New Territories Intern

Chapter 199 The Living Dead

Chapter 199 The Living Dead

The person thrown out by the little one fell to the ground like a kite with a broken string.

Su Rui ran over to take a look, frowned, and before he could speak, he suddenly heard an exclamation from the side.


Then Su Rui saw a panic-stricken man stumbling over. Harrison stretched out an arm to protect Su Rui behind him, lest the impudent guy in front of him bump into Miss Su Rui.

"It's our people."

Su Rui still recognized the clothes on his body.

It's just that this young man named Kadar's eyes were closed at this time, and he didn't feel a little bit, but if he looked carefully, he could still see the slight ups and downs of his chest.

People are still alive, but they have lost consciousness, and the soul in the body is gone.

Where the hell did this damn Stark go?If he was still there, he would definitely be able to answer his current confusion.

"Captain Su Rui, come and take a look!"

Su Rui walked over following the sound, and saw that Layton was standing where they were just now, and there was another pothole under the pothole on the ground, which was left after Xiao Budian rescued Kadar just now.

"What's the matter? Uncle Layton."

"Captain Su Rui, look." Layton turned on the light and placed the light source in front of the pothole.

Su Rui opened his eyes wide, unable to believe what he saw.

There is still a space below!
And Su Rui also saw the dense figures below. Judging from their clothes, they were the people who were swallowed by the strange devil's pit just now!
"Pry it open!" Su Rui ordered.

Harrison took the lead, grabbing the opening of the pothole with his huge hand, and then lifted it upwards vigorously, and a large piece of the ground was directly lifted up!

And the appearance of the underground is now clearer!
There are not only those lost players lying here, but also decayed and yellowed skeletons.

As soon as you step on it, you can hear the sound of bones breaking. This place can simply be called a dry bone land.

Su Rui ordered the rest of the team members to help the unconscious players out.

Layton just stepped forward and took two steps, when suddenly there was a strange sound in front of him, as if something was waking up.

Su Rui also trembled all over.

Layton raised the searchlight higher in his hand, trying to see clearly.

Suddenly one hand pushed aside the crowd, and slowly crawled out from inside!

Everyone watched this scene nervously, except for the sound of the wind, no other movement could be heard.

After a long time, the thing that crawled out slowly stood up, and someone called tremblingly from behind, "Is it Captain Ewell?"

Su Rui looked up, and Layton also felt that the figure was a little familiar. It happened that the man raised his head, and his eyes were squinted under the searchlight. That disgusting face, who else could it be if it wasn't Aiweier!
Suri snorted softly.

"Hey you……"

Just as Su Rui opened his mouth, he suddenly realized something.

Didn't Xiao Budian just say that those who were sucked into the "strange pit" have already lost their souls?So what happened to Evel.

"What happened?" Aiweier touched the back of his aching head, because of the sudden impact just now, he was still a little dizzy.

Just when the ground under his feet began to shake, Ewell didn't even have time to react when his body was firmly clung to by a huge suction force, and he was directly pulled in.

But he lost consciousness after he came in, didn't know anything, and just woke up now.

Su Rui looked at Aiweier suspiciously, and then looked at the little one. The little one should not make mistakes in judgment, so is this Aiweier still Aiweier?

After all, with so many empty bodies, they would easily be invaded and occupied by other souls.

"Ewell, do you remember that we have a grudge?"

Su Rui asked tentatively, if he is Ewell, it is impossible not to remember this matter, right?
But Su Rui only saw Aiweier frowned, and then said solemnly: "Captain Su Rui, I have already apologized to you for this matter, haven't I? The current situation seems to be much more serious than the conflict between the two of us!"

When Aiweier said this, Suri blushed instantly, and even led others to look at him with distrust.

Su Rui really wants to cry, brothers, how can you understand my hard work!

It was strange that Ewell was not disturbed.

Just at this moment, the searchlight in Layton's hand flickered, and Suri suddenly saw a bright light from Ewell's chest.

"Ewell, what are you wearing on your chest?"

Ewell was taken aback for a moment, then looked down at his chest, and something was glowing.

It's that map!
Ewell raised his eyebrows, took the map out of his chest and said, "It's a map, with this map we can leave here."

"Can I take a look?"

Ai Weier looked at Su Rui's serious expression, and suddenly his heart moved, and then a disdainful smile leaked from the corner of his mouth.

"If you can understand it, just take it."

Aiweier threw the map to Su Rui, and Su Rui quickly reached out to catch it, and by the way quietly gave Aiweier a dissatisfied look.

He was right about this arrogant and annoying face.

After muttering something in his heart, Su Rui looked at the map in his hand, and then at the little one.

The little guy's eyes really looked at this map, maybe Aiweier didn't lose his soul has a lot to do with this map!
Su Rui touched the map in his hand. It felt like a thick parchment paper, but the corners were slightly rough and worn.

Unfolding the map and looking at the contents inside, Su Rui began to be at a loss.

The text inside is somewhat similar to the ancient text that I have seen in dreams before.

This text does not belong to the current "world", to be precise, it is the text that Oneiroi used dream energy to fabricate in the dream world.

Why does this text appear on this map?
This map looks a little old, and it can't be Ewell's own. Then, is there any connection between the former owner of this thing and the Oneiroi or the "independent area"?

About this matter, I will ask Sister Sophie later, maybe she knows something.

Su Rui blinked, took this thought to heart, and then looked at the signs on the map seriously.

In fact, there is only one road on this map, a road leading to the Stark Mansion.

The end point of the map is the Stark mansion. If what Ewell said is correct, then the exit of the Stark cemetery is in the mansion he stayed in just now.

But now the Stark mansion has disappeared, leaving only an open space, Suri also has a headache, these are all troublesome things.

A bunch of shell players who have lost their souls are still looking for the Stark mansion like a hide-and-seek. If I knew I shouldn't have run out just now, I would have asked them to come in and join me.

Yes, I knew...

(End of this chapter)

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