Arad's unruly savior

Chapter 1270 Chapter 1 Idol Seaman Stella

Chapter 1270 The First Idol Seaman Stella

The sound of dripping rain has become a harmonious natural accompaniment, covering the old room for the new year, and the soft singing song.

Alice has seriously thought about it. With the existence of the Kaxiu sect in name only, the demon world should usher in a relatively peaceful day, and she doesn't have to worry about the situation in Tarakuta anymore.

I was teaching vocal music leisurely in Arad, and occasionally went to a leisurely afternoon tea party with Shalan. When the mood came, I would even tell people good or bad luck like Xiaoyu.

She has more free time in her life, and it can be said to be the most free one.

One more little Alice can be taken care of completely.


the next day, early morning

Si Yu is slender, but not indifferent, and is in a proper hazy mood.

The fact that five new apostles were selected by the second apostle Herder, and that Smila directly challenged Katie, spread to all regions of the Demon Realm in the first twilight of the morning.

The League of Apostles seems to be over, but it doesn't seem to be.

As the location of the challenge, Smila chose to place it in the south of Central Park, where there is a lush green mountain with a vitality that is rarely seen in the devil world.

Katie was silent for a long time, but nodded slightly with her lips pursed.

In fact, Smila didn't mean to put the main battlefield in Central Park, so as to reduce the damage to Quest.

It was the place she mentioned, where the most serious contract ceremony disaster in the history of the Spinning Demon Society broke out. Many summoned objects were blown to pieces, and the summoners also suffered casualties.

It is the root of Smila's nightmare and the place of Katie's guilt. It is a place that the two of them want to forget, but they always linger in their minds.

Can the ring of domination and contract magic coexist in the all-encompassing demon world?

Many people from the demon world shook their heads and said nothing, maybe they can coexist, as long as the two don't meet each other.


Wuxuan Town
The Giza tribe, a branch of the petite and fast-moving orcs, trembled their sharp cat ears, and hid in some camouflaged terrain to watch carefully.

Although the leader of the Kaxiu Sect seems to have died, and the remaining cadres have fled and hid, no one knows if there will be a few extremely vicious people who are waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on the peaceful town.

A celebration banquet is being held in the town to express the joy of the end of the Kaxiu Sect and praise the great achievements of the team. The Harlem area, which is most fond of hunting orc fur, is basically over!
There are also orc craftsmen who proposed to erect statues and monuments for the adults, praising the eternal life, but Hiate stopped them in time, feeling all kinds of weird, as if paying homage to the dead.

In the living room, Sophie was cross-legged on the sofa, smashing a pork rib with only oily residue in her mouth, and was in a daze, her eyes unfocused.

As soon as Ye Lin entered the door, he patted his sleeves and bent over, respectfully said: "Congratulations, your lord, you are mighty and have made outstanding achievements. You have been granted the title of Dragon King, and the fiefdom is exactly the area of ​​Maine."

Hearing the voice, Sophie slowly came back to her senses, subconsciously nodding her head slightly: "Wanli get flattened, go hiccup~ pour me a glass of water."

Holding the paper cup with greasy paws, Sophie frowned after taking a sip, and said in disgust, "Why is it plain water, not fruit juice? This is my daily source of fruits and vegetables."

"You have broken a lot, and you want to drink it yourself."

Yelin gave her a disgusted look, the table was full of leftover bones, smooth and clean, and Astra, the terminator of leftovers, shed tears when she saw it.

"By the way, where's Astra?"

"I don't know, maybe ~ hiccup ~ fooled around with Xiaobing."

After patting her belly, which looked like she was pregnant in May, Sophie put on her cotton slippers and stood up, saying seriously, "I want to eat at your table, sitting at a table by myself."


Yelin was stunned, and then quickly touched his face and arms. There was no problem with his health, his body was in good shape, and he was full of energy.

Why does it sound like I'm going to die.

