Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 609 I'll Raise You

Chapter 609 I'll Raise You
The news that Duan Yun was released safely spread throughout the factory that night. Those rumors that questioned Duan Yun, used power for personal gain, and embezzled public funds to set up a private factory were instantly broken. Some of them were jealous of Duan Yun. But this time he was able to withstand the inspection of the police and the public prosecutor's office, which completely proved his innocence, and no one can do anything to him anymore.

That night, after seeing her son released safely, Gao Xiuzhi was very excited, and cooked a table full of vegetables for her son in one go, basically all of which were meat. During the meal, she made an exception and drank a glass of white wine with her son.

As the saying goes, those who survive a catastrophe must have good fortune.

For Duan Yun, this is the first important hurdle after successfully passing through rebirth. After passing this hurdle, Duan Yun may still have difficulties in his future journey, but it will not be as dangerous as it is now.

After dinner, Duan Yun also came to Cheng Qingyan's house. He also knew that after what happened to him, the members of the Cheng family were very worried, so he came over to explain the situation, and then went out on a date with Cheng Qingyan.

After learning that Duan Yun was released, the three members of the Cheng family were also very happy. Today really shocked their family. If Duan Yun was not released but was convicted instead, the marriage of the two families would be very difficult. Naturally, it would be ruined, and the married family may also face the discussion and ridicule of the whole factory behind their backs, and this will undoubtedly be a disaster for the Cheng family who have always attached great importance to reputation and face.

But now things have taken a 180-degree turn. Duan Yun was released by the Public Security Bureau, which also proved his innocence. This is enough to make those people who questioned Duan Yun and mocked the Cheng family behind their backs completely shut up. The thing that made the three of the Cheng family the happiest.

With a cup of tea and a cigarette, Cheng Changlin personally lit a fire for Duan Yun, and Duan Yun also explained what happened today in detail, and said that such a thing would never happen again in the future.

Cheng Changlin now feels more comfortable looking at his future son-in-law. He used to think that Duan Yun was young and had little social experience and experience, but now he suddenly finds that Duan Yun is much more mature than he imagined, and Duan Yun is rich and rich now. Cheng Changlin felt very lucky to be able to find such a young man as his son-in-law.

After the two talked for a while, Duan Yun led Cheng Qingyan out on a date.

Today Cheng Qingyan seemed a little afraid to look up at Duan Yun, and the reason was very simple, because after seeing Duan Yun being taken away by the police, Cheng Qingyan cried at home all afternoon, her eyes were so red and swollen, she didn't want Duan Yun to see her His eyes were red and he looked ugly, although he was happy for Duan Yun in his heart, but his face was somewhat shy.

Seeing Cheng Qingyan's red and swollen eyes, Duan Yun was both distressed and moved. Although the two have established a relationship and the latter has been together for more than half a year, their relationship is still relatively deep. Cheng Qingyan also revealed her true feelings this time. In fact, she was originally a very strong person. girl.

The two of them held hands and walked on the secluded path in the factory area. They didn't need any words, only the faint warmth in their hearts.

Before, Duan Yun often drove Cheng Qingyan to a park in the urban area for a date, but this time Duan Yun took him to Dayedi not far from the big group.



"How do you think the new house we will get married in the future will be built here?" Duan Yun pointed to an open space in front of him, and said to Cheng Qingyan.

"New house?"

"That's right, our new house for our wedding." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued, "The house here can be built no later than next autumn, and it needs to be the most advanced two-story villa with a yard. , it is possible to park cars, grow flowers, and raise dogs..."

"Pfft." Cheng Qingyan chuckled when she heard the words, and said, "Why are you still treating me like a child? Our main factory has been established for more than 30 years, and only a few new buildings were built last year. , This is because our factory has a good profit. The house with the money saved over the years, your factory has just turned a profit. How can it be possible to build a house next year, and you will also build a two-story villa. Our mayor How much would it cost to live in a villa without such a foreign style..."

"The mayor is the mayor, and I am me. I have less power than him, but I can make more money than him." Duan Yun said with a chuckle.

"Duan Yun, stop messing around. Even if your factory builds a house, if you, a manager, engage in privileges, you will be stabbed in the back. I really don't want to live in such a good place. House, that kind of thing is too unrealistic, I just hope we can have a home of our own..." Cheng Qingyan said with a slight frown.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and continued: "At the beginning, I wanted to rely on the funds from the factory to build a family building and then keep a good house for myself, but it's different now. Well, I'm running a factory now. If I make a lot of money in the future, not only our family will build a villa for my mother, but also your father and your mother. We will all live together and take care of each other. Convenience, how do you like it?"

"You are more and more able to brag now." Cheng Qingyan shook her head with a smile when she heard the words, and then said: "How much does it cost to build such a big house? Set up a villa, your factory has not been formally opened yet, there is no worker, and it is not certain whether it will make money in the future, and if it loses money, I am afraid..."

"You don't have to worry, when have I ever done a loss-making business?" Duan Yun smiled, and then said: "Actually, I have always hoped that you can come to work in my factory, and technical talents like you stay at the main factory. There really isn't much room for it, after decades of hard work, it will at best take over from your father..."

"Duan Yun, this is what I think. If the factory loses money in the future and you owe a lot of money, at least you can still rely on my salary to support your family. If the two of us work together, once the factory becomes unreliable, then you will ..." Cheng Qingyan said with a worried face.

"What do you mean? You still want to support me in the future?" Duan Yun laughed when he heard this, but there was an inexplicable warmth in his heart.

"What are you laughing at? This is a very realistic thing. Although you have the ability, I admit that it is really dangerous to do a self-employed business without the support and protection of national policies. I have advised you many times before, but Even if you don't listen, I can only think in the longer term, although my salary in the factory is not high, but I still have enough to eat..." Cheng Qingyan bit her lip and said.

"Haha, Qingyan, please remember one sentence, I, Duan Yun, will never be able to rely on women to support me in my life, and what I said will definitely be fulfilled, you just wait to live in a big villa!" Duan Yun looked straight at Cheng Qingyan said.

(End of this chapter)

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