Arad's unruly savior

Chapter 1213 Beautiful Girls Have Their Own Life

Chapter 1213 Beautiful Girls Have Their Own Life
Crazy Bear was placed upright, and the position was also a place with a wide view. Of course, this was all exchanged for "beautiful young lady" under Yimiwu's humiliation.

Gaining the upper hand, Yuena is also satisfied. Although it is not clear what the owner of the other end of the little bear looks like, but after the "fierce confrontation" just now, it is speculated that it should be a dark-bellied villain who can stab and curse, but he is not very old little girl.

On the other side, Yimiwu, who had suffered verbally, stiffened his small face in the dark house of the dark forest, and clapped his little hands vigorously. The member of the Kaxiu sect who was dragged away by rose vines and was about to mutate into a plant was again It was dragged back.

"Ahh~ that stinky yellow-faced woman, I'm going to lock her up in the Rose Prison to torture her, and then make her into a puppet with needles once a day!"

As she said that, she gritted her white teeth and picked up the needle and doll from the table. A few invisible mysterious threads formed a sensory link between the doll in her hand and the members of the Ka Xiu Sect.

A bundle!

The screams passed through the dark house, adding a bit of horror to the already silent and dark forest.


Seaman peeled a melon seed and fed it to Colin who was standing on his shoulder. Colin was a bat-eared owl and could be regarded as a "magic beast" that would grow in size. The recipe was also omnivorous.

She kind of gave up her plan to write a poem for the Demon Realm. The atmosphere and environment of the arena are not suitable in any way, and now her mind is empty, a dry spring, and no inspiration.

"By the way, Ximan." Biyana, who was chewing sugar cane, asked casually, "Where is your master?"

The eldest sister, Niu, is always talking about the champion of the last alliance, and her ears are getting calloused. If she has time to wait until the eldest sister wins this year's championship, let Niu go to Arad by herself. .

Of course, whether Alice is willing to fight the eldest sister again is another matter.

"Master, she said that she wants to go out to visit relatives and friends, to reminisce about the past. I recently read the songs I wrote before, so I wanted to come to the Demon Realm and write a song that sentimentalizes the wasteland of the doomsday, just like the capital of the doomsday, Talun."

At first, Seaman also begged Alice to take me with her, but Alice tapped her forehead with her finger and said with a smile that a young girl should have her own life, and it would be a waste of time to stay with me who is in retirement every day.

So, she happened to meet Naiyali who was shopping for snacks on the street.

"By the way, I also accompanied His Majesty Aska to watch Xuzu's martial arts competition. The theme is friendship first and competition second." Seaman lay on the railing, looked around at the crowds around the stands, and muttered again:

"But I always feel that in the game here, how should I put it, everyone seems to have a fierce light in their eyes."


In the arena, Sophie just happened to be the next one to choose to defend the ring. The miniature dragon hovering beside her instantly transformed into a colossal monster with awe-inspiring mountains. The ground was like fragile tofu. , blowing out the breath and blowing up bursts of compelling wind.

"Explosive Dragon King!" Someone exclaimed, but frowned and shook his head.

It is also subtle to say that the reason why the Demon Realm established the first alliance was to prevent conflicts like the "War of Dragons" from recurring.

After the defeat of the Dragon King, most of the remaining dragons huddled in the Main area and lived a low-key life.

But because the individual strength of the Dragon Clan is also very strong, even if they are losers, not many people are willing to provoke them. In terms of life, they are much stronger than the Alien Clan and the Orc Clan.

However, thousands of years have passed since the Dragon War, and the alien race was implicated by the Dragon King and almost exterminated. There has never been a giant dragon from the demon world to lend a helping hand to the followers of the Dragon King.

So, Sophie's dragon blade was dyed with new dragon blood!

Her eyes are firm, her self-confidence is bright, and the blood of the dragon race boils in her body, endowing her with endless courage and strength.

Sweeping across the dark-eyed Demon Emperor, the gentle Elf Katie, and even Herder in the tear mask one by one.


The dragon clan has been huddled and weak for more than a thousand years, and it is time to rise again and restore the former glory of the "Explosive Dragon King".

The wings are covered with dense corpses, and the black scales are stained dark red with blood. Everything that Bakar has obtained before, she will not have the same brutal behavior, but she will be stronger.