"Hi~ aren't you, are you going to marry Hiate? You have to eat on a fixed date. The materials in the Demon Realm are too poor. I haven't had enough food for a few days."

The location of the wedding was set on the west coast, but the specific auspicious date and scale had to wait until they returned to Arad.

There was almost no one in the manor now, only Sophie, who was full and too lazy to move, and Rice Cake, who won a wine fight with a few big orcs, but was still drunk.

It is said that Pipiman was going to hold a concert praising peace in the square of the town, and they all went to support it.

Sophie went to the square now, not only to cheer, but also because there was food there, and the chef was not there, so there was only raw meat left in the house.



"Shall we get married?" Ye Lin was shameless, trying to get married in a flash.

"I'm not interested. The Dragon Clan rarely has this tradition. It's all courtship displays, physique, destructive power, and even the luster of the scales."

Sophie declined with a wave of her hand in a wave of disinterest. Compared with getting married, she was more keen on eating the wedding banquet, the kind of table for one person.

A high platform has been set up in the central square of the town, and there are some interested orcs and demons sitting under the platform. The three sisters of Nuoerni are also there, each holding a bucket of popcorn with thick and fleshy paws.

A fiery red banner was drawn on the stage, with bronzing letters, "Arad's No. [-] Idol Heman Stella, Demon World Tour Concert"!
The banner was made by Xiaoyu and Meiweisi, and it was intended to add to the fun and support the scene, but now the shy Ximan covered his flushed face and hid in the corner, moaning, just unwilling to go out.

What is Arad's number one idol, I want to die~

At first, she actually wanted to sing the song she had written for everyone after composing it. If it was appropriate, she would sing it at the town assembly.

It may be because of the true love, Seaman, who has always been out of tune, not only did not have any accidents during the audition, but was actually quite mellow, clear and beautiful.

The song I wrote, composed, and sang by myself, Ximan burst into confidence, and then added Xiaoyu to fan the flames, saying that you sing much better than Safir (Yuena).

The concert will be held immediately!

Mei Weisi stretched out her cold little hand, covered Ximan's hot face, pursed her lips and said with a smile: "If you don't go there again, believe it or not, Xiaoyu and the others have called everyone from Central Park."

Because of Usir's shadow power, Mei Weisi's body temperature has always been lower than that of ordinary people, unlike Gu Yu's cold outside and hot inside, but the inner temperature.

"Seaman, if you're worried, how about lip-syncing? We recorded that song, it's really good."


Seaman quickly stood up to object, took a deep breath and silently encouraged himself, straightened the bow on his head, and grabbed his travel suitcase.

"You want to slip?" Mei Weisi held her forehead.

"No, this is my singing tool."


After leaving Brooklyn, Alice didn't go back to Arad directly. Of course, she wanted to take a look at the beautiful town of Wuxuan.

Then she walked around leisurely for a short while, and saw the enthusiastic banner hanging in the town square, and she fell into a state of sluggishness for a while.

"Seaman? Are you going to have a concert?"

From a tone-deaf poet to a teenage idol who is suddenly able to hold a concert, the huge span in between is too amazing.


Seaman was pleasantly surprised. Didn't Alice say that she was visiting relatives and friends? Why is she also in the Demon Realm? But now is not the time to think about it.

She lowered her head in embarrassment, her face was full of embarrassment, and said: "It's all Xiaoyu and the others. I just wanted to sing and sing casually. It's too embarrassing."

Alice didn't know what her current level was, so she encouraged her to come on first, and asked her if she needed an accompanist, and she could help.

With her musical attainments, she can understand the sheet music after reading it twice.

However, although music is an unlimited form of communication, there are still some differences between instruments after all.

The tunes she composed are not suitable for the clear spirit of the magic piano.

Seaman tinkered with a pair of headphones, a music mic, and an electric guitar in her red suitcase.

The musical instrument full of technological flavor forms a subtle contrast with the magic sage Marilet.

(End of this chapter)

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