Arad's unruly savior

Chapter 1281 The Taste of the Noble Goddess Pusia

Chapter 1281 The Taste of the Noble Goddess Pusia
Two stinging wounds were cut on the finger by Feng Ying who was too diligent, and the blood dripped and stained with rust, but Puxia's battle spear still looked decayed and about to collapse, and the years carved heavy marks.

The curator lifted his head up with difficulty, gave him a reproachful and charming look, pulled a tissue from the coffee table, and lifted up the collar of the clothes to dry the saliva on the right side.

"Since it is a high-end fetish, the simplest method should be used!" Feng Ying seriously suggested another idea, which is to find a fine whetstone to sharpen it.

Mo Mei shook her head lightly, then showed them the piece of iron filings that had been accidentally snapped off, and asked doubtfully, "Can it work?"

The boss said that it was dug from the ground of the magic moon de la Leon, and it was very likely that it was the lunar eclipse in the devil world for thousands of years. There was no key to the eclipse of the magic insect, so she naturally believed in the boss 100%.

The era that Delarion was targeting was Ancient Terra. When that planet was still intact, the moon hanging high in the sky was already full of countless mysterious colors.

Moreover, Demon Moon is currently the only life planet that only gave birth to a single type of "eclipse", and its will is extremely greedy, which is probably unique in the entire universe.

Although Feng Ying's idea sounds a little weird, but after careful consideration, it contains a kind of simple truth. Rusty weapons can be polished and polished, which is a kind of basic common sense.

However, out of respect for Puxia's identity, Yelin still tried some other methods first, including but not limited to covering with the power of elements, loudly praising Puxia's holy name in the beginning, and threatening to sell you for scrap if you don't shine and many more.

Yuena, who had been gnawing on melons, took out her Holy Spear, Brionac, and placed it next to the Primordial Spear. After comparing, she found some differences.

Except for the tip of the spear, Brionac's other wing blade decorations are relatively smooth, like two pairs of angel's holy wings.

Although the war spear of the beginning of time also has similar small decorations, but the blade of the spear is obviously sharper, full of oppressive chill, it is a soldier of war!

The only similarity is that Yuena also feels that there is a sacred aura in the spear of primordial beginning.

"I'm rather curious..." Mei Weisi took a step away from the Holy Spear, and asked, "What kind of god is Pusia in the beginning?"

There is a god in the Demon Realm, but it is just a fake god who is relatively stretched and hidden. The "Devil God Bellator" personally identified by Yisu as scum, is actually just a relatively powerful mixed-blood Chaos Demon Spirit.

Not to mention that it is compared to the power in the beginning, but compared to the apostles and the little sun Aden, they have to fall two grades.

Now in the Moon of the Demon Realm, a weapon left by the power of the beginning suddenly appeared, and they were more curious than surprised.

"Well~ Douzi told me that Puxia is the only powerful god who has returned to the beginning." Yelin sighed first, and then showed respect in his eyes.

Regarding the primordial element Pusia, the earliest recorded history can be traced back to the ancient times that are even longer than the age of the ancient Terra star technology creation gods!
A little further from the ancient times is the creation of the great consciousness in the beginning.

The creation of Taichu - the ancient mythology - ancient technology - modern magic civilization - the destruction of the universe at the end of hundreds of timelines is regarded as the ultimate future.

As we all know, because of the magic banning order of the Explosive Dragon King Bakar in the heavens, the world's civilization has changed from magic civilization to technological civilization.

The planet Terra seems to have transformed from a technological civilization of artificial gods into a magic civilization with many factions of cultivation and respecting elements.

But the real situation on Terra is that the ancient magic represented by "Beyana" has changed into the ancient man-made god technology for some reason, and now the magic practice has changed the mainstream of civilization three times!

The traces of civilization left by Terra in ancient times can be seen everywhere in the Demon Realm, such as high-rise buildings buried in yellow sand in the windy zone, night skyscrapers in the Harlem area, and magical records in ancient libraries, etc.

And the trace left to ancient Terra in the ancient times is the legend about "Beyana".

It is said that the ancestors of the Terra people had completely different appearance and physical abilities from those of the current demons, and used unknown mysterious powers.

Among them, the most outstanding person will even emit a bright golden light all over her body because of her powerful life force.

That is, the state of Niu, the Chaser master, after transforming.

According to Terra mythology, in order to praise its sacred and extraordinary posture, the people of Terra praised her as "Beyana" after the name of the goddess of light and justice passed down from generation to generation!
And this title, which symbolizes the sacred name, has been handed down to this day, and no one has forgotten it, just like immortality and eternity.