Probably because Astra's appearance is so similar, many people's memories have been pulled back to that relatively distant era. It is undeniable that the domineering and violent dragon king left an indelible and eternal place in the history of the demon world. Page.

Looking back at the Dragon War, if you put it into the perspective of the Dragon King, it will be a bit soul-stirring.

The once flame-breathing Explosive Dragon King, and the black-eyed Demon King who is now "feared by death itself", who is more frightening from the heart?

It was supposed to be the answer of "unanimous fear", carefully differentiated, but surprisingly, people found many subtle differences.

The name of the apostles of the Explosive Dragon King was born in the chaotic era when the apostles came one by one. The crushing of strength means directly crushing the demon world where power is the most important thing. Either you eat me, or I eat you.

On the other hand, members of the Kaxiu faction need to proficiently recite the song of the Demon Emperor, and praise those who are not qualified in front of him, and they have never appeared again. Xia Le Fuzi once killed a group of orcs, and then soaked their eyeballs to watch. This is for fun.

The Dragon King is closer to "madness" and is a tyrant, while the Demon Emperor symbolizes "evil", the devil!

Astra's dragon claw held down a magician who was in a state of distress. Even if the opponent was unwilling to be defeated and used a high-purity terra stone to catalyze the magic power of the whole body, and bloomed a powerful magic, it was still possible. Still no match for Sophie.

The dragon blade finger is in his heart, if he doesn't admit defeat, he will fall in the central arena.


As the process of the competition gradually entered the second half, after the audition, there were three rounds of screening in the ring, and gradually some strong people with unfamiliar faces began to stand out in front of everyone in the devil world, showing a bit of heroism.

There is a trace of Niu's strong rise back then, but the number is obviously more.

The giant dragon, which resembles the image of the Explosive Dragon King, and its owner Sophie once gave people the illusion that it is the Dragon King who has once again ruled the demon world, and will set off a bloody storm!
The man with the blue ghost hand, his fighting style is like a gust of wind, coexisting with a mysterious strong soul, the two souls resonate, and his skills are hard to parry.

Cyrus, who holds the sword of the demon, is a snake-like demon Puno who only lives in the south of Boronx. He is insidious and cunning, whispering poisonous snakes.

To be able to completely manipulate it is simply shocking in the Demon Realm.

A young magician who manipulated the power of extreme ice, with a cold breath, a white single ponytail tied behind his head, and because his face was so delicate, he was once thought to be a girl.

In his eyes, there was an indelible sadness.


"Susu, why did you come to join the League?"

Raiz, the holy spirit of the element, was surprised. He looked at the red-haired little girl with a stubborn expression in front of her. The other party was her nominal apprentice and a new star genius in Tarakuta.

Known as the successor to "Alice" and "Ritz", Talakuta's young magic star has condensed a bright holy rune at a young age, and has attracted much attention within the organization.

Ron has personally taught her about the use and understanding of the "dark" element.

Before the blood explosion zone was wide, crowded and noisy, she really didn't notice that Susu was there.

"I'm here to find you, and I know you will definitely join the League."

The little girl known as "Susu" has indescribably stubborn and serious eyes in her beautiful red eyes. She is wearing a long red, white and gold patterned dress, and the elemental staff in her hand is also clenched even tighter.

Ruiz wanted to say something more, but instead he sighed softly, and gently stroked the other person's hair.

Before, she thought that Talakuta had more complete and more suitable educational resources for her, so she didn't bring Susu to Arad.

She has an obsession with finding Alice, and Susu came to Central Park from Brooklyn alone in order to find herself. Could it be that it is the inheritance between master and apprentice.

Ruiz has always been indifferent, and she has "no comment" when she asks her something, but now her mood is quite complicated.

"Teacher, look at this."

Su Su's small face was solemn and somewhat serious, and she spread out her other soft white hand, in the palm of which was a gray cloudy crystal.

"That's great. Your ability to comprehend the elements is not inferior to mine, but the state of the holy spirit depends on a bit of luck, so don't be impatient."

Since Susu can stand out from the audition in the bloody zone, it means that she has killed at least five monsters from other worlds, and her record is very extraordinary.

"No, teacher, this crystal is what I got at the edge of Central Park, it should be said that it is at the junction with Harlem."

(End of this chapter)

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