the program, and all players who are watching will receive a scoring window. It can not only allow the audience to integrate into it, but also vote for the audience's preferences." Said to Rise , he stood up suddenly, and said loudly like a speech: "We will do what they choose, is there any reason for them not to watch it?"

The old man opened his eyes, glanced at him sideways, and said in a low voice, a passionate young man, and stopped talking, as if acquiescing.

The young man and the middle-aged woman were silent.

Also, in terms of the current ratings, going to the live broadcast alone and having diarrhea while eating, and then having diarrhea at the same time, will have higher ratings than the current ratings.

If there is no objection, then the proposal will naturally become the plan.

"Wait a minute."

The sudden deep voice surprised the assistant director, but fortunately, his subsequent words let him know that the director did not object to the proposal
"That young man named Mu Su."

"That crazy-that weird guy?" The assistant director frowned, her dress was formal, her lips were thin, and she looked formal and rigid.And obviously, formality and rigidity don't make friends with casualness and recklessness, so she doesn't like Musu.

"Since you want to change it, then go crazy. And... I like him very much." The director said more, and complained that he glanced at the woman: "Why did he stop so quickly when he took off his pants?"

The woman's face darkened and she remained silent.


The old man looked at Charlie again and asked his opinion.

"I have no objection." Assistant director Charlie nodded in agreement.

"I'll leave the session to you. If there is no problem, let's go." The old man stood up, took the felt hat on the back of the chair and put it on his head: "I'm going to have afternoon tea."

After the director left, the woman also left the room not long after.Only Charlie and the assistant director remained.

"Do you really want to invite uh... uh that person?" The young man stumbled a little, he didn't remember Mu Su's name.

"Please, why not. We will do as the director said." Charlie leaned back lazily in the memory foam on the back of the chair, squinting slightly.He looked like a man of both ambition and ability at this point.

"But he doesn't even know what program we are, in case the director of the program messes up..."

"He fucks up, the director steps down, I get promoted, you get a raise. Winwin winwin"

"Then what if the ratings don't drop?"

"I'm still promoted, you get a raise. Ww."



At the same time, the Fourteenth Ring Road, a commercial area with many high-rise buildings.

Outside the window, a Trans airship moved slowly in the sky.

In the conference room, a dozen figures sat in their respective seats, and the chatter hummed away.

They are waiting for the video crew to deliver the footage.

Not long after, everyone was shocked, and they had already received the material that had reached the horizon.Then……

"Ah what is this."

"Looking at the dead fish with no expression on his face is like a facial paralysis, not even an expression."

"It's not me who said that Steve, the king of facial paralysis, is more expressive than him."

"He didn't find the problem at all, did he?"

"Let's do it again, passers-by won't do it this time."

"Yeah, redo it."

The group of department heads grumbled.

So without any objection, Mu Su's first show, who didn't know it, died like this.

If Mu Su knew about it, he would probably run to the wall with a piece of shit in the middle of the night.

In short, Mu Su, who went to bed early, woke up early the next day.Without opening his eyes, he rubbed his hands on the bed for a while, grabbed the mask and clasped it on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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