"Huh? Are you calling me?"

Carrying a bag of sesame mochi, Beyana, who was chewing with a puffy face, happened to pass by, her eyes full of suspicion.

Why are they surrounded by a rusty spear, and they are constantly discussing Biyana, brilliance and justice, and valiant demeanor... Oh, are you talking about yourself, how embarrassing.

"Go and eat your mochi."

Listening with relish, the third princess, who was immersed in the ancient story, stuffed this unfortunate tease with a bottle of drink, and then asked her to go outside to play.

Bearing some lofty ideals, Biana's parents boldly used the name of the goddess of light and justice in ancient times, hoping that her daughter would be successful and outstanding.

Her talent is actually not bad, but she is bold and fat, and she can't use it in a serious place, she just wants to show off her demeanor in the racecourse.


After an unintentional episode, Ye Lin continued to explain: "Just like rivers are to the sea, and a single tree is to the forest, the so-called goddess Beyana is actually only a small part of the ancient Pusia."

The light and justice praised by the people of Terra, the noble goddess of the battlefield, in fact, should refer to Puxia specifically.

It may be because the power of the beginning is extremely mysterious and noble, and ordinary people cannot see its whole picture, so they misunderstood Beyana.

"Then you said earlier that Pusia returned to the beginning, what's going on?" Mei Weisi asked puzzled.

As the same power in the beginning, Usir has his own image, but ordinary people are not qualified to look directly at it, and tremble in fear of God.

"Because Pusia is the concrete element of the universe itself, between the tangible and the intangible, existing at any time and at any place."

The concept of elements is very broad, including not only the four major elements, but also wind, metal, earth, and even the sixth element, the material composition of the entire universe, etc.

In addition to time and space, besides the two basic dimensional attributes, elements are the third type of basic attributes.

The element of Pusia exists at any time and any place, and she is truly omnipresent and omnipotent primordial power!

Ye Lin picked up a glass of water on the table, and said solemnly: "This glass of water element may be part of the noble goddess Puxia in the ancient times."

Let's drink freely~
"It turns out that Pusia's taste is quite sweet."


Hiate and the others unanimously rolled their eyes and blushed slightly. The regular fruit at home is pineapple.

Another way to understand it is that Niemer holds the power of the primordial wisdom, and she endows life with the meaning of process and existence, but the wisdom of life is relatively independent.

And Puxia, who is in charge of all elements, is also the element itself.

"That is to say..." Yelin scratched his hair before he said uncertainly: "If you understand the mysteries of the elements, you will have the opportunity to spy on the real primordial element Pusia, and because the elements are one of the universe itself, almost Universal to any power."

If the true power of the Spear of the Beginning can be aroused, making it glow with the glory of the past, it will not only be of great benefit to him, but also applicable to the different power systems of Hiate and the others.

Of course, Meiweisi and Yuena are exceptions, and Ushir and Remedios are in charge of the darkness and death, light and life of the beginning of time respectively.

But how did it motivate him? Yelin paused, and shouted loudly to the surroundings: "Xiao Douding, I will contract your snacks and drinks for the rest of your life, can you give me some inspiration?"

He didn't know if Xiaodouding was there, so he could only try to shout.

After a long silence, Xiao Douding's voice suddenly came from outside the door: "Give up to gain."

Yelin rushed out of the living room in almost a hundredth of a second, but only Biana and Lalo were playing in the water in the yard, and there was no third person there.

 The "source" pursued by the elements is actually not the primordial element Pusia.

  It's the concept of the beginning, mentioned by Raiz in the background: elements and magic, even the great apostles and insignificant microorganisms, also start from the root of this universe. (Apostles are not elements)
  It may refer to the primordial light, or it may refer to the moment of creation.

  What exactly did Ruiz see? She used to be a "transcendent" because of the translation problem, but later combined with the background of the three senses, she seemed to see the most original primordial beginning.

  The Puxia of warfare is the primordial element, no less than the existence of Remedios.

  Biyana is just part of Pusia's aura.

  And the universe in the pupil of the male method is more like the self-explosive small universe of the saint warrior.

  Also because of the different occupations, the settings of the three senses are inevitably uneven.

  In my personal opinion, the initialization of tactics is definitely at the same level as the two rumors. (A primordial galaxy is shattered, outrageous! What would someone who tricked the enemy into an alley think.)
(End of this chapter)

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