Chapter 708

"Don't say anything, everyone is my close relatives and friends. Many of them have followed me since I started from scratch. Regarding this matter, everyone should be optimistic. I know that everyone cares about me, but here Regarding this matter, I hope you can stay calm and don't do anything radical, because it will only cause trouble for me." Duan Yun said calmly.

"Master, you have made such a great contribution to the labor service company, but in the end, the salary and bonus are less than 100 yuan per month. I feel worthless for you. In fact, you can concentrate on running the electronics factory well. Much better than being a manager of a labor service company..."

"Yes, how much does the labor service company pay?"

Dajun and Erhu obviously wanted to comfort Duan Yun, and in fact, the two of them had never understood why Duan Yun was now a very rich boss, why he still stayed in the labor service company to earn such a dead wage.

"Hehe, some things can't only be measured by money. People sometimes need some beliefs and feelings to live. In addition, I have been staying as a manager in a labor service company, and I have some ideas of mine. I believe that you will one day I will understand." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "As for the resignation I told you today, don't tell other people in the factory later that you should do whatever you want. When the new leader comes, you will also You can’t passively slow down your work, no matter what, you are still getting the salary of the state now, and you have to work hard when you get the money, and I will arrange things in the future.”

"Okay, Master, we are all at your disposal!"

"Come here as the master says!"

Dajun and Erhu expressed their opinions immediately.

"Duan Yun, if those leaders really don't regard you as a human being, you don't have to swallow your anger, just fight with them! Some leaders just pick up the soft persimmons. The more you care about the overall situation, the more they think you are easy to bully !" Yu Shulan also said at this time.

"Yeah, the business at the electronics factory is so good now, so there's no need to stay in this factory to suffer anger. As a woman, I may not see as far as you, Manager Duan, but everything is just a matter of reason. It's really too much for you, and you don't need to be so kind. When my man died, if I didn't find the leader to make troubles every day, I wouldn't have the job I have now, so sometimes you can't be too honest..." Zhang Xiulan Also followed up.

"Thank you for your concern for me. I'll stick to what I said just now. Do what you should do during this time. You don't have to fight for me. In addition, don't publicize this incident in the factory. Just pretend it never happened." Duan Yun After a word of settlement, he raised his wine glass with a smile and said to several people, "Come on, let's have a drink first."

The next moment, several people's wine glasses collided together, and they drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking a glass of wine, Duan Yun changed the subject again, and began to ask them about their studies in night school recently.

Generally speaking, Duan Yun is more concerned about their study in the evening school. At the beginning, he paid for the evening school out of his own pocket, so that these backbones who are loyal to him can make up for the shortcoming of culture and adapt to the future development of the company.

Although Duan Yun likes loyal people very much, if this person is only loyal but incompetent, then it is useless to Duan Yun. What he needs are those who are loyal and able to act alone. With the expansion of the company, His thirst for talents is also getting stronger and stronger, so while the company is starting to develop, Duan Yun will also cultivate management talents at the same time, and this will also become a long-term strategy for Duan Yun's entrepreneurship...


While Duan Yun was drinking with several backbones in the tavern, in the guest house where Zhu Junhai lived, he was also sitting face to face with another middle-aged man drinking.

"...Xiao Xu, don't look at the Red Star Labor Service Company as a large group, but it is a key export-earning unit in the province after all. The leaders of the provincial department and the ministry are all watching. I will use you again." Zhu Junhai picked up his wine glass and touched the man opposite, and said with a smile.

"Okay, Commander Zhu, I will go wherever you say you want me to go. When I was in the army, you were always my leader. Now you have become my superior leader when I get to the place. In short, I will listen to you from now on." That's right, I'll go wherever you tell me to go." The middle-aged man said.

The middle-aged man's surname is Xu, and his name is Xu Liang. He is in his early 30s this year. He used to be the commander of the artillery company under Zhu Junhai's team. Last year, he was in the same group as Zhu Junhai. He was also transferred to the Daxing Light Industry Bureau.

Xu Liang had been serving in Zhu Junhai's regiment before. He was a tall man with a tough style and a down-to-earth personality. He had always been Zhu Junhai's capable subordinate.

"After going to the Red Star Labor Service Company, you must pay attention to your personal image, and you must not lose face as soldiers! You must be upright in your style of work, and you must be principled in doing things. You must stick to the bottom line in the face of some unhealthy social trends, and you must not do illegal things. Violations!" Zhu Junhai paused, and then said: "I really didn't like the manager of the Red Star Labor Service Company before, and that kid took advantage of his skills to set up a private company outside, so he was a speculator. Zipai! After you become the factory manager in that factory, you should boost the morale of the workers, don’t be greedy for ease, take the lead in everything, take the lead in hard work, and use your energy and style to infect the workers in the factory. We must demonstrate the tough style of our soldiers, strive to improve production management, and let the superiors see the demeanor of our demobilized cadres."

"Don't worry, Commander Zhu, isn't it just being a factory director? What's so difficult about it?" Xu Liang continued with a confident face, "When I was on the front line of Laoshan, I have never seen such a big battle. ? Now it’s just managing a small large group, which is nothing compared to fighting a war! Don’t worry about this matter, I will definitely take care of this factory and live up to your trust in me!”

"Hehe, I just like your drive!" Zhu Junhai nodded in satisfaction upon hearing this.

"Then when should I report to the Red Star Labor Service Company?" Xu Liang asked.

"Tomorrow morning, I will call Qin Gang, the director of the Red Star Gear Factory. If it is ready there, you can take up the post the day after tomorrow." Zhu Junhai smiled slightly, and then said: "After you become the manager of the labor service company , if you have any difficulties, you can report to me as soon as possible, and I will support you behind, just do your own job well, and don't be distracted by other things!"

(End of this chapter)

